Trouble Codes

1Reserved – To be assignedNo sensor assigned to this value
2Reserved – To be assignedNo sensor assigned to this value
3Reserved – To be assignedNo sensor assigned to this value
4Dynamic MID Claim for SAE J2497 Gateway DevicesThis message is used to claim a MID to be used to identify a trailer on a vehicle. There may be multiple trailers on the same vehicle, so a method of assigning unique MIDs for broadcasting on the SAE J2497 Data Link is needed.
5Reserved – To be assignedNo sensor assigned to this value
6Reserved – To be assignedNo sensor assigned to this value
7Axle #2 Lift Air PressureGauge Pressure of air in system that utilizes compressed air to provide force between a lift axle and frame for purposes of lifting or lowering the axle.
8Brake System Air Pressure Low Warning Switch StatusIndentifies the current status of the low pressure warning switch that monitors the air brake system.
9Axle Lift StatusIdentifies the current status or position of the lift axle.
10Axle Slider StatusIdentifies the current status the a sliding axle suspension.
11Cargo SecurementUsed to monitor hold down device to include chain, cable or other device that may be used to secure a load.
12Brake Stroke Statusidentifies the current state of the vehicle foundation brakes.
13Entry Assist Position/DeploymentPosition of the steps, chair lift, etc.
14Entry Assist Motor CurrentCurrent measured of the entry assist motor.
15Fuel Supply Pump Inlet PressureAbsolute pressure of fuel at fuel supply pump inlet.
16Engine Fuel Filter Differential Pressure (see also SPN 1382)Differential pressure measured across the fuel filter located between the fuel tank and the supply pump. See SPN 1382 and Figures SPN16_A & SPN16_B.
17Engine Oil Level Remote ReservoirRatio of current volume of engine oil in remote reservoir to maximum recommended volume.
18Engine Extended Range Fuel PressureGauge pressure of fuel in system as delivered from the supply pump to the injection pump.
19Engine Extended Range Oil PressureGauge pressure of oil in the engine lubrication system as provided by the oil pump.
20Engine Extended Range Coolant PressureGage pressure of liquid found in engine cooling system.

See also SPN 109 for alternate SLOT.
21Engine ECU Temperature (use SPN 1136)Temperature of the engine electronic control unit.

(21, 1207 are not to be used - obsolete)
22Engine Extended Crankcase Blow-by PressureDifferential crankcase blow-by pressure as measured through a tube with a venturi.

(1264 not to be used – obsolete)
23Generator Oil PressureGauge pressure of oil in an auxiliary generator engine lubrication system.
24Generator Coolant TemperatureThe temperature of liquid found in auxiliary generator engine cooling system.
25Air Conditioner System Status #2Identifies the current state of the air conditioner (AC) compressor pressures and the evaporator temperatures.
26Estimated Fan Speed (Percent)Fan speed as a ratio of the actual fan drive (current speed) to the fully engaged fan drive (maximum fan speed).
27Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 Valve PositionThe position of the exhaust gas recirculation valve expressed as a percentage of full travel. Zero percent means the valve is closed and no exhaust gas is flowing into the intake air stream. One hundred percent means the valve is fully opened.
28Accelerator Pedal Position 3The ratio of actual position of the third analog engine speed/torque request input device (such as an accelerator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device. This parameter is intended for the third accelerator control in an application. If an application has only one accelerator control, use SPN 91.

In marine applications, this will typically be the operator’s third throttle lever.

If a low idle validation switch is used in conjunction with accelerator pedal position 3, use Accelerator Pedal Low Idle Switch 3, SPN 2971.

NOTE—See SPNs 91 and 974 for additional accelerator position parameters. SPN 28 is an additional SPN for accelerator position.
29Accelerator Pedal Position 2The ratio of actual position of the second analog engine speed/torque request input device (such as an accelerator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device. This parameter is intended for secondary accelerator control in an application. If an application has only one accelerator control, use SPN 91.

In marine applications, this will typically be the operator’s second throttle lever.

If a low idle validation switch is used in conjunction with accelerator pedal position 2, use Accelerator Pedal Low Idle Switch 2, SPN 2970.

NOTE—See SPNs 91 and 974 for additional accelerator position parameters.
30Engine Crankcase Blowby PressureCrankcase blow-by pressure as measured through a tube with a venturi.
31Transmission Range PositionThe current position of the range cylinder.
32Transmission Splitter PositionThe current position of the splitter cylinder.
33Clutch Cylinder PositionThe current position of the clutch engagement cylinder.
34Clutch Cylinder Actuator StatusIdentifies the current status of the actuators used to control the functions of the clutch cylinder.
35Shift Finger Actuator Status #2Identifies the current status of the actuators that move the shift finger.
36Clutch PlatesNot referenced in J1939-71
37Transmission Air Tank PressureThe pressure of the air in the tank supplying the automatically shifting transmission.
38Fuel Level 2Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of fuel in the second or right-side storage container. When Fuel Level 2 is not used, Fuel Level 1 (SPN 96) represents the total fuel in all fuel storage containers.
39Tire Pressure Check IntervalThe interval at which the system will check the tire pressures (e.g., 5, 10, 15 min.).

NOTE - A value of 0 indicates continuous (real time) pressure readings.
40Engine Retarder Switches StatusIdentifies the current state of the switch contacts used in the engine retarder system.
41Cruise Control Switch StatusIdentifies the current state of the switch contacts used in the cruise control system.
42Pressure Switch StatusIdentifies the current state of an open/closed type switch used to determine if adequate pressure exists for system implementation.
43Ignition Switch StatusIdentifies the current state of the contacts within the ignition switch.
44Attention/Warning Indicator Lamps Status Identifies the current state of the lamps used a driver attention of warning indicators.
45Inlet Air Heater StatusIdentifies the current state of the inlet air heaters.
46Pneumatic Supply PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the main reservoir, sometimes referred to as the wet tank.
47Retarder StatusIdentifies the current state of the vehicle retarders.
48Extended Range Barometric PressureAbsolute air pressure of the atmosphere.
49ABS Control StatusIdentifies the current state of the ABS control functions, lamp and switch.
50Air Conditioner System Status/Command #1Used to request the air conditioner (AC) compressor clutch unit to temporarily disable the clutch. This parameter also provides the current state of the engine fan, A/C system, and compressor clutch.
51Engine Throttle Valve 1 Position 1The position of the valve used to regulate the supply of a fluid, usually air or fuel/air mixture, to an engine. 0% represents no supply and 100% is full supply.
52Engine Intercooler TemperatureTemperature of liquid found in the intercooler located after the turbocharger.
53Transmission Synchronizer Clutch ValueThe current modulated value for the air supply to the synchronizer clutch.
54Transmission Synchronizer Brake ValueThe current modulated value for the air supply to the synchronizer brake.
55Shift Finger Positional StatusIdentifies the current status of the switches that represent the position of the shift finger.
56Transmission Range Switch StatusIdentifies the current status of the switches that represent range position.
57Transmission Actuator Status #2Identifies the current status of the actuators that control the clutch, the engine defuel mechanism, and the inertia brake.
58Shift Finger Actuator StatusIdentifies the current status of the actuator that move the shift finger.
59Transmission Shift Finger Gear PositionThe current position of the shift finger in the gear direction.
60Transmission Shift Finger Rail PositionThe current position of the shift finger in the rail direction.
61Parking Brake Actuator StatusIdentifies the current status of the actuators that control the parking brakes.
62Retarder inhibit StatusIdentifies the current state of the device that inhibits use of the engine retarder.
63Transmission Actuator Status #1Identifies the current status of the actuators used to control the functions of the auxiliary unit.
64Transmission #2 Oil TemperatureTemperature of transmission #2 lubricant.
65Brake Switch StatusIdentifies the current state of the brake switches.
66Vehicle Enabling Component StatusIdentifies the current state of the components that enable the vehicle to start and operate properly.
67Shift Request Switch StatusIdentifies the current state of the switches used to request an upshift or downshift.
68Torque Limiting FactorRatio of current output torque allowed (due to adverse operating conditions) to the maximum torque available at the current engine speed (under normal operating conditions).
69Two Speed Axle SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the current axle range.

00 - Low speed range
01 - High speed range
10 - Error
11 - Not available
70Parking Brake SwitchSwitch signal which indicates when the parking brake is set. In general the switch actuated by the operator's park brake control, whether a pedal, lever or other control mechanism (see also SPN 619 and 5275).

00 - Parking brake not set
01 - Parking brake set
10 - Error
11 - Not available
71Idle Shutdown Timer StatusState of the idle shutdown timer system (active, not active) for the various modes of operation.
72Engine Blower Bypass Valve PositionRelative position of the blower bypass valve.
73Auxiliary Pump PressureGage pressure of auxiliary water pump driven as a PTO device.
74Maximum Vehicle Speed LimitMaximum vehicle velocity allowed.
75Steering Axle TemperatureTemperature of lubricant in steering axle.
76Axle Lift Air PressureGage pressure of air in system that utilizes compressed air to provide force between a lift axle and frame for purposes of lifting or lowering the axle.
77Forward Rear Drive Axle TemperatureTemperature of axle lubricant in forward rear drive axle.
78Rear Rear Drive Axle TemperatureTemperature of axle lubricant in rear rear drive axle.
79Road Surface TemperatureIndicated temperature of road surface over which vehicle is operating.
80Washer Fluid LevelRatio of volume of liquid to total container volume of fluid reservoir in windshield wash system.
81Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Particulate Filter Intake Pressure (use SPN 3609)Exhaust back pressure as a result of particle accumulation on filter media placed in the exhaust stream. It is recommended that SPN 3609 be used as it has better resolution.
82Engine Air Start PressureGage pressure of air in an engine starting system that utilizes compressed air to provide the force required to rotate the crankshaft.
83Road Speed Limit StatusState (active or not active) of the system used to limit maximum vehicle velocity.
84Wheel-Based Vehicle SpeedSpeed of the vehicle as calculated from wheel or tailshaft speed.
85Cruise Control StatusState of the vehicle velocity control system (active, not active) and system switch (on, off), for various system operating modes.
86Cruise Control Set SpeedValue of set (chosen) velocity of velocity control system.
87Cruise Control High Set Limit SpeedMaximum vehicle velocity at which cruise can be set.
88Cruise Control Low Set Limit SpeedMinimum vehicle velocity at which cruise can be set or minimum vehicle velocity for cruise operation before it will exit cruise control operation.
89Power Takeoff StatusState of the system used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment.
90Power Takeoff Oil TemperatureTemperature of lubricant in device used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment.
91Accelerator Pedal Position 1The ratio of actual position of the analog engine speed/torque request input device (such as an accelerator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device. This parameter is intended for the primary accelerator control in an application. If an application has only one accelerator control, use SPN 91.

For on-highway vehicles, this will typically be the operator’s accelerator pedal. Although it is used as an input to determine powertrain demand, it also provides anticipatory information to transmission and ASR algorithms about driver actions.

In marine applications, this will typically be the operator’s throttle lever.

If a low idle validation switch is used in conjunction with accelerator pedal position 1, use Accelerator Pedal Low Idle Switch 1, SPN 558.

NOTE—See SPNs 29 and 974 for additional accelerator position parameters. SPN 28 is an additional diagnostic SPN for accelerator position.
92Engine Percent Load At Current SpeedThe ratio of actual engine percent torque (indicated) to maximum indicated torque available at the current engine speed, clipped to zero torque during engine braking.
93Engine Net Brake Torque
94Engine Fuel Delivery PressureGage pressure of fuel in system as delivered from supply pump to the injection pump. See also SPN 5578 for Fuel Delivery Absolute Pressure.

See Figures SPN16_A & SPN16_B.
95Engine Fuel Filter Differential PressureChange in fuel delivery pressure, measured across the filter, due to accumulation of solid or semisolid matter on the filter element. See Figures SPN16_A & SPN16_B.
96Fuel Level 1Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of fuel storage container.

When Fuel Level 2 (SPN 38) is not used, Fuel Level 1 represents the total fuel in all fuel storage containers. When Fuel Level 2 is used, Fuel Level 1 represents the fuel level in the primary or left-side fuel storage container.
97water In Fuel IndicatorSignal which indicates the presence of water in the fuel.

00 - No
01 - Yes
10 - Error
11 - Not available
98Engine Oil LevelRatio of current volume of engine sump oil to maximum required volume.
99Engine Oil Filter Differential PressureChange in engine oil pressure, measured across the filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid or semisolid material on or in the filter.
100Engine Oil PressureGage pressure of oil in engine lubrication system as provided by oil pump.
101Engine Crankcase PressureFirst instance of the gage pressure inside engine crankcase.
102Engine Intake Manifold #1 PressureThe gage pressure measurement of the air intake manifold. If there are multiple air pressure sensors in the intake stream, this is the last one in flow direction before entering the combustion chamber. This should be the pressure used to drive gauges and displays. See also SPNs 1127-1130 and SPN 3562 for alternate range and resolution. If there is only one pressure measurement of the air intake manifold to report and this range and resolution is adequate, this parameter should be used.
103Engine Turbocharger 1 SpeedRotational velocity of rotor in the turbocharger.
104Engine Turbocharger Lube Oil Pressure 1Gage pressure of oil in turbocharger lubrication system.
105Engine Intake Manifold 1 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold of engine air supply system.
106Engine Intake Air PressureAbsolute air pressure at input port to intake manifold or air box.
107Engine Air Filter 1 Differential PressureChange in engine air system pressure, measured across the filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid foreign matter on or in the filter.

This is the measurement of the first filter in a multiple air filter system. In a single air filter application, this is the only SPN used. Filter numbering follows the guidelines noted in section, Naming Convention For Engine Parameters.
108 Absolute Air PressureAbsolute air pressure of the atmosphere. See Figures SPN16_A & SPN16_B.
109Engine Coolant PressureGage pressure of liquid found in engine cooling system.

See SPN 20 for alternate SLOT.
110Engine Coolant TemperatureTemperature of liquid found in engine cooling system.
111Engine Coolant Level 1Ratio of volume of liquid found in engine cooling system to total cooling system volume. Typical monitoring location is in the coolant expansion tank.
112Engine Coolant Filter Differential PressureChange in coolant pressure, measured across the filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid or semisolid matter on or in the filter.
113Engine Governor DroopThe difference between full load rated engine sped and maximum no-load governed engine speed.
114Net Battery CurrentNet flow of electrical current into/out of the battery or batteries.
115Alternator CurrentMeasure of electrical current flow from the alternator. Alternator Current (High Range/Resolution) parameter SPN 1795 has a higher range and resolution of the same parameter.
116Brake Application PressureGage pressure of compressed air or fluid in vehicle braking system measured at the brake chamber when brake shoe (or pad) is placed against brake drum (or disc).
117Brake Primary PressureGage pressure of air in the primary, or supply side, of the air brake system.
118Brake Secondary PressureGage pressure of air in the secondary, or service side, of the air brake system.
119Hydraulic Retarder PressureGage pressure of oil in hydraulic retarder system.
120Hydraulic Retarder Oil TemperatureTemperature of oil found in a hydraulic retarder.
121 Engine Retarder StatusState of device used to convert engine power to vehicle retarding (stopping) force.
122Engine Retarder PercentRatio of current engine retard force to maximum retard force available.
123Clutch PressureGage pressure of oil within a wet clutch.
124Transmission Oil Level 1First instance of a transmission oil level indicator. Conveys the ratio of volume of transmission sump oil to recommended volume.
125Transmission Oil Level High/LowAmount of current volume of transmission sump oil compared to recommended volume.
126Transmission Filter Differential PressureChange in transmission fluid pressure, measured after the filter, due to accumulation of solid or semisolid material on or in the filter.
127Transmission Oil PressureGage pressure of lubrication fluid in transmission, measured after pump.
128Component Specific Parameter RequestUsed to request parameter data transmission from a specified component on the data link.
129Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure (duplicate, use SPN 1349)The gage pressure of fuel in the metering rail #2 as delivered from the supply pump to the injector metering intake. See Figure SPN16_A for fuel system related parameters. Although the figure does not show rail #2 it does show the relationship of rail pressure to other signals.

(Obsolete - use SPN 1349)
130Engine Power Specific Fuel EconomyInstantaneous fuel economy of the engine, typically for off-highway equipment.
131Engine Exhaust Back PressureGage pressure of exhaust gas measured at the exhaust manifold.
132Engine Intake Air Mass Flow RateMass flow rate of fresh air entering the engine air intake, before any EGR mixer, if used. Flow rate of fresh air conducted to the engine cylinders to support combustion.
133Engine Average Fuel RateGPH
134Wheel Speed Sensor StatusIdentifies the current state of the device that signals individual wheel speeds to the ABS Electronic control unit.
135Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure (Absolute)Absolute pressure of fuel in system delivered from the supply pump.
136Auxiliary Vacuum Pressure ReadingIdentifies the current vacuum pressure (relative to atmosphere) that is configured uniquely per application. Not to be used in place of defined parameters.
137Auxiliary Gage Pressure Reading 1Identifies the current gage pressure (relative to atmosphere) that is configured uniquely per application. Not to be used in place of defined parameters.
138Auxiliary Absolute Pressure ReadingIdentifies the current absolute pressure (relative to 0 pressure) that is configured uniquely per application. Not to be used in place of defined parameters.
139Tire Pressure Control System Channel Functional ModeIndicates the functional mode of each channel.
140Tire Pressure Control System Solenoid StatusIdentifies the current state of the solenoids used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).
141Trailer, Tag Or Push Channel Tire Pressure TargetThe tire pressure control system’s target gage pressure for the trailer, tag, or push group of tires.
142Drive Channel Tire Pressure TargetThe tire pressure control system’s target gage pressure for the drive group of tires.
143Steer Channel Tire Pressure TargetThe tire pressure control system’s target gage pressure for the steer group of tires.
144Trailer, Tag Or Push Channel Tire PressureThe latest gage pressure reading of the trailer, tag, or push group of tires, as opposed to the pressure in each tire.
145Drive Channel Tire PressureThe latest gage pressure reading of the drive group of tires, as opposed to the pressure in each tire.
146Steer Channel Tire PressureThe latest gage pressure reading of the steer group of tires, as opposed to the pressure in each tire.
147Engine Average Fuel Economy (Gaseous)
148Engine Instantaneous Fuel Economy (Gaseous)
149Engine Mass Flow Rate (Gaseous) - (Obsolete - Use SPN 1241)This SPN is obsolete. Use SPN 1241.
150PTO Engagement Control StatusIdentifies the current state of the input and output functions used to control the engagement of the PTO devices.
151ATC Control StatusIdentifies the current state of the ATC (automatic traction control) control functions, signals, lamp and switch.
152Number Of ECU Resets
153Engine High Resolution Crankcase PressureGage air pressure inside engine crankcase.
154Auxiliary Input and Output Status #2Identifies the current status of auxiliary input and output functions that are configured uniquely per application.
155Auxiliary Input and Output Status #1Identifies the current status of auxiliary input and output functions that are configured uniquely per application.
156Engine Injector Timing Rail 1 PressureThe gage pressure of fuel in the timing rail delivered from the supply pump to the injector timing intake.
157Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 PressureThe gage pressure of fuel in the primary, or first, metering rail as delivered from the supply pump to the injector metering intake. See Figure SPN16_A.
158Keyswitch Battery PotentialBattery potential measured at the input of the electronic control unit supplied through a keyswitch or similar switching device.
159Engine Gas Supply PressureGage pressure of gas supply to fuel metering device.
160Transmission Intermediate Shaft SpeedRotational velocity of the first intermediate shaft of the transmission.
161Transmission Input Shaft SpeedRotational velocity of the primary shaft transferring power into the transmission. When a torque converter is present, it is the output of the torque converter.


Single input shaft transmissions should use SPN 161 (Transmission Input Shaft Speed).
Multiple input shaft transmissions should use SPN 5960 and 5961 (DCT Input Shaft 1 and 2 Speeds).

For maximum compatibility, a multiple input shaft speed transmission may also broadcast SPN 161 as a
virtual or current inputshaft speed with the following logic:

Transmission Input Shaft Speed = DCT Input Shaft 1 Speed when shaft 1 is engaged.
Transmission Input Shaft Speed = DCT Input Shaft 2 Speed when shaft 2 is engaged.
Transmission Input Shaft Speed = Transitional interpolated value when shifting between shaft 1 and 2.
162Transmission Requested RangeRange selected by the operator. Characters may include P, Rx, Rx-1...R2, R1, R, Nx, Nx-1...N2, N1, N, D, D1, D2..., Dx, L, L1, L2..., Lx-1, 1, 2, 3,... If only one displayed character is required, the second character shall be used and the first character shall be a space (ASCII 32) or a control character (ASCII 0 to 31). If the first character is a control character, refer to the manufacturer’s application document for definition.
163Transmission Current RangeRange currently being commanded by the transmission control system. Characters may include P, Rx, Rx-1...R2, R1, R, Nx, Nx-1...N2, N1, N, D, D1, D2..., Dx, L, L1, L2..., Lx-1, 1, 2, 3,... If only one displayed character is required, the second character shall be used and the first character shall be a space (ASCII 32) or a control character (ASCII 0 to 31). If the first character is a control character, refer to the manufacturer’s application document for definition.
164Engine Injection Control PressureThe gage pressure of the engine oil in the hydraulic accumulator that powers an intensifier used for fuel injection.
165Compass BearingPresent compass bearing of vehicle.
166Engine Rated PowerNet brake power that the engine will deliver continuously, specified for a given application at a rated speed.
167Charging System Potential (Voltage)Electrical potential measured at the charging system output. The charging system may be any device charging the batteries. This includes alternators, generators, solid state charger and other charging devices.
168Battery Potential / Power Input 1This parameter measures the first source of battery potential as measured at the input of the ECM/actuator etc. coming from one or more batteries, irrespective of the distance between the component and the battery. This SPN is also used when ECM's are interconnected in a series configuration, where the source of power is coming directly or indirectly from the same battery/batteries.
169Cargo Ambient TemperatureTemperature of air inside vehicle container used to accommodate cargo.
170Cab Interior TemperatureTemperature of air inside the part of the vehicle that encloses the driver and vehicle operating controls.

Note: See also SPN 1691. SPN 1662 is an additional diagnostic SPN associated with cab temperature.
171Ambient Air TemperatureTemperature of air surrounding vehicle.
172Engine Intake Air TemperatureTemperature of air entering vehicle air induction system.
173Engine Exhaust TemperatureTemperature of combustion byproducts leaving the engine. See SPNs 2433, 2434, 5969 and 5970 for engines with more than one exhaust temperature measurement.
174Engine Fuel Temperature 1Temperature of fuel (or gas) passing through the first fuel control system. See SPN 3468 for the second control system
175Engine Oil Temperature 1Temperature of the engine lubricant.

Note: If there is only one engine oil temperature measurement, this SPN should be used. This is the SPN that is typically displayed on an on-highway truck instrument cluster.

See also SPNs 1135 and 5925 for additional engine oil temperature measurements.
176Engine Turbocharger Oil TemperatureTemperature of the turbocharger lubricant.
177Transmission Oil Temperature 1First instance of transmission lubricant temperature.
178Front Axle Weight
179Rear Axle Weight
180Trailer WeightTotal mass of freight-carrying vehicle designed to be pulled by truck, including the weight of the contents.
181Cargo WeightThe mass of freight carried.
182Engine Trip FuelFuel consumed during all or part of a journey. See SPN 5053 for alternate resolution.
183Engine Fuel RateAmount of fuel consumed by engine per unit of time.

NOTE - See SPN 1600 for alternate resolution.
184Engine Instantaneous Fuel EconomyCurrent fuel economy at current vehicle velocity.

0xFB00 = Infinite (for example, during engine motoring)
185Engine Average Fuel EconomyAverage of instantaneous fuel economy for that segment of vehicle operation of interest.
186Power Takeoff SpeedRotational velocity of device used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment.
187Power Takeoff Set SpeedRotational velocity selected by operator for device used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment.
188Engine Speed At Idle, Point 1Stationary low idle speed of engine which includes influences due to engine temperature (after power up) and other stationary changes (calibration offsets, sensor failures, etc). This parameter is point 1 of the engine configuration map (see PGN 65251).
189Engine Rated SpeedThe maximum governed rotational velocity of the engine crankshaft under full load conditions. Note that the engine speed at point 2 (SPN 528) is equal to rated engine speed only in the case when the engine has not been derated. Please also reference PGN 65251.
190Engine SpeedActual engine speed which is calculated over a minimum crankshaft angle of 720 degrees divided by the number of cylinders.
191Transmission Output Shaft SpeedCalculated speed of the transmission output shaft.
192Multisection ParameterUsed to transmit parameters that are longer than what is limited by SAE J1708.
193Transmitter System Diagnostic TableUsed to notify other components on the data link of the diagnostic condition of the transmitting electronic component.
194Transmitter System Diagnostic code and occurrence count tableUsed to notify other components on the data link of the diagnostic condition of the transmitting electronic component.
195Diagnostic Data/Clear CountUsed to request additional information about a given diagnostic code or clear its count.
196Diagnostic Data/Clear ResponseUsed to acknowledge the clearing of diagnostic codes or supply additional information about a diagnostic code as requested by PID 195.
197Communication Management
198Connection Mode Data Transfer
199Traction Control Disable StateUsed to request the traction control unit to temporarily disable the traction control function during vehicle testing
203Particulate Trap Gas Outlet Temperature Temperature of the air exiting the Particulate trap
204Data Transfer Marker SAE 1587/J2497
205Time Pointer Encounter Used to transfer schedule information about designated time points along a route
206Agency IndentificationIdentifies the owning agency and/or the operating agency of a vehicle
207Cashbox InformationUsed to obtain the cashbox indemnification and value of contents
208Total refrigerant Compressor HoursAccumulated number of hours that the air conditioner refrigerant compressor has been engaged
209ABS Control Status, TrailerTo be used to send trailer ABS control and warning lamp status.
210Tire Temperature (by sequence number)Communicates the tire temperature by sequence number (not position specific)
211Tire Pressure (by sequence number)Communicates the tire pressure by sequence number (not position specific)
212Tire Pressure Target (by sequence number)Communicates the tire pressure targets by sequence number (not position specific)
213Wheel End Assembly Vibration LevelMeasurement of vibration level at wheel end assembly
214Vehicle Wheel SpeedsIndicated velocity of the individual wheels
215Brake TemperatureTemperature of the brake shoe/brake pad/brake drum
216Wheel Bearing TemperatureMeasurement of bearing temperature at axle end
217Fuel Tank/Nozzle IdentificationUsed to identify the fuel tank and fuel nozzle during fueling
218State Line CrossingUsed to report when a vehicle crosses or last crossed a state line
219Current StateUsed to report the current country and state
220Engine Torque HistoryUsed to report the current engine torque configuration and all previous engine torque configurations available
221Anti-theft Request
222Anti-theft Request
223Auxiliary A/D CountsProvides a mechanism to report the number of digital counts identifying the one or more analog channels
224Immobilizer Security CodeThe encrypted security code data that is communicated between the vehicle security immobilizer control unit and the engine electronic control unit, immediately after the ignition key is turned.
225Text Message Acknowledged
226Text Message to Display
227Test Message Display Type
228Speed Sensor CalibrationThe number of pulses per kilometer (pulses per mile) produced by the sped sensor
229Total Fuel Used (Gaseous) (duplicate, use SPN 1040)
230Total Idle Fuel Used (Gaseous) (duplicate, use SPN 1010)
231Trip Fuel (Gaseous) (duplicate, use SPN 1039)
232DGPS Differential CorrectionEquivalent to an RTCM-104 Type 9 differential GPS correction message.
233Unit Number (Power Unit)Owner assigned unit number for the power unit of the vehicle.

NOTE: The ASCII character "*" is reserved as a delimiter.
234Software IdentificationSoftware identification of an electronic module. As an example, this parameter may be represented with ASCII characters MMDDYYaa where MM is the month, DD is the day, YY is the year, and aa is the revision number.

NOTE The ASCII character “*” is reserved as a delimiter.
235Engine Total Idle HoursAccumulated time of operation of the engine while under idle conditions.
236Engine Total Idle Fuel UsedAccumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation while under idle conditions.
237Vehicle Identification NumberVehicle Identification Number (VIN) as assigned by the vehicle manufacturer.

NOTE The ASCII character “*” is reserved as a delimiter.
238Velocity VectorAny combination of the velocity, heading, and pitch, as calculated by the navigation device(s).
239PositionThe three-dimensional location of the vehicle.
240Change Reference NumberIused to indicate that a change has occurred in the calibration data.
241Tire PressurePressure at which air is contained in cavity formed by tire and rim.
242Tire TemperatureTemperature at the surface of the tire sidewall.
243Component Identification ParameterUsed to identify the make, model and serial number of any component on the vehicle.
244Trip DistanceDistance traveled during all or part of a journey.

NOTE See SPN 918 for alternate resolution.
245Total Vehicle DistanceAccumulated distance traveled by vehicle during its operation.

NOTE See SPN 917 for alternate resolution.
246Total Vehicle HoursAccumulated time of operation of vehicle.
247Engine Total Hours of OperationAccumulated time of operation of engine.
248Total Power Takeoff HoursAccumulated time of operation of power takeoff device.
249Engine Total RevolutionsAccumulated number of revolutions of engine crankshaft during its operation.
250Engine Total Fuel UsedAccumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation. See SPN 5054 for alternate resolution.
253Elapsed Time
254Data Link Escape
256Request Parameter
257Cold Restart Of Specific Component
258Warm Restart Of Specific Component
259Acknowledgement Of Warm Or Cold Restart
341Engine Shutdown Override Switch
342Transportation Segment Identifier
343Engine Coolant Pump Differential Pressure
344Driver Logon Status
345Suspension Control Status #1
346Suspension Control Status #2
347Farebox Probe Type
348Cargo Refrigeration System Operating Mode Zone #1
349Cargo Refrigeration System Operating Mode Zone #2
350Cargo Refrigeration System Operating Mode Zone #3
351Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature
352Turbocharger #2 Speed
353Fuel Leakage Status
354Relative HumidityMeasures humidity of combustion air prior to entry into turbocharger
355Engine Oil LifeMeasures the condition of the engine lubricating oil
356Fifth Wheel Coupling Status
357Ride Adjustment Pressure
358Air Suspension #2 Pressure
359Air Suspension #1 Pressure
360Axle #4 Lift Air Pressure
361Axle #3 Lift Air Pressure
362Percent Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve #2 Position
363Hydraulic Retarder Control Air Pressure
364HVAC Unit Discharge Temperature
365Weighing System Status Command
366Engine Oil Level High/Low
367Lane Tracking System Status
368Lane Departure Indication
369Distance to Rear Object (Reverse)
370Trailer Pneumatic Brake Control Line Pressure
371Trailer Pneumatic Supply Line Pressure
372Remote Accelerator
373Center Rear Drive Axle Temperature
374Alternator AC Voltage
375Fuel Return Pressure
376Fuel Pump Inlet Vacuum
377Compression Unbalance
378Fare Collection Unit Status
379Door Status
380Articulation Angle
381Vehicle Use Status
382Transit Silent Alarm Status
383Vehicle Acceleration
384Component Specific Request
385Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure
386Evaporator Coil Temperature Zone #1
387Evaporator Coil Temperature Zone #2
388Evaporator Coil Temperature Zone #3
389Cargo Temperature Setpoint Zone #1
390Cargo Temperature Setpoint Zone #2
391Cargo Temperature Setpoint Zone #3
392Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #2, Zone #1
393Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #2, Zone #2
394Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #2, Zone #3
395Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #1, Zone #1
396Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #1, Zone #2
397Evaporator Supply (Discharge) Air Temperature #1, Zone #3
398Evaporator Return Air Temperature #2, Zone #1
399Evaporator Return Air Temperature #2, Zone #2
400Evaporator Return Air Temperature #2, Zone #3
401Evaporator Return Air Temperature #1, Zone #1
402Evaporator Return Air Temperature #1, Zone #2
403Evaporator Return Air Temperature #1, Zone #3
404Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature
405Safety Restraint System Trigger Status
406HVAC Blower Motor Speed
407Axle Group Full Weight CalibrationThe full weight calibration measurement of an axle group
408Axle Group Empty Weight CalibrationThe empty weight calibration measurement of an axle group
409Axle Group WeightTotal mass imposed on the road surface by all the tires in the axle group
410Extended Range Road Surface Temperature
411Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 Differential PressureDifferential pressure across the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system
412Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 TemperatureTemperature of Recirculated Exhaust Gas. This should not be used for Exhaust Gas Recirculation Mixer Intake Temperature. See SPN 5020.
413Net Vehicle Weight ChangeIdentifies the net vehicle weight change from the time of last vehicle net weight zeroing.
414Air Conditioner Refrigerant Low Side Pressure
415Air Conditioner Refrigerant High Side Pressure
416Evaporator Temperature
417Gross Combination WeightTotal weight of the truck and all the trailers with on-board scales.
418Transmission #2 Oil Temperature
419Starter Circuit Resistance
420Starter Current (Average)
421Alternator/Generator Negative Cable Voltage
422Auxiliary Current
423Extended Range Net Battery Current
424DC Voltage
425Auxiliary Frequency
426Alternator/Generator Field Voltage
427Battery Resistance Change
428Battery Internal Resistance
429Starter Current Peak
430Engine Starter Solenoid VoltageThis is the voltage at the battery terminal of the starter solenoid.
431Starter Negative Cable Voltage
432Starter Motor Voltage
433Fuel Shutoff Solenoid Voltage
434AC Voltage
435Cargo Ambient Temperature (by location)
436Trip Sudden Decelerations
437Trailer #2, Tag #2, or Push Channel #2 Tire Pressure Target
438Trailer #2, Tag #2, or Push Channel #2 Tire Pressure
439Extended Range Boost Pressure #1
440Extended Range Boost Pressure #2
441Auxiliary Temperature 1Temperature measured by auxiliary temperature sensor #1. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
442Auxiliary Temperature 2Temperature measured by auxiliary temperature sensor #2. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
443Auxiliary Gage Pressure Reading 2
444Battery Potential / Power Input 2This parameter measures the second source of battery potential as measured at the input of the ECM/actuator etc. coming from one or more batteries, irrespective of the distance between the component and the battery. This SPN is also used when ECM's are interconnected in a series configuration, where the source of power is coming directly or indirectly from the same battery/batteries.
445Engine Bank 2 Cylinder Head Temperature
446Engine Bank 1 Cylinder Head Temperature
447Passenger Counter
448Page 2 Multisection Parameter
449Reporting Interval Request
450Bridge Filter Control
498Send Keypress Command
499Driver Interface Unit (DIU) Object/Form Command
500Intersection Preemption Status and Configuration
501Signage Message
502Fare Collection Unit - Point Of Sale
503Fare Collection Unit - Service Detail
504Annunciator Voice Message
505Vehicle Control Head Keyboard Message
506Vehicle Control Head Display Message
507Driver Identification
508Transit Route Identification
509Milepost IdentificationUsed to identify the milepost as detected by a milepost sensor. The length of the ASCII text for this parameter must be reported using SPN 3070 (Number of bytes in the Milepost Identification).
512Driver's Demand Engine - Percent TorqueThe requested torque output of the engine by the driver. It is based on input from the following requestors external to the powertrain: operator (via the accelerator pedal), cruise control and/or road speed limit governor. Dynamic commands from internal powertrain functions such as smoke control, low- and high-speed engine governing; ASR and shift control are excluded from this calculation. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque. See PGN 65251 for the engine configuration message. Several status bits are defined separately to indicate the request which is currently being honored. This parameter may be used for shift scheduling.
513Actual Engine - Percent TorqueThe calculated output torque of the engine. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of reference engine torque (see the engine configuration message, PGN 65251). The engine percent torque value will not be less than zero and it includes the torque developed in the cylinders required to overcome friction.
514Nominal Friction - Percent TorqueThe calculated torque that indicates the amount of torque required by the basic engine itself added by the loss torque of accessories. It contains the frictional and thermodynamic loss of the engine itself, pumping torque loss (SPN 5398), and the losses of fuel, oil and cooling pumps. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of reference engine torque (see the engine configuration message, PGN 65251).

The realization can be done by a map dependent on engine speed and engine temperature and an offset value for additional loss torques.

See SPN 2978 for an indicator that describes the possible inclusion of engine parasitic losses such as cooling fan, etc. in this parameter value.

Note: Refer to section 5.2.1.
515Engine's Desired Operating SpeedAn indication by the engine of the optimal operating speed of the engine for the current existing conditions. These conditions may include the torque generated to accommodate powertrain demands from the operator (via the accelerator pedal), cruise control, road speed limit governors, or ASR. Dynamic commands from functions such as smoke control or shift control are excluded from this calculation.
516Ground-Based Vehicle SpeedActual ground speed of the vehicle, measured by a device such as RADAR. (1.609344 km/h = 1 mph)
517Navigation-Based Vehicle SpeedSpeed of the vehicle as calculated from a device such as a Global Positioning System (GPS).
518Engine Requested Torque/Torque LimitParameter provided to the engine or retarder in the torque/speed control message for controlling or limiting the output torque.

Requested torque to the engine is measured in indicated torque as a percentage of reference engine torque (see the engine configuration message, PGN 65251). This is the engine torque at which the engine is expected to operate if the torque control mode is active or the engine torque which the engine is not expected to exceed if the torque limit mode is active.

Zero torque can be requested which implies zero fuel and, according to Figures SPN512_A and SPN512_B, the engine will not be allowed to stall. The actual engine percent torque (SPN 513) should be zero and the engine should decelerate until the low idle governor kicks in, at which time the actual engine percent torque will be calculated as shown in Figures SPN512_A and SPN512_B and the engine torque mode bits (SPN 899) should be equal to 0000b - Low Idle Governor.

Requested torque to the retarder is measured in indicated torque as a percentage of reference retarder torque (see the retarder configuration message, PGN 65249). The logic used in enabling or disabling the retarder is based on the override control mode priority bits (SPN 897).

A zero torque request to the retarder is a disable request, and is used by a J1939 node to prevent the retarder from being activated by other combinations of inputs outside of J1939 commands. The Torque Limit Mode is commonly used for this purpose.
519Engine's Desired Operating Speed Asymmetry AdjustmentThis byte is utilized in transmission gear selection routines and indicates the engine's preference of lower versus higher engine speeds should its desired speed not be achievable. This is a scaled ratio such that 125 represents an equal preference for a speed lower or higher that the engine's indicated desired speed. The higher the asymmetry adjustment value is above 125, the more the engine prefers to be operated at or above its indicated desired speed. Conversely, the lower the asymmetry adjustment value is below 125, the more the engine prefers to operate at or below its indicated desired speed. Typically, the engine's asymmetry adjustment will be predicated on fuel consumption considerations, and under these conditions, the method for computing the asymmetry adjustment is indicated in Figure SPN519_A. The engine may include other factors into its asymmetry adjustment calculation such as temperatures, pressures, and other operating parameters.
520Actual Retarder - Percent TorqueActual braking torque of the retarder as a percent of retarder configuration reference torque SPN 556.

Note: Refer to section 5.2.1.
521Brake Pedal PositionRatio of brake pedal position to maximum pedal position. Used for electric brake applications. 0% means no braking. Also when there are two brake pedals on the machine (Left Brake Pedal Position SPN 3033 and Right Brake Pedal Position SPN 3032) the maximum of the two should be transmitted for Brake Pedal Position.
522Percent Clutch SlipParameter which represents the ratio of input shaft speed to current engine speed (in percent).

Percent Clutch Slip = ((Engine rpm - Input shaft rpm)/(Engine rpm)) x 100
523Transmission Current GearThe gear currently engaged in the transmission or the last gear engaged while the transmission is in the process of shifting to the new or selected gear. Transitions toward a destination gear will not be indicated. Once the selected gear has been engaged then Transmission Current Gear (SPN 523) will reflect that gear.
524Transmission Selected GearThe gear that the transmission will attempt to achieve during the current shift if a shift is in progress, or the next shift if one is pending (i.e., waiting for torque reduction to initiate the shift).
525Transmission Requested GearGear requested by the operator, ABS, or engine.

Negative values are reverse gears, positive values are forward gears, zero is neutral, parameter specific indicators are listed below.

Parameter specific values for this parameter are as follows:
0xFD (253 dec) = Hold current gear
0xFC (252 dec) = Forward Drive Position
0xFB (251 dec) = ‘Park’ position
0xFA (250 dec) = Forward ‘Low’ position
0xF9 (249 dec) = Upshift 1 gear from current position
0xF8 (248 dec) = Upshift 2 gears from current position
0xF7 (247 dec) = Downshift 1 gear from current position
0xF6 (246 dec) = Downshift 2 gears from current position
0xF5 (245 dec) = D-1: 1st forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xF4 (244 dec) = D-2: 2nd forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xF3 (243 dec) = D-3: 3rd forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xF2 (242 dec) = D-4: 4th forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xF1 (241 dec) = D-5: 5th forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xF0 (240 dec) = D-6: 6th forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xEF (239 dec) = D-7: 7th forward selector position referenced from ‘Drive’
0xEE (238 dec) = Between two shift selector positions (if detail is unknown)
0xED (237 dec) = Between two reverse shift selector positions
0xEC (236 dec) = Between two forward shift selector positions
0xEB (235 dec) = Between D-7 and D-6 shift selector positions
0xEA (234 dec) = Between D-6 and D-5 shift selector positions
0xE9 (233 dec) = Between D-5 and D-4 shift selector positions
0xE8 (232 dec) = Between D-4 and D-3 shift selector positions
0xE7 (231 dec) = Between D-3 and D-2 shift selector positions
0xE6 (230 dec) = Between D-2 and D-1 shift selector positions
0xE5 (229 dec) = Between D-1 and ‘Drive’ shift selector positions
0xE4 (228 dec) = Between ‘Drive’ and ‘Neutral’ shift selector positions
0xE3 (227 dec) = Between ‘Neutral’ and ‘Reverse’ shift selector positions
0xE2 (226 dec) = Between ‘Reverse’ and ‘Park’ shift selector positions
0xE1 (225 dec) = Press of momentary button to reselect current position
0xE0 (224 dec) = Position unknown and/or no buttons pressed
0xDF (223 dec) = Reverse Selector Position

0xDE - 0xBE (222 dec - 190 dec) = Reserved
0x3C - 0x00 (60 dec - 0 dec) = Reserved

Forward selector position from drive (0xF5 to 0xEF) – Indicates shift selector position in reference to the ‘Drive’ position on the selector. It is possible that the shift selector software may not know the number of forward ranges. The shift selector may identify the position selected by the operator while the transmission ECU determines what range or gear that represents. If there is a digital display, the transmission ECU would communicate what is to be displayed via another message such as ETC#2 or ETC#7.

For example: Consider a vehicle with a 5-speed automatic transmission with the shift lever on the column. Suppose that shift selector has a limited number of positions, such that having positions for D-4-3-2-1 is not an option. For this example, assume there are only have enough lever positions for D-3-2-1. Pulling the lever into "D" will put the transmission in 5th (highest gear). It is desired that pulling the lever to the physical “3” position will limit the transmission to a maximum range of 3rd gear.

When the selector is pulled down into "3", the shifter selector itself has no way of correlating this physical lever position to the desired gear; it would have to be calibrated with software to tell it this information. If not calibrated, the shift selector cannot directly command the transmission to go to 3rd gear; it only knows it's one notch below drive.

However, if "D-1" (lever position, as opposed to desired gear) is broadcast by the selector, the transmission ECU can receive this and then make the determination of what range is desired. The benefit is that no specific calibration of the shift selector is required.

Between selector positions (0xEE to 0xE2) – Indicates the shift selector is not in an appropriate position. If a lever-type shift selector with a mechanical display is stuck between detents, it may appear to the operator that it is in the desired position when in fact it is not. The shift selector may be capable of reporting only that it is between positions or that it is between forward or reverse positions. If known, the transmission ECU may respond differently depending on which positions are involved.

Reselect current position (0xE1) - If the TC1 message continues to send the position last selected, then a capability to reselect the same position is required. For example: If a ‘Neutral to Drive’ shift is selected and that shift is inhibited (say for high engine speed), it may be necessary for the operator to reselect ‘Drive’ after the inhibit conditions pass in order for the transmission ECU to honor the request.

Position unknown and/or no buttons pressed (0xE0) - A push-button style shift selector with momentary contact buttons may send this indicator after initialization before any buttons are pressed, or before the transmission ECU determines and communicates the initial selection. This indicator could also be sent between button presses as an alternative to sending the last button press.
526Transmission Actual Gear RatioActual ratio of input shaft speed to output shaft speed.
527Cruise Control StatesThis parameter is used to indicate the current state, or mode, of operation by the cruise control device. This is a status parameter.

000 - Off/Disabled
001 - Hold
010 - Accelerate
011 - Decelerate
100 - Resume
101 - Set
110 - Accelerator Override
111 - Not available
528Engine Speed At Point 2Engine speed of point 2 of the engine torque map (see PGN 65251 and supporting document). In engine configuration mode 1 and 3, point 2 is defined as the kick-in point from which torque is reduced to zero. In mode 2 (see Table PGN65251_A), there are no special requirements for the definition of this point.
529Engine Speed At Point 3Engine speed of point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine torque map (see PGN 65251 and supporting document). It is recommended that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 are optional and lie between idle and point 2.
530Engine Speed At Point 4Engine speed of point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine torque map (see PGN 65251 and supporting document). It is recommended that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 are optional and lie between idle and point 2.
531Engine Speed At Point 5Engine speed of point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine torque map (see PGN 65251 and supporting document). It is recommended that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 are optional and lie between idle and point 2.
532Engine Speed At High Idle, Point 6Engine speed of high idle (point 6) of the engine torque map (see PGN 65251 and supporting document). In engine configuration mode 3 (see Figure PGN65251_C), point 6 is not defined by the engine torque map but by the governor characteristic and the zero torque line.
533Engine Maximum Momentary Override Speed, Point 7The maximum engine speed above high idle allowed by the engine control during a momentary high idle override. This duration of the override is limited by the maximum momentary override time limit, SPN 534.
534Engine Maximum Momentary Override Time LimitThe maximum time limit allowed to override the engine's high idle speed.
535Engine Requested Speed Control Range Lower LimitThe minimum engine speed that the engine will allow when operating in a speed control/limit mode.
536Engine Requested Speed Control Range Upper LimitThe maximum engine speed regardless of load that the engine will allow when operating in a speed control/limit mode, excluding any maximum momentary engine override speed, if supported.
537Engine Requested Torque Control Range Lower LimitThe minimum engine torque that the engine will allow when operating in a torque control/limit mode.
538Engine Requested Torque Control Range Upper LimitThe maximum engine torque that the engine will allow when operating in a torque control/limit mode.
539Engine Percent Torque At Idle, Point 1The torque limit that indicates the available engine torque which can be provided by the engine at idle speed. This parameter may be influenced by engine temperature (after power up) and other stationary changes (calibration offsets, sensor failures, etc.) See also SPN 188. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque.
540Engine Percent Torque At Point 2The torque limit that indicates the available engine torque which can be provided by the engine at point 2 of the engine map (see PGN 65251 and supporting documents). In engine configuration mode 1 and 3 (see Table PGN65251_A see PGN 65251), point 2 is defined as the kick-in point from which torque is reduced to zero. In mode 2, there are no special requirements for the definition of this point. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque.
541Engine Percent Torque At Point 3The torque limit that indicates the available engine torque which can be provided by the engine at point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine map (see PGN 65251 and supporting documents).. It is required that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 lie between idle and point 2. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque.
542Engine Percent Torque At Point 4The torque limit that indicates the available engine torque which can be provided by the engine at point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine map (see PGN 65251 and supporting documents). It is required that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 lie between idle and point 2. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque.
543Engine Percent Torque At Point 5The torque limit that indicates the available engine torque which can be provided by the engine at point 3, 4, and 5 of the engine map (see PGN 65251 and supporting documents). It is required that one of these points indicate the peak torque point for the current engine torque map. Points 3, 4, and 5 lie between idle and point 2. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference engine torque.
544Engine Reference TorqueThis parameter is the 100% reference value for all defined indicated engine torque parameters. It is only defined once and doesn't change if a different engine torque map becomes valid.
545Engine Gain (Kp) Of The Endspeed GovernorThe endspeed governor is defined as a linear line with the following equations (Capital letters mean physical values, small letters mean normalized values). Refer to Figures PGN65251_A and PGN65251_B.

The gain KP/kp is defined as a positive value. The factor 4096 is necessary for realizing flat curves with sufficient resolution as well as very steep curves.

KP = delta Torque / delta Speed
kp (normalized) = KP * 250/100% * 8031 rpm/64255 * 4096 = KP * 1280 rpm/%
546Retarder Speed At Idle, Point 1Please reference PGN 65249
547Retarder Speed At Peak Torque, Point 5Please reference PGN 65249
548Maximum Retarder Speed, Point 2Maximum speed of retarder (Please reference PGN 65249).
549Retarder Speed At Point 3Retarder speed of point 3 of the engine retarder torque map. Please reference PGN 65249.
550Retarder Speed At Point 4Retarder speed of point 4 of the engine retarder torque map. Please reference PGN 65249.
551Retarder Percent Torque At Idle, Point 1The torque limit that indicates the available retarder torque which can be provided by the retarder at idle speed. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference retarder torque.
552Retarder Percent Torque At Maximum Speed, Point 2The torque limit that indicates the available retarder torque which can be provided by the retarder at its maximum speed. Please reference PGN 65249. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference retarder torque.
553Retarder Percent Torque At Point 3The torque limit that indicates the available retarder torque which can be provided by the retarder at points 3 and 4 of the retarder torque map. Please reference PGN 65249. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference retarder torque.
554Retarder Percent Torque At Point 4The torque limit that indicates the available retarder torque which can be provided by the retarder at points 3 and 4 of the retarder torque map. Please reference PGN 65249. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference retarder torque.
555Retarder Percent Torque At Peak Torque, Point 5The torque limit that indicates the available retarder torque which can be provided by the retarder at point 5 of the retarder torque map. Please reference PGN 65249. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a percent of the reference retarder torque.
556Retarder Reference TorqueThis parameter is the 100% reference value for all defined indicated retarder torque parameters. It is only defined once and doesn't change if a different retarder torque map becomes valid.
557Retarder Control MethodThis parameter identifies the number of steps used by the retarder.
558Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the state of the accelerator pedal 1 low idle switch. The low idle switch is defined in SAE Recommended Practice J1843.

00 - Accelerator pedal 1 not in low idle condition
01 - Accelerator pedal 1 in low idle condition
10 - Error
11 - Not available
559Accelerator Pedal Kickdown SwitchSwitch signal which indicates whether the accelerator pedal kickdown switch is opened or closed. The kickdown switch is defined in SAE J1843.

00 - Kickdown passive
01 - Kickdown active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
560Transmission Driveline EngagedDriveline engaged indicates the transmission controlled portion of the driveline is engaged sufficiently to allow a transfer of torque through the transmission. Driveline engaged is ACTIVE whenever the transmission is in gear and the clutch (if controlled by the transmission controller) is less than 100% clutch slip (clutch able to transfer torque). This parameter should be used in conjunction with the parameter “Shift in Process” (SPN 574). While a shift is in process, the receiver should not assume that the driveline is either fully engaged or disengaged (i.e., cruise control).

00 - Driveline disengaged
01 - Driveline engaged
10 - Error
11 - Not available
561ASR Engine Control ActiveState signal which indicates that ASR engine control has been commanded to be active. Active means that ASR actually tries to control the engine. This state signal is independent of other control commands to the engine (e.g., from the transmission) which may have higher priority.

00 - ASR engine control passive but installed
01 - ASR engine control active
10 - Reserved
11 - Not available
562ASR Brake Control ActiveState signal which indicates that ASR brake control is active. Active means that ASR actually controls wheel brake pressure at one or more wheels of the driven axle(s).

00 - ASR brake control passive but installed
01 - ASR brake control active
10 - Reserved
11 - Not available
563Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) ActiveState signal which indicates that the ABS is active. The signal is set active when wheel brake pressure actually starts to be modulated by ABS and is reset to passive when all wheels are in a stable condition for a certain time. The signal can also be set active when driven wheels are in high slip (e.g., caused by retarder). Whenever the ABS system is not fully operational (due to a defect or during off-road ABS operation) , this signal is only valid for that part of the system that is still working. When ABS is switched off completely, the flag is set to passive regardless of the current wheel slip conditions.

00 - ABS passive but installed
01 - ABS active
10 - Reserved
11 - Not available
564Differential Lock State - CentralState used which indicates the condition of the central differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in attached figure SPN564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
565Differential Lock State - Central FrontState used which indicates the condition of the central front differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
566Differential Lock State - Central RearState used which indicates the condition of the central rear differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
567Differential Lock State - Front Axle 1State used which indicates the condition of the front axle 1 differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
568Differential Lock State - Front Axle 2State used which indicates the condition of the front axle 2 differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN 564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
569Differential Lock State - Rear Axle 1State used which indicates the condition of the rear axle 1 differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN 564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
570Differential Lock State - Rear Axle 2State used which indicates the condition of the rear axle 2 differential lock. The differential locks are located as defined in figure SPN 564_A.

00 Differential lock disengaged
01 Differential lock engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
571Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switchhe retarder to be enabled for vehicle braking assist. The retarder does not check this switch, nor does the enabling of this switch engage the retarder. When this switch is “enabled,” the devices constructing TSC1 – destination retarder messages may command retarder torque for braking. For example, the cruise control should not request retarder torque if this switch is not “enabled.” The switch exists to prevent the engine retarder from being asked to be engaged via TSC1 in a noise sensitive area. See also SPN 572

00 Retarder - brake assist disabled
01 Retarder - brake assist enabled
10 Error
11 Not available
572Retarder Enable - Shift Assist SwitchSwitch signal which indicates whether the operator wishes the retarder to be enabled for transmission shift assist. The retarder does not check this switch, nor does the enabling of this switch engage the retarder. When this switch is “enabled,” the transmission may activate the retarder (via the TSC1 message) to increase the rate of engine deceleration to assist in shift control. The switch exists to prevent the engine retarder from being asked to be engaged via TSC1 in a noise sensitive area. See SPN 571.

00 Retarder - shift assist disabled
01 Retarder - shift assist enabled
10 Error
11 Not available
573Transmission Torque Converter Lockup EngagedState signal which indicates whether the torque converter lockup is engaged.

00 Torque converter lockup disengaged
01 Torque converter lockup engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
574Transmission Shift In ProcessIndicates that the transmission is in process of shifting from the current gear to the selected gear. This state is generally ACTIVE during the entire time that the transmission controls the vehicle during a shift. This includes any transmission clutch control, all engine control sequences, pulling to transmission neutral, and engaging the destination gear (e.g., until it is no longer sending commands and/or limits to the engine). See also SPN 560. (See Figure SPN574_A)

This state is INACTIVE during other engine control such as torque limiting outside of a shift.

00 - Shift is not in process
01 - Shift in process
10 - Error
11 - Not available
575ABS Off-road SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the ABS off-road switch.

00 - ABS off-road switch passive
01 - ABS off-road switch active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
576ASR Off-road SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the ASR off-road switch.

00 - ASR off-road switch passive
01 - ASR off-road switch active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
577ASR "Hill Holder" SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the ASR “hill holder” switch.

00 - ASR “hill holder” switch passive
01 - ASR “hill holder” switch active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
578Drive Axle TemperatureTemperature of axle lubricant in drive axle.
579Drive Axle Lift Air PressureGage pressure of air in system that utilizes compressed air to provide force between axle and frame.
580AltitudeAltitude of the vehicle referenced to sea level at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature.
581Transmission Gear RatioThe transmission configuration describes the number of forward gears, the number of reverse gears, and the ratio of each gear with the following resolution.
582Axle WeightTotal mass imposed by the tires on the road surface at the specified axle.
583PitchPitch (rotation about the y-axis) of the vehicle as calculated by the navigation device(s). The pitch angle for an angle of ascent is reported with a positive value. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Down axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Down Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the right, and positive Z directed down.
584LatitudeLatitude position of the vehicle.
585LongitudeLongitude position of the vehicle.
586MakeMake of the component corresponding to the codes defined in the American Trucking Association Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard (ATA/VMRS).

Note: This parameter is to be transmitted as a 5 character ASCII string; as a zero length string, if not available. For example, International is transmitted as INTXX.
587ModelModel of the component.

NOTE - The ASCII character "*" is reserved as a delimiter.
588Serial NumberSerial number of the component.

NOTE - The ASCII character "*" is reserved as a delimiter.
589Alternator SpeedActual rotation speed of the alternator.
590Engine Idle Shutdown Timer StateStatus signal which indicates the current mode of operation of the idle shutdown timer system. See Figure SPN590_A.

00 - Inactive
01 - Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
591Engine Idle Shutdown Timer FunctionParameter which indicates the configuration of the idle shutdown timer system.

00 - Disabled in calibration
01 - Enabled in calibration
10 - Error
11 - Not available
592Engine Idle Shutdown Timer OverrideStatus signal which indicates the status of the override feature of the idle shutdown timer system. See Figure SPN590_A.

00 - Inactive
01 - Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
593Engine Idle Shutdown has Shutdown EngineStatus signal which identifies whether or not the engine has been shutdown by the idle shutdown timer system. See Figure SPN590_A.

00 - No
01 - Yes
10 - Error
11 - Not available
594Engine Idle Shutdown Driver Alert ModeStatus signal which indicates the status of the driver alert mode of the idle shutdown timer system. While the driver alert mode is active, the idle shutdown timer may be overridden. See Figure SPN590_A.

00 - Inactive
01 - Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
595Cruise Control ActiveCruise control is switched on. It is not ensured that the engine is controlled by cruise control, as in the case of a large driver's demand the engine is controlled by the driver while cruise control is active (maximum selection of cruise control and driver’s demand). The cruise control is set to 0 if a switch off condition occurs.

00 - Cruise control switched off
01 - Cruise control switched on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
596Cruise Control Enable SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that it is possible to manage the cruise control function.

00 - Cruise control disabled
01 - Cruise control enabled
10 - Error
11 - Not available
597Brake SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the driver operated brake foot pedal is being pressed. This brake foot pedal is controlling the vehicles’ service brake (total vehicle braking application, not park brakes). It is necessary for safe drivetrain behavior that the switch activates before the physical braking components are activated (i.e. Disengage the cruise control function prior to the activation of friction brakes).

00 - Brake pedal released
01 - Brake pedal depressed
10 - Error
11 - Not Available
598Clutch SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the clutch pedal is being pressed. It is necessary for a safe drivetrain behavior that the clutch switch is set before the clutch is opened (cruise control function).

00 - Clutch pedal released
01 - Clutch pedal depressed
10 - Error
11 - Not available
599Cruise Control Set SwitchSwitch signal of the cruise control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position “set.”

00 - Cruise control activator not in the position “set”
01 - Cruise control activator in position “set”
10 - Error
11 - Not available
600Cruise Control Coast (Decelerate) SwitchSwitch signal of the cruise control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position “coast (decelerate).”

00 - Cruise control activator not in the position “coast”
01 - Cruise control activator in position “coast”
10 - Error
11 - Not available
601Cruise Control Resume SwitchSwitch signal of the cruise control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position “resume.”

00 - Cruise control activator not in the position “resume”
01 - Cruise control activator in position “resume”
10 - Error
11 - Not available
602Cruise Control Accelerate SwitchSwitch signal of the cruise control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position “accelerate.”

00 - Cruise control activator not in the position “accelerate”
01 - Cruise control activator in position “accelerate”
10 - Error
11 - Not available
603Brake Pedal Switch #2
604Transmission Neutral SwitchIdentifies the status of the switch that indicates neutral.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
605Refrigerant High Pressure SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the high pressure switch in the coolant circuit of an air conditioning system. When the switch is enabled, the pressure inside the circuit is too high and the compressor clutch may be disengaged.

00 - Pressure normal
01 - Pressure too high, compressor clutch may be disengaged
10 - Error
11 - Not available
606Engine Momentary Overspeed EnableCommand signal used to indicate that the engine speed may be boosted up to the maximum engine overspeed value to accommodate transmission downshifts. The maximum time for overspeed is limited by the time defined in the engine configuration message (see PGN 65,251). The transmission module must command a “override disabled” state at least once before the engine will accept a subsequent request for overspeed.

00 Momentary engine overspeed is disabled
01 Momentary engine overspeed is enabled
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
607Progressive Shift DisableCommand signal used to indicate that progressive shifting by the engine should be disallowed.

00 Progressive shift is not disabled
01 Progressive shift is disabled
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
608J1587Identifies the action to be performed on the J1587 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
609Controller #2
610Power Connect Device
611System Diagnostic Code #1
612System Diagnostic Code #2
613System Diagnostic Code #3
614System Diagnostic Code #4
615System Diagnostic Code #5
616Auxiliary Analog Input #1
617Parking Brake On Actuator
618Parking Brake Off Actuator
619Parking Brake ActuatorSignal which indicates the current state of the actuator(s) that control the parking brake (see also SPN 70 and 5275).

00 - Parking brake actuator inactive
01 - Parking brake actuator active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
6205 Volts DC Supply (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete. SPNs 3509-3514 should be used instead.
621Antenna Electronics
622J1922Identifies the action to be performed on the J1922 communications port.
00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
623Red Stop LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
624Amber Warning LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
625Proprietary Network #1Identifies the action to be performed on the Proprietary Network #1 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
626Engine Start Enable Device 1Devices that assist an Engine in starting, e.g. intake heaters and ether. Primary starting aid.
Parameter indicating whether the start enable device 1 is ON or OFF

00 - start enable OFF
01 - start enable ON
10 - reserved
11 - not available
627Power Supply (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete. SPNs 3597 should be used instead.
628Program Memory
629Controller #1
630Calibration Memory
631Calibration Module
632Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 ControlControl setting for fuel shutoff 1. The second instance is SPN 2807. For a single fuel shutoff system, this represents its commanded position. For a dual fuel shutoff system, this SPN is representative of the upstream fuel shutoff commanded position. When fuel (gas) is desired at the engine, the fuel shutoff is opened. Otherwise, it is closed.

00 = Open (fuel supplied to engine)
01 = Closed (no fuel supplied to engine)
10 = Reserved
11 = Don't care / take no action

In addition to communicating desired action of fuel shutoff 1 and its driver status, this new SPN can be used to communicate whether fuel shutoff 1 feedback position (if available) matches the commanded position, through the use of FMIs.
633Engine Fuel Actuator 1 Control CommandThe control command to fuel actuator 1, normalized to percent, where 0% represents fully closed and 100% represents fully open. Typically, this fuel actuator is used to regulate low pressure natural gas flow rate, mixing into the air flow, which together then come into the engine. Using the standard convention for determining the position. Left/front is #1 and right/rear is #2 (SPN 1244).
634Engine Throttle Bypass Valve
635Engine Timing Actuator 1The detected position of actuator 1 on the Engine Timing System, where the system has different timing positions depending on current operating status of the engine. Timing positions may be used to determine intake and outlet valve timings.

000 - Unknown Position
001 - Diesel Mode Position
010 - Diesel Part Load Position
011 - Gas Mode Position
100 - Diesel Part Load / Gas Mode Position
101 - 110 - Reserved
111 - Not Available
636Engine Position Sensor
637Engine Timing Sensor
638Engine Fuel Rack Actuator
639J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle NetworkIdentifies the action to be performed on the J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network” communications port.
00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
640Engine External Protection Input
641Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger Actuator #1Actuator that controls the variable geometry turbocharger geometry.The control command to the actuator, normalized to percent, where 0% nominally represents fully closed (smallest turbocharger geometry) and 100% represents fully open (largest geometry turbocharger).
642Engine Turbocharger Variable Geometry Actuator #2
643Engine External Fuel Command Input
644Engine External Speed Command Input
645Engine Tachometer Signal Output
646Engine Turbocharger 1 Wastegate DriveDo not use - Use SPN 1188 for Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Drive data.

Position of the wastegate drive. A value of 0% represents fully closed and a value of 100% represents fully open.
647Engine Fan Clutch 1 Output DriverThis parameter indicates the status of the Engine Fan Clutch 1 Output Device
648Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor
649Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Control CommandThe control command to the Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator, normalized to percent. 100 percent means the regulator is fully closed, providing the maximum restriction to exhaust gas flow from the engine. Zero percent means the regulator is fully open, providing the minimum available restriction.
650Electronic Drive Unit Power Relay
651Engine Injector Cylinder #01
652Engine Injector Cylinder #02
653Engine Injector Cylinder #03
654Engine Injector Cylinder #04
655Engine Injector Cylinder #05
656Engine Injector Cylinder #06
657Engine Injector Cylinder #07
658Engine Injector Cylinder #08
659Engine Injector Cylinder #09
660Engine Injector Cylinder #10
661Engine Injector Cylinder #11
662Engine Injector Cylinder #12
663Engine Injector Cylinder #13
664Engine Injector Cylinder #14
665Engine Injector Cylinder #15
666Engine Injector Cylinder #16
667Engine Injector Cylinder #17
668Engine Injector Cylinder #18
669Engine Injector Cylinder #19
670Engine Injector Cylinder #20
671Engine Injector Cylinder #21
672Engine Injector Cylinder #22
673Engine Injector Cylinder #23
674Engine Injector Cylinder #24
675Engine Glow Plug Lamp
676Engine Glow Plug Relay
677Engine Starter Motor RelayActivates the starter
678ECU 8 Volts DC Supply
679Engine Injection Control Pressure Regulator
680Engine Valve Variable Swirl System
681Transmission Gear Shift Inhibit RequestCommand signal to inhibit gear shifts.

00 Gear shifts are allowed (disable function)
01 Gear shifts are inhibited (enable function)
10 Reserved
11 Take no action (leave function as is)
682Transmission Torque Converter Lockup Disable RequestCommand signal to prevent torque converter lockup, which may cause problems in certain circumstances for ASR.

00 Allow torque converter lockup
01 Disable torque converter lockup
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
683Disengage Driveline RequestCommand signal used to simply disengage the driveline, e.g., to prevent engine drag torque from causing high wheel slip on slippery surfaces.

00 Allow driveline engagement
01 Disengage driveline
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
684Requested Percent Clutch SlipParameter which represents the percent clutch slip requested by a device.
685Disengage Differential Lock Request - Front Axle 1Command signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
686Disengage Differential Lock Request - Front Axle 2Command signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
687Disengage Differential Lock Request - Rear Axle 1Command signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
688Disengage Differential Lock Request - Rear Axle 2Command signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
689Disengage Differential Lock Request - CentralCommand signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
690Disengage Differential Lock Request - Central FrontCommand signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
691Disengage Differential Lock Request - Central RearCommand signal used to disengage the various differential locks, e.g., to allow an undistributed individual wheel control by ABS. The differential locks are located as defined in Figure SPN564_A.

00 Engage differential lock
01 Disengage differential lock
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
692ABS Offroad Switch RequestCommand signal used by the driver via a dashboard switch to choose the ABS offroad function.

00 Switch off ABS offroad function
01 Switch on ABS offroad function
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
693ASR Offroad Switch RequestCommand signal used by the driver via a dashboard switch to choose the ASR offroad function.

00 Switch off ASR offroad function
01 Switch on ASR offroad function
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
694ASR "Hill Holder" Switch RequestCommand signal used by the driver via a dashboard switch to choose a special ASR function.

00 Switch off ASR special function
01 Switch on ASR special function
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
695Engine Override Control ModeThe override control mode defines which sort of command is used:

00 Override disabled - Disable any existing control commanded by the source of this command.
01 Speed control - Govern speed to the included “desired speed” value.
10 Torque control - Control torque to the included “desired torque” value.
11 Speed/torque limit control - Limit speed and/or torque based on the included limit values. The speed limit governor is a droop governor where the speed limit value defines the speed at the maximum torque available during this operation.

If a device wants to know whether it has access to the engine, there are several possibilities:

a. Comparing its command with the actual engine broadcasts.
b. Looking at command modes from other devices.
c. Looking to the engine and retarder torque mode.


a. The realization of a torque limit (minimum selection) is possible by setting the speed limit to a high value (0xFAFF).
b. The realization of a speed limit (minimum selection) is possible by setting the torque limit to a high value (0xFA).
c. Limiting the retarder torque means to limit the magnitude of the torque request. As the brake torque is represented by negative torque values, the limitation must be done by a maximum selection of the requested torque and the retarder internal torque signals.
d. For torque increasing functions, time limits for the torque or speed value (command) and the direct modes are desirable.

e. The selection of which device has control of the engine's speed or torque depends on the override mode priority (see SPN 897) with the highest priority device gaining control. In the case of two devices with identical priority, the engine responds to speed/torque control commands over speed/torque limit commands and will act on the speed or torque commands on a first come, first served basis. The torque limit will be a “lowest wins” selection (e.g., if one device commands 60% limit and another 80% limit, then the engine will limit torque to 60%). Figure SPN695_A provides a flowchart of the torque/speed control priority selection logic.
696Engine Requested Speed Control ConditionsThis mode tells the engine control system the governor characteristics that are desired during speed control. The four characteristics defined are:

00 Transient Optimized for driveline disengaged and non-lockup conditions
01 Stability Optimized for driveline disengaged and non-lockup conditions
10 Stability Optimized for driveline engaged and/or in lockup condition 1 (e.g., vehicle driveline)
11 Stability Optimized for driveline engaged and/or in lockup condition 2 (e.g., PTO driveline)

00b - This speed governor gain selection is adjusted to provide rapid transition between speed setpoints. RPM overshoot and undershoot may be greater than what is seen when the “speed control characteristic” is set to be stability optimized.

01b - This control condition has been optimized to minimize rpm overshoot and undershoot given an expected plant consisting of the engine and its accessory loads. This gain adjustment is not intended to compensate for driveline characteristics. This characteristic is most appropriate when no driveline is connected.

10b - This control condition has been optimized to minimize rpm overshoot and undershoot given a more complex plant. For instance, the more complex plant would contain the engine, its accessory loads and the driveline characteristics. As an example, the driveline characteristics might include the effective spring mass relationship of pumps, tires, clutches, axles, driveshafts, and multiple gear ratios. This characteristic is most appropriate when a driveline is engaged.

11b - This speed control characteristic is available for applications requiring compensation for more than one driveline characteristic. It has been optimized to minimize rpm overshoot and undershoot given a more complex plant of the second variety. This more complex plant would again contain the engine, its accessory loads and a second driveline characteristic unique from the one described in speed control characteristic 10b.
697Auxiliary PWM Driver #1
698Auxiliary PWM Driver #2
699Auxiliary PWM Driver #3
700Auxiliary PWM Driver #4
701Auxiliary I/O #01Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
702Auxiliary I/O #02Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
703Auxiliary I/O #03Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
704Auxiliary I/O #04Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
705Auxiliary I/O #05Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
706Auxiliary I/O #06Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
707Auxiliary I/O #07Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
708Auxiliary I/O #08Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
709Auxiliary I/O #09Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
710Auxiliary I/O #10Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
711Auxiliary I/O #11Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
712Auxiliary I/O #12Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
713Auxiliary I/O #13Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
714Auxiliary I/O #14Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
715Auxiliary I/O #15Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
716Auxiliary I/O #16Identifies the current status of auxiliary input/output functions that are configured uniquely per application.

00 - Auxiliary channel off
01 - Auxiliary channel on
10 - Error
11 - Not available
717Autoshift High Gear Actuator
718Autoshift Low Gear Actuator
719Autoshift Neutral Actuator
720Autoshift Common Low Side (Return)
721Prestroke Sensor
722Prestroke Actuator
723Engine Speed 2The engine speed as measured by speed sensor 2

Note: This is for the engine speed from the 2nd engine speed sensor. This may be different than SPN 190 when used in multiple engine speed sensor configurations. In an application with multiple engine speed sensors, SPN 190 data can be derived from any of the speed sensors.
724O2 Sensor
725Engine Ignition Control Mode Signal
726Engine Ignition Control Timing Signal
727Engine Turbocharger Secondary Intake Pressure
728Engine After Cooler-Oil Cooler Coolant Temperature
729Engine Intake Air Heater Driver #1
730Engine Intake Air Heater Driver #2
731Engine Knock 1Value of 1st sensor used to detect engine knock.
732Engine Gas Metering Valve
733Engine Rack Position Sensor
734Transmission Range Clutch C1 Solenoid
735Transmission Range Clutch C2 Solenoid
736Transmission Range Clutch C3 Solenoid
737Transmission Range Clutch C4 Solenoid
738Transmission Range Clutch C5 Solenoid
739Transmission Range Clutch C6 Solenoid
740Transmission Torque Converter Lockup Clutch ActuatorIdentifies the status of the actuator that controls the torque converter lockup clutch.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
741Transmission Forward Solenoid Valve
742Transmission Low Signal Solenoid Valve
743Retarder Enable Solenoid Valve
744Retarder Modulation Solenoid Valve
745Retarder Response Solenoid Valve
746Differential Lock Solenoid Valve #1Operates the first differential lock.
747Engine/Transmission Match
748Transmission Output RetarderIdentifies the status of the transmission output retarder.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
749Transmission Neutral Start Output
750Transmission Turbine Speed Sensor
751Transmission Primary Shift Selector
752Transmission Secondary Shift Selector
753Transmission Special Function Inputs
754Transmission Range C1 Clutch Pressure Indicator
755Transmission Range C2 Clutch Pressure Indicator
756Transmission Range C3 Clutch Pressure Indicator
757Transmission Range C4 Clutch Pressure Indicator
758Transmission Range C5 Clutch Pressure Indicator
759Transmission Range C6 Clutch Pressure Indicator
760Transmission Lockup Clutch Pressure Indicator (Obsolete - use 3184)
761Transmission Forward Range Pressure Indicator
762Transmission Neutral Range Pressure Indicator
763Transmission Reverse Range Pressure Indicator
764Retarder Response System Pressure Indicator
765Differential Lock Clutch Pressure Indicator
766Transmission Multiple Pressure Indicators
767Transmission Reverse Direction SwitchIdentifies the status of the switch that indicates reverse direction.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
768Transmission Range High ActuatorIdentifies the status of the range high actuator in the auxiliary unit.

00 -Off
01 -On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
769Transmission Range Low ActuatorIdentifies the status of the range low actuator in the auxiliary unit.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
770Transmission Splitter Direct ActuatorIdentifies the status of the splitter direct actuator in the auxiliary unit.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
771Transmission Splitter Indirect ActuatorIdentifies the status of the splitter indirect actuator in the auxiliary unit.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
772Transmission Shift Finger Rail Actuator 1Identifies the status of the actuator that moves the shift finger identified as rail actuator #1.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
773Transmission Shift Finger Gear Actuator 1Identifies the status of the actuator that moves the shift finger identified as gear actuator #1.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
774Transmission Upshift Request Switch
775Transmission Downshift Request Switch
776Torque Converter Interrupt Actuator
777Torque Converter Lockup Actuator (obsolete - use 740)
778Transmission High Range Sense SwitchIdentifies the status of the switch that represents high range.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
779Transmission Low Range Sense SwitchIdentifies the status of the switch that represents low range.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
780Transmission Shift Finger Neutral IndicatorIndicates the status of the shift finger in the neutral position.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
781Transmission Shift Finger Engagement IndicatorIdentifies the status of the shift finger in the engagement position.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
782Transmission Shift Finger Center Rail IndicatorIdentifies the status of the shift finger in the center rail position.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
783Transmission Shift Finger Rail Actuator 2Identifies the status of the actuator that moves the shift finger identified as rail actuator #2.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
784Transmission Shift Finger Gear Actuator 2Identifies the status of the actuator that moves the shift finger identified as gear actuator #2.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
785Transmission Hydraulic System
786Transmission Defuel ActuatorIdentifies the status of the actuator that controls the engine defuel mechanism.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
787Transmission Inertia Brake ActuatorIdentifies the status of the actuator that controls the inertia brake.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
788Transmission Clutch ActuatorIdentifies the status of the actuator that controls the clutch.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
789Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left
790Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right
791Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left
792Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right
793Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left
794Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right
795Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left
796Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right
797Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 2 Left
798Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 2 Right
799Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 3 Left
800Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 3 Right
801Retarder Control Relay
802Relay Diagonal 1
803Relay Diagonal 2
804Mode Switch ABS
805Mode Switch ASR
806Dif 1 - ASR Valve
807Dif 2 - ASR Valve
808Pneumatic Engine Control
809Electronic Engine Control (Servomotor)
810Speed Signal Input
811Warning Light Bulb
812ASR Light Bulb
813Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Average
814Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Average
815Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Average
816Pressure Modulator, Drive Axle Relay Valve
817Pressure Transducer, Drive Axle Relay Valve
818Master Control Relay
819Trailer Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Forward Axle Left
820Trailer Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Forward Axle Right
821Trailer Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Rear Axle Left
822Trailer Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Rear Axle Right
823Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 1 Left
824Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 1 Right
825Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 2 Left
826Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 2 Right
827Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 3 Left
828Tractor Brake Slack Out Of Adjustment Axle 3 Right
829Left Fuel Level Sensor
830Right Fuel Level Sensor
831Engine Fuel Feed Rate Sensor
832Engine Fuel Return Rate Sensor
833Fuel Rack Position Sensor
834Fuel Rack Actuator
835Oil Level Indicator Output
836Tachometer Drive Output
837Speedometer Drive Output
838PWM Input (ABS/ASR)
839Dead Reckoning Unit
840Loran Receiver
841Global Positioning System (GPS)
842Integrated Navigation Unit
843Operator Control Panel (OCP)
844Pneumatic Control Unit (PCU)
845PCU Steer Solenoid
846PCU Drive Solenoid
847PCU Trailer, Tag, Or Push Solenoid
848PCU Supply Solenoid
849PCU Control Solenoid
850PCU Deflate Solenoid
851Pneumatic - Steer Channel
852Pneumatic - Drive Channel
853Pneumatic - Trailer, Tag Or Push Channel
854Heater Circuit #01
855Heater Circuit #02
856Heater Circuit #03
857Heater Circuit #04
858Heater Circuit #05
859Heater Circuit #06
860Heater Circuit #07
861Heater Circuit #08
862Heater Circuit #09
863Heater Circuit #10
864Heater Circuit #11
865Heater Circuit #12
866Heater Circuit #13
867Heater Circuit #14
868Heater Circuit #15
869Heater Circuit #16
870Heater Regeneration System
871Refrigerant Charge
872Refrigerant Moisture Level
873Non-Condensable Gas In Refrigerant
874Refrigerant Flow Control Solenoid
875Refrigerant Low Pressure SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the low pressure switch in the coolant circuit of an air conditioning system. When the switch is enabled, the pressure inside the circuit is too low and the compressor clutch may be disengaged.

00 - Pressure normal
01 - Pressure too low, compressor clutch may be disengaged
10 - Error
11 - Not available
876Compressor Clutch Circuit
877Evaporator Thermostat Circuit
878Clearance, Side Marker, Identification Lamp Circuit (Black)
879Left Turn Lamp Circuit (Yellow)
880Stop Lamp Circuit (Red)
881Right Turn Lamp Circuit (Green)
882Tail Lamp/License Plate Lamp Circuit (Brown)
883Auxiliary Lamp Circuit (Blue)
884Tractor Mounted Rear Axle Slider Control Unit
885Trailer Mounted Rear Axle Slider Control Unit
886Headway Controller Forward Antenna
887Headway Controller Brake Input Monitor
888Headway Controller Speaker Monitor
889Headway Controller Steering Sensor Monitor
890Headway Controller Speedometer Monitor
891Headway Controller Right Turn Signal Monitor
892Headway Controller Left Turn Signal Monitor
893Headway Controller Control Display Unit
894Headway Controller Right Side Sensor
895Headway Controller Left Side Sensor
896Headway Controller Rear Sensor
897Override Control Mode PriorityThis field is used as an input to the engine or retarder to determine the priority of the Override Control Mode received in the Torque/Speed Control message (see PGN 0). The default is 11 (Low priority). It is not required to use the same priority during the entire override function. For example, the transmission can use priority 01 (High priority) during a shift, but can set the priority to 11 (Low priority) at the end of the shift to allow traction control to also interact with the torque limit of the engine.

The four priority levels defined are:

00 Highest priority
01 High priority
10 Medium priority
11 Low priority

00b - Highest Priority = Used for situations that require immediate action by the receiving device in order to provide safe vehicle operation (i.e., braking systems). This level of priority should only be used in safety critical conditions.

01b - High Priority = Used for control situations that require prompt action in order to provide safe vehicle operation. An example is when the transmission is performing a shift and requires control of the engine in order to control driveline reengagement.

10b - Medium Priority = Used for powertrain control operations which are related to assuring that the vehicle is in a stable operating condition. An example is when the traction control system is commanding the engine in order to achieve traction stability.

11b - Low Priority = Used to indicate that the associated command desires powertrain control but is needed for function which improves the driver comfort which may be overridden by other devices. An example is cruise control or the non-critical part of a transmission shift to a new gear.
898Engine Requested Speed/Speed LimitParameter provided to the engine from external sources in the torque/speed control message. This is the engine speed which the engine is expected to operate at if the speed control mode is active or the engine speed which the engine is not expected to exceed if the speed limit mode is active.
899Engine Torque ModeState signal which indicates which engine torque mode is currently generating, limiting, or controlling the torque. Note that the modes are not in prioritized order. Not all modes may be relevant for a given device. Some devices may not implement all functions. For typical priorities refer to Figures SPN512_A and SPN512_B for engine control. The data type of this parameter is measured.

Mode 0000b means “No request”: engine torque may range from 0 to full load only due to low idle governor output.

Modes 0001b to 1110b indicate that there is either a torque request or the identified function is currently controlling the engine: engine torque may range from 0 (no fueling) to the upper limit.
900Retarder Torque ModeState signal which indicates which retarder torque mode is currently generating, limiting, or controlling the torque. Note that the modes are not in prioritized order. Not all modes may be relevant for a given device. Some devices may not implement all functions. For typical priorities refer to Tables SPN518_A to SPN518_B for retarder control. The data type of this parameter is measured.

Mode 0000b means “No request”: retarder torque = 0 (no braking).

Modes 0001b to 1110b indicate that there is either a torque request or the identified function is currently controlling the retarder: retarder torque may range from 0 (no braking) to the upper limit.
901Retarder TypeA vehicle retarder is a supplementary device to the wheel brakes for the driver to better control the vehicle. The wheel brakes used in the vehicle are not designed for continuous retarding operation. In a prolonged period of braking, the brakes can be thermally over-stressed, causing the braking effect to be reduced or even lead to complete braking system failure. The vehicle retarder is designed for continuous operation for braking during downhill operation and is also used for braking the vehicle to comply with speed limits and traffic conditions.

This parameter provides some indication of the retarder dynamics. It is used in the retarder configuration message. The data type of this parameter is measured.

0000 Electric/Magnetic
0001 Hydraulic
0010 Cooled Friction
0011 Compression Release (Engine retarder)
0100 Exhaust
0101-1101 Not defined
1110 Other
1111 Not available
902Retarder LocationThis parameter defines whether the “torque/speed curve” defined by the retarder configuration message (PGN 65249) is dependent on engine rpm, output shaft rpm, or other parameter. The data type of this parameter is measured.

0000 (Primary) Engine Compression Release Brake (Engine rpm)
0001 (Primary) Engine Exhaust Brake (Exhaust pressure)
0010 (Primary) Transmission Input (Engine rpm)
0011 (Secondary) Transmission Output (Output Shaft rpm)
0100 (Secondary) Driveline (Output Shaft rpm)
0101 Trailer (Vehicle speed)
0110-1101 Not defined
1110 Other
1111 Not available
903Transmission Forward Direction SwitchIdentifies the status of the switch that indicates forward direction.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
904Front Axle SpeedThe average speed of the two front wheels.
905Relative Speed; Front Axle, Left WheelThe speed of the front axle, left wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
906Relative Speed; Front Axle, Right WheelThe speed of the front axle, right wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
907Relative Speed; Rear Axle #1, Left WheelThe speed of the rear axle #1, left wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
908Relative Speed; Rear Axle #1, Right WheelThe speed of the rear axle #1, right wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
909Relative Speed; Rear Axle #2, Left WheelThe speed of the rear axle #2, left wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
910Relative Speed; Rear Axle #2, Right WheelThe speed of the rear axle #2, right wheel relative to the front axle speed, SPN 904.
911Service Component IdentificationIdentification of component needing service. See Table SPN911_A.
912Service Component IdentificationIdentification of component needing service. See Table SPN911_A.
913Service Component IdentificationIdentification of component needing service. See Table SPN911_A.
914Service DistanceThe distance which can be traveled by the vehicle before the next service inspection is required. A negative distance is transmitted if the service inspection has been passed. The component that requires service is identified by the service component identification (see SPN 911-913, 1379, and 1584).
915Service Delay/Calendar Time BasedThe time in weeks until the next vehicle service inspection is required. A negative value is transmitted if the service inspection has been passed. The component that requires service is identified by the service component identification (see SPN 911-913, 1379, and 1584).
916Service Delay/Operational Time BasedThe time in vehicle operational time until the next vehicle service inspection is required. A negative value is transmitted if the service inspection has been passed. The component that requires service is identified by the service component identification (see SPN 911-913, 1379, and 1584).
917High Resolution Total Vehicle DistanceAccumulated distance traveled by the vehicle during its operation.

NOTE - See SPN 245 for alternate resolution.
918High Resolution Trip DistanceDistance traveled during all or part of a journey.

NOTE - See SPN 244 for alternate resolution.
919Ambient Light Sensor
920Audible Alarm
921Green Lamp
922Ride Height Relay
923PWM Output
924Auxiliary Output #1
925Auxiliary Output #2
926Auxiliary Output #3
927LocationTo identify to which of several similar devices (such as tires or fuel tanks) the information applies.

The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward).

The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle.

The value 0xFF indicates not available.

It is recommended that output devices add 1 to the position number (range 1 to 15, not 0 to 14) for use by drivers and service technicians.

Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.

Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd axle, 4th tire).
928Axle LocationTo identify to which of several similar devices (such as tires or fuel tanks) the information applies.

The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward).

The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle.

The value 0xFF indicates not available.

It is recommended that output devices add 1 to the position number (range 1 to 15, not 0 to 14) for use by drivers and service technicians.

Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.

Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd axle, 4th tire).
929Tire LocationIdentifies which tire is associated with the parametric data in this PGN.

The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward).

The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle.

The value 0xFF indicates not available.

It is recommended that output devices add 1 to the position number (range 1 to 15, not 0 to 14) for use by drivers and service technicians.

Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.

Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd axle, 4th tire).
930Drive Axle LocationTo identify to which of several similar devices (such as tires or fuel tanks) the information applies.

The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward).

The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle.

The value 0xFF indicates not available.

It is recommended that output devices add 1 to the position number (range 1 to 15, not 0 to 14) for use by drivers and service technicians.

Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.

Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd axle, 4th tire).
931Engine Fuel Supply Pump Actuator
932Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 1 Left
933Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 1 Right
934Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 2 Left
935Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 2 Right
936Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 3 Left
937Brake System Hold Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 3 Right
938Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 1 Left
939Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 1 Right
940Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 2 Left
941Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 2 Right
942Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 3 Left
943Brake System Dump Modulator Valve Solenoid Axle 3 Right
944Driver Air Bag Ignitor Loop
945Passenger Air Bag Ignitor Loop
946Left Belt Tensioner Ignitor Loop
947Right Belt Tensioner Ignitor Loop
948Safety Restraint System Lamp
949Automotive Seat Occupancy Sensor - passenger side
950Side Collision Detector - Left
951Side Bag Ignitor Loop 1 - Left
952Side Bag Ignitor Loop 2 - Left
953Side Collision Detector - Right
954Side Bag Ignitor Loop 1 - Right
955Side Bag Ignitor Loop 2 - Right
956Rollover Sensor
957Number of Forward Gear RatiosNumber of forward gear ratios in the transmission, provided as part of the configuration.
958Number of Reverse Gear RatiosNumber of reverse gear ratios in the transmission, provided as part of the transmission configuration.
959SecondsThe seconds component of the current time of day. This should be reported as the seconds component of the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the seconds component of the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
960MinutesThe minutes component of the current time of day. This should be reported as the minutes component of the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the minutes component of the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
961HoursThe hour component of the current time of day. This should be reported as the hour component of the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the hour component of the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
962DayThe day component of the current calendar date. This should be reported as the day component of the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the day component of the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the date is null. The values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used to identify the first day of the month; 5, 6, 7, and 8 identify the second day of the month; etc.
963MonthThe month component of the current calendar date. This should be reported as the month component of the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the month component of the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the month is null. The value 1 identifies January; 2 identifies February; etc.
964YearThe year component of the current calendar date. This should be reported as the year component of the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the year component of the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the year identifies the year 1985; a value of 1 identifies 1986; etc.
965Number of Software Identification FieldsNumber of software identification designators represented in the software identification parameter group.
966Engine Test Mode SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the engine test mode switch.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
967Engine Idle Decrement SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the idle decrement switch.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
968Engine Idle Increment SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the idle increment switch.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
969Remote Accelerator Enable SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the remote accelerator has been enabled and controls the engine.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available

NOTE—The accelerator interlock switch (see SPN 972) must be disabled in order for the remote accelerator to perform engine control.
970Engine Auxiliary Shutdown SwitchSwitch signal which requests that all engine fueling stop.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
971Engine Derate SwitchSwitch signal used to activate the torque limiting feature of the engine. The specific nature of torque limiting should be verified with the manufacturer.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
972Accelerator Interlock SwitchSwitch signal used to disable the accelerator and remote accelerator inputs, causing the engine to return to idle.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
973Engine Retarder SelectionThe position of the operator controlled selector, expressed as a percentage and determined by the ratio of the current position of the selector to its maximum possible position. Zero percent means no braking torque is requested by the operator from the engine while 100% means maximum braking.
974Remote Accelerator Pedal PositionThe ratio of actual position of the remote analog engine speed/torque request input device (such as an accelerator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device.

For example, in on-highway vehicles this could be an accelerator control device that is external to the drivers cab or an accelerator that is controlled by a hand lever from the operators seat.

The Remote Accelerator Enable Switch is SPN 969. This parameter enables the remote accelerator operation.

NOTE—See SPNs 29 and 91 for additional accelerator position parameters. If only one accelerator
position exists on a vehicle, SPN 91 shall be used. SPN 28 is an additional diagnostic SPN for accelerator position.
975Estimated Percent Fan SpeedEstimated fan speed as a ratio of the fan drive (current speed) to the fully engaged fan drive (maximum fan speed). A two state fan (off/on) will use 0% and 100% respectively. A three state fan (off/intermediate/on) will use 0%, 50% and 100% respectively. A variable speed fan will use 0% to 100%. Multiple fan systems will use 0 to 100% to indicate the percent cooling capacity being provided.

Note that the intermediate fan speed of a three state fan will vary with different fan drives, therefore 50% is being used to indicate that the intermediate speed is required from the fan drive.
976PTO Governor StateThis parameter is used to indicate the current state or mode of operation by the power takeoff (PTO) governor. In lieu of support for PTO Drive Engagement parameters, this parameter may represent the status of a PTO drive. The broadcasting device must ensure that each achieved state is conveyed in at least one message broadcast before a transition to another state is allowed.

00000 Off/Disabled
00001 Hold
00010 Remote Hold
00011 Standby
00100 Remote Standby
00101 Set
00110 Decelerate/Coast
00111 Resume
01000 Accelerate
01001 Accelerator Override
01010 Preprogrammed set speed 1
01011 Preprogrammed set speed 2
01100 Preprogrammed set speed 3
01101 Preprogrammed set speed 4
01110 Preprogrammed set speed 5
01111 Preprogrammed set speed 6
10000 Preprogrammed set speed 7
10001 Preprogrammed set speed 8
10010 PTO set speed memory 1
10011 PTO set speed memory 2
10100-11110 Not defined
11111 Not available

Off/Disabled 00000b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor enable switch is in the off position.

Hold 00001b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is active and currently maintaining a captured operating speed.

Remote Hold 00010b — Used to indicate that the remote PTO governor is active and the PTO governor is currently maintaining a captured operating speed.

Standby 00011b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor device enable switch is in the ON position and it is possible to manage the PTO governor.

Remote Standby 00100b — Used to indicate that the remote PTO governor device enable switch is in the ON position and it is possible to manage the PTO governor.

Set 00101b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is establishing current speed as the operating speed (captured value).

Decelerate/Coast 00110b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of ramping down, or coasting, from the current operating speed.

Resume 00111b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of resuming the operating speed to a previously captured value.

Accelerate 01000b — Used to indicate that the PTO governor is in the process of ramping up the operating speed.

Accelerator Override 01001b—Used to indicate that the PTO governor is active but for the present time the engine is controlled by a large driver's demand.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 1 01010b—Used to indicate that the PTO device is establishing a first preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 2 01011b—Used to indicate that the PTO device is establishing a second preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 3 01100b —Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a third preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 4 01101b —Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a fourth preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 5 01110b —Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a fifth preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 6 01111b—Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a sixth preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 7 10000b —Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a seventh preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

Preprogrammed PTO Governor Set Speed 8 10001b —Used to indicate that the remote PTO device is establishing a eighth preprogrammed PTO governor set speed (user programmable) as the current operating speed.

PTO set speed memory 1 10010b —Used to indicate that PTO set speed memory one set state is active.

PTO set speed memory 2 10011b — Used to indicate that PTO set speed memory two set state is active.
977Fan Drive StateThis parameter is used to indicate the current state or mode of operation by the fan drive.

0000 Fan off
0001 Engine system–General
0010 Excessive engine air temperature
0011 Excessive engine oil temperature
0100 Excessive engine coolant temperature
0101 Excessive transmission oil temperature
0110 Excessive hydraulic oil temperature
0111 Default Operation
1000 Reverse Operation
1001 Manual control
1010 Transmission retarder
1011 A/C system
1100 Timer
1101 Engine brake
1110 Other
1111 Not available

Fan off 0000b —Used to indicate that the fan clutch is disengaged and the fan is inactive

Engine system–General 0001b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to an engine system not otherwise defined.

Excessive engine air temperature 0010b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high air temperature.

Excessive engine oil temperature 0011b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high oil temperature.

Excessive engine coolant temperature 0100b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high coolant temperature.

Reverse Operation 1000b — Used to indicate that the fan is in reverse direction of operation compared to the normal direction of operation

Manual control 1001b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as requested by the operator.

Transmission retarder 1010b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by the transmission retarder.

A/C system 1011b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by the air conditioning system.

Timer 1100b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by a timing function.

Engine brake 1101b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required to assist engine braking.

Excessive transmission oil temperature - 0101b - Used to indicate fan is active due to excessive transmission oil temperature.

Excessive hydraulic oil temperature - 0110b - Used to indicate fan is active due to excessive hydraulic oil temperature.

Default Operation - 0111b - Used to indicate fan is active due to a error condition resulting in default operation
978Engine Remote PTO Governor Variable Speed Control SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the remote PTO governor toggle switch is in the enabled (ON) position. If the toggle switch is enabled and other conditions are satisfied then the remote PTO governor feature is activated and the PTO governor will control at a variable speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
979Engine Remote PTO Governor Preprogrammed Speed Control SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the remote PTO governor toggle switch is in the enabled (ON) position. If the toggle switch is enabled and other conditions are satisfied then the remote PTO governor feature is activated and the PTO governor will control at the preprogrammed speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
980Engine PTO Governor Enable SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the PTO governor toggle switch is in the enabled (ON) position and therefore it is possible to manage the PTO control function.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
981Engine PTO Governor Accelerate SwitchSwitch signal of the PTO control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position to "accelerate" the PTO governor set speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
982Engine PTO Governor Resume SwitchSwitch signal of the PTO control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position to "resume" a previously established PTO governor set speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
983Engine PTO Governor Coast/Decelerate SwitchSwitch signal of the PTO control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position to "coast/decelerate" the PTO governor set speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
984Engine PTO Governor Set SwitchSwitch signal of the PTO control activator which indicates that the activator is in the position to "set" the engine PTO governor set speed.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
985A/C High Pressure Fan SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the pressure in the coolant circuit of an air conditioning system is high and the fan may be engaged.

00 - Pressure normal
01 - Pressure high, fan may be engaged
10 - Error
11 - Not available
986Requested Percent Fan SpeedFan speed as a ratio of the actual fan drive (current speed) to the fully engaged fan drive (maximum fan speed). A two state fan (off/on) will use 0% and 100% respectively. A three state fan (off/intermediate/on) will use 0%, 50% and 100% respectively. A variable speed fan will use 0% to 100%. Multiple fan systems will use 0 to 100% to indicate the percent cooling capacity being provided. Feedback to this request is provided using the estimated fan speed (see SPN 975).

Note that the intermediate fan speed of a three state fan will vary with different fan drives, therefore 50% is being used to indicate that the intermediate speed is required from the fan drive.
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
987Protect LampThis lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
988Trip Group 1Command signal used to reset the PGNs and parameters as defined in Table SPN988_A.

00 Take no action
01 Reset
10 Reserved
11 Not applicable
989Trip Group 2 - ProprietaryCommand signal used to reset proprietary parameters associated with a trip but not defined within this document.

00 Take no action
01 Reset
10 Reserved
11 Not applicable
990Total Compression Brake DistanceTotal distance over which the compression brakes have been active for the life of the engine.
991Trip Compression Brake DistanceTotal distance over which the compression brakes have been active since the last trip reset.
992Trip Service Brake DistanceTotal distance over which the service brakes have been active since the last trip reset.
993Trip Service Brake ApplicationsTotal number of times the service brakes have been activated since the last trip reset. Brake applications of less than 0.5 s are not counted and lengthy brake applications (longer than 0.5 s) are counted as a single event.

NOTE - Definition and resolution shall stay the same if brakes are applied by only the tractor, only the trailer or both.
994Trip Fan On TimeTotal time the fan has been on (due to an automatic trigger or manual trigger) since the last trip reset. The fan could be requested to be on by the engine system, a manual switch, and/or the A/C system. Whichever system requests the fan activation first shall have the time accumulated against it. The sum total of these three values shall equal the trip fan on time.

NOTE—If the fan has been requested to be on by a component that is not one of the defined categories, this time shall be accumulated in the Engine System category by default.
995Trip Fan On Time Due to the Engine SystemTotal time the fan has been on due to engine triggers (i.e., excluding time on due to an operator manual switch or A/C system) since the last trip reset. For the time to be accumulated against the engine system, it is necessary that it be the first to request the fan activation or it be the only system requesting fan activation.
996Trip Fan On Time Due to a Manual SwitchTotal time the fan has been on due to manual activation by the operator (i.e., excluding time on due to automatic triggers) since the last trip reset. For the time to be accumulated against the manual switch, it is necessary that it be the first to request the fan activation or it be the only system requesting fan activation.
997Trip Fan On Time Due to the A/C SystemTotal time the fan has been on due to the A/C system since the last trip reset. For the time to be accumulated against the A/C system, it is necessary that it be the first to request the fan activation or it be the only system requesting fan activation.
998Trip Distance on VSLTotal distance accumulated while the engine torque mode is road speed governing since the last trip reset.
999Trip Gear Down DistanceTotal distance accumulated while the vehicle has operated in the gear which is one gear down from top gear and exceeds a calibrated minimum time (typically the time to shift the transmission) since the last trip reset.
1000Trip Distance in Top GearTotal distance accumulated while the vehicle has operated in top gear for a calibrated minimum time since the last trip reset.
1001Trip Drive Fuel UsedTotal fuel consumed while the engine speed is greater than zero, vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and neither the PTO or the remote PTO is controlling the engine power output, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1007 for alternate resolution.
1002Trip PTO Governor Moving Fuel UsedTotal fuel consumed while either the PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1008 for alternate resolution.
1003Trip PTO Governor Non-moving Fuel Usedthe PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1009 for alternate resolution.
1004Trip Vehicle Idle Fuel UsedTotal fuel consumed while neither the PTO or remote PTO governor is in the hold state, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

In marine applications, this parameter is defined as the total fuel consumed while the engine speed is greater than zero, and less than or equal to 50 RPM greater than low idle, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1010 for alternate resolution.
1005Trip Cruise Fuel UsedTotal fuel consumed while the engine is in the cruise hold state since the last trip reset. If both cruise control and VSL (vehicle speed limiter) are commanding the same amount of fuel, the cruise control is deemed the active torque mode and fuel will be accumulated in "trip cruise fuel used" parameter. If fuel commanded due to the accelerator pedal position is larger than fuel commanded by cruise control (e.g., accelerator override torque mode), the cruise control is not deemed the active torque mode and fuel will not be accumulated in the "trip cruise fuel used" parameter.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1011 for alternate resolution.
1006Trip Drive Fuel EconomyTrip drive fuel economy is equal to the distance traveled by vehicle in the drive state (engine speed greater than zero, vehicle speed greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and neither the PTO or remote PTO governors are controlling engine power output) divided by trip drive fuel used (SPN 1001), since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1012 for alternate resolution.
1007Trip Drive Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed while the engine speed is greater than zero, vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and neither the PTO or the remote PTO governors are controlling the engine power output, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1001 for alternate resolution.
1008Trip PTO Governor Moving Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed while the PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1002 for alternate resolution.
1009Trip PTO Governor Non-moving Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed while the PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is less than to 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1003 for alternate resolution.
1010Trip Vehicle Idle Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed while neither the PTO or remote PTO governors are active, the engine speed is greater than zero, and vehicle speed is less than to 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1004 for alternate resolution. Trip vehicle idle fuel while in fast idle (vehicle speed less than 2 km/h with engine speed greater than 700 rpm) shall be accumulated in the trip vehicle idle fuel category. All other fuel usage scenarios that do not fall directly in the categories defined shall be accumulated in trip drive fuel used.
1011Trip Cruise Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed while the engine is in the cruise hold state since the last trip reset. If both cruise control and VSL (vehicle speed limiter) are commanding the same amount of fuel, the cruise control is deemed the active torque mode and fuel will be accumulated in "trip cruise fuel used" parameter. If fuel commanded due to the accelerator pedal position is larger than fuel commanded by cruise control (e.g., accelerator override torque mode), the cruise control is not deemed the active torque mode and fuel will not be accumulated in the "trip cruise fuel used" parameter.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1005 for alternate resolution.
1012Trip Drive Fuel Economy (Gaseous)Trip drive fuel economy is equal to the distance traveled by vehicle in the drive state (engine speed greater than zero, vehicle speed greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and neither the PTO or remote PTO governors are controlling engine power output) divided by trip drive fuel used (SPN 1007), since the last trip reset.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1006 for alternate resolution.
1013Trip Maximum Engine SpeedMaximum engine speed achieved since the last trip reset.
1014Trip Average Engine SpeedAverage speed of the engine since the last trip reset.

NOTE — Excludes ignition-on time without the engine speed above zero. Includes idle, engine PTO governor (moving and non-moving), and drive operation.
1015Trip Drive Average Load FactorAverage engine load factor while engine speed is greater than zero, vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and both the PTO (moving/non-moving) and remote PTO governors are not in the hold state, since the last trip reset. Engine operation during cruise control operation is included.

In marine applications, this parameter is defined as the average engine load factor while engine speed is greater than zero, since last trip reset.
1016Total Drive Average Load FactorAverage engine load factor while engine speed is greater than zero, vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 2 km/h, and both the PTO (moving/non-moving) and remote PTO governors are not in the hold state, over the life of the engine. Engine operation during cruise control operation is included.

In marine applications, this parameter is defined as the average engine load factor while engine speed is greater than zero.
1017Total Engine Cruise TimeTotal time that the engine has operated in the cruise hold state, excluding time in accelerator override, over the life of the engine.
1018Trip Maximum Vehicle SpeedMaximum vehicle speed achieved while the engine speed is greater than zero and the accelerator pedal position (APS) is at a value greater than 0%, since the last trip reset.
1019Trip Cruise DistanceTotal distance that the engine has operated in the cruise hold state, excluding time in accelerator override, since the last trip reset.
1020Trip Number of Hot ShutdownsTotal number of hot shutdowns since the last trip reset. A hot shutdown is based on operation at high load or high engine speed or for long operating periods without allowing the engine to cool sufficiently.
1021Trip Number of Idle ShutdownsTotal number of times the engine has been shutdown due to idling too long (at normal idle or fast idle) since the last trip reset.
1022Trip Number of Idle Shutdown OverridesTotal number of times an operator disables idle shutdown to prevent an engine shutdown, since the last trip reset.
1023Trip Sudden DecelerationsTotal number of decelerations whenever the vehicle deceleration is more than XYZ km/h/sec (where XYZ is a calibratible threshold), since the last trip reset. A lengthy deceleration shall be counted as one sudden deceleration.
1024Trip Time in VSLTotal time accumulated when the engine has operated on the vehicle speed limiter (VSL) while not in the cruise hold state, since the last trip reset. The engine torque mode is equal to road speed governor during this operation.
1025Trip Time in Top GearTotal time accumulated when the vehicle has operated in top gear for a calibrated minimum time, since the last trip reset.
1026Trip Time in Gear DownTotal time accumulated when the vehicle has operated in one gear down from the top gear for a calibrated minimum time, since the last trip reset.
1027Trip Time in Derate by EngineTotal time accumulated when the engine final fueling has been derated due to an engine protection algorithm, since the last reset.
1028Total Engine PTO Governor Fuel UsedTotal fuel used while the PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state and engine speed is above zero, over the life of the engine.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1030 for alternate resolution.
1029Trip Average Fuel RateAverage fuel rate, equal to trip fuel divided by trip time while the engine speed is above zero, since the last trip reset. This includes idle, engine PTO governor (both moving and non-moving) and drive operation but excludes ignition-on time while the engine speed is at zero rpm.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for liquid fueled engines. See SPN 1031 for alternate resolution.
1030Total Engine PTO Governor Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel used while the PTO or remote PTO governors are in the hold state and engine speed is above zero, over the life of the engine.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1028 for alternate resolution.
1031Trip Average Fuel Rate (Gaseous)Average fuel rate, equal to trip fuel divided by trip time while the engine speed is above zero, since the last trip reset. This includes idle, engine PTO governor (both moving and non-moving) and drive operation but excludes ignition-on time while the engine speed is at zero rpm.

NOTE—This parameter is intended for gaseous fueled engines. See SPN 1029 for alternate resolution.
1032Total ECU DistanceTotal distance accumulated over the life of the ECU. When the ECU is replaced this value shall be reset.
1033Total ECU Run TimeTotal time accumulated over the life of the ECU, from ignition switch ON to ignition switch OFF. When the ECU is replaced this value shall be reset.
1034Trip Cruise TimeTotal time accumulated while the engine is in the cruise hold state, excluding time in accelerator override, since the last trip reset.
1035Trip PTO Governor TimeTotal time accumulated while the engine is in the PTO or remote PTO governor hold state since the last trip reset.
1036Trip Engine Running TimeTotal time accumulated while the engine speed is greater than zero since the last trip reset. Note that time with the ignition switch on but engine speed at zero is not included.
1037Trip Idle TimeTotal time accumulated while the engine speed is greater than zero, both the PTO and remote PTO governors are inactive, and the vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h, since the last trip reset.

In marine applications, this parameter is defined as the total time accumulated while the engine speed is greater than zero, and less than or equal to 50 RPM greater than low idle, since the last trip reset.
1038Trip Air Compressor On TimeTotal time that the air compressor is on and compressing air since the last trip reset.
1039Trip Fuel (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed (trip drive fuel + trip PTO governor moving fuel + trip PTO governor non-moving fuel + trip idle fuel) since the last trip reset.
1040Total Fuel Used (Gaseous)Total fuel consumed (trip drive fuel + trip PTO governor moving fuel + trip PTO governor non-moving fuel + trip idle fuel) over the life of the engine.
1041Start Signal Indicator
1042Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992)
1043Internal Sensor Voltage Supply
1044Hydraulic Pump Motor
1045Brake Light Switch 1
1046Brake Light Switch 2
1047Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1
1048Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 1
1049Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1
1050Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2
1051Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 2
1052Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2
1053Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3
1054Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 3
1055Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3
1056Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control
1057Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control, Trailer Control
1058Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control
1059Axle Load Sensor
1060Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Left
1061Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Right
1062Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Left
1063Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Right
1064Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Left
1065Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Right
1066Brake Signal Transmitter
1067Brake Signal Sensor 1
1068Brake Signal Sensor 2
1069Tire Dimension Supervision
1070Vehicle Deceleration Control
1071Engine Cooling Fan Drive Output
1072Engine Compression Brake Output #1
1073Engine Compression Brake Output #2
1074Engine Exhaust Brake Output
1075Engine Electric Lift Pump for Engine Fuel Supply
1076Engine Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Control Valve
1077Engine Fuel Injection Pump Controller
1078Engine Fuel Injection Pump 1 Speed/Position Sensor
1079Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (+5V DC) (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete. SPNs 3509-3514 should be used instead.
1080Sensor Supply Voltage 2 (+5V DC) (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete, SPNs 3509-3514 should be used instead.
1081Engine Wait to Start LampLamp signal which indicates that the engine is too cold to start and the operator should wait until the signal becomes inactive (turns off). See SPN 5416 for the lamp operating condition.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1082Engine Coolant Load IncreaseStatus of an event, external to the engine, that may increase the nominal temperature of the engine coolant liquid.

00 - No coolant load increase
01 - Coolant load increase possible
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1083Auxiliary I/O Channel #1Auxiliary channel of data (16 bit) read by the ECU. This data is in A/D counts and is manufacturer specific. It may be configured uniquely per application.
1084Auxiliary I/O Channel #2Auxiliary channel of data (16 bit) read by the ECU. This data is in A/D counts and is manufacturer specific. It may be configured uniquely per application.
1085Intended Retarder Percent TorqueBraking torque of retarder that the retarder is currently trying to achieve. This value takes into account all static limitations, but not the limitations due to the dynamic behavior of the retarder. This value, if unchanged over a certain time, can and will be reached by the actual retarder - percent torque (See SPN 520).
1086Parking and/or Trailer Air PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir for the parking brake and/or the trailer supply.
1087Service Brake Circuit 1 Air PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the primary service brake circuit or reservoir, supplying the rear axle.
1088Service Brake Circuit 2 Air PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the secondary service brake circuit or reservoir, supplying the front axle.
1089Auxiliary Equipment Supply PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the auxiliary circuit.
1090Air Suspension Supply PressureThe pneumatic pressure in the circuit for the electronically controlled air suspension system.
1091Brake Application Pressure High Range, Front Axle, Left WheelThe brake application pressure for the left wheel on the front axle.
1092Brake Application Pressure High Range, Front Axle, Right WheelThe brake application pressure for the right wheel on the front axle.
1093Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #1, Left WheelThe brake application pressure for the left wheel on the rear axle #1.
1094Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #1, Right WheelThe brake application pressure for the right wheel on the rear axle #1.
1095Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #2, Left WheelThe brake application pressure for the left wheel on the rear axle #2.
1096Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #2, Right WheelThe brake application pressure for the right wheel on the rear axle #2.
1097Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #3, Left WheelThe brake application pressure for the left wheel on the rear axle #3.
1098Brake Application Pressure High Range, Rear Axle #3, Right WheelThe brake application pressure for the right wheel on the rear axle #3.
1099Brake Lining Remaining, Front Axle, Left WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the front axle. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1100Brake Lining Remaining, Front Axle, Right WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the front axle. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1101Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #1, Left WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the rear axle #1. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1102Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #1, Right WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the rear axle #1. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1103Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #2, Left WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the rear axle #2. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1104Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #2, Right WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the rear axle #2. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1105Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #3, Left WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the rear axle #3. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1106Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #3, Right WheelThe percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the rear axle #3. 100% represents new brake linings, 0% represents totally worn brake linings.
1107Engine Protection System Timer StateStatus signal which indicates the current mode of the engine protection system timer system. See Figure SPN1107_A.

00 - Inactive
01 - Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1108Engine Protection System Timer OverrideStatus signal which indicates the status of the override feature of the engine protection system timer. See Figure SPN1107_A.

00 - Inactive
01 - Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1109Engine Protection System Approaching ShutdownStatus signal which indicates that engine shutdown is imminent. This engine protection signal can be a result of different systems failing, i.e., engine overheating. See Figure SPN1107_A.

00 - Not approaching
01 - Approaching
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1110Engine Protection System has Shutdown EngineStatus signal which indicates whether or not the engine protection system has shutdown the engine. See Figure SPN1107_A.

00 - No
01 - Yes
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1111Engine Protection System ConfigurationParameter which indicates the configuration of the engine shutdown system.

00 - Disabled in calibration
01 - Enabled in calibration
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1112Engine Compression Brake Output #3
1113Recommended GearThe transmission calculates this gear continuously. In dangerous situations this gear may be selected to gain back vehicle control.
1114Lowest Possible GearThe transmission calculates this gear continuously. Together with the highest possible gear (see SPN 1115), it enables a management computer to know the exact range of available gears.
1115Highest Possible GearThe transmission calculates this gear continuously. Together with the lowest possible gear (see SPN 1114), it enables a management computer to know the exact range of available gears.
1116Gaseous Fuel Correction FactorA correction to a predefined gaseous fuel energy (expressed in energy per unit volume) represented as a percentage. The actual fuel energy used to control the engine is the product of the gaseous fuel correction factor and the energy of the gas.
1117Engine Desired Rated Exhaust OxygenThe desired amount of oxygen in the exhaust at rated conditions represented as a percentage by volume with respect to the total volume of exhaust gases leaving the engine.
1118Engine Desired Exhaust OxygenThe desired amount of oxygen in the exhaust represented as a percentage by volume with respect to the total volume of exhaust gases leaving the engine.
1119Engine Actual Exhaust OxygenThe actual amount of oxygen in the exhaust represented as a percentage by volume with respect to the total volume of exhaust gases leaving the engine.
1120Articulation AngleAngle of deflection of an articulated transit vehicle (rotation angle about the vehicles z-axis). A right turn (clockwise) is indicated with a positive angle and a left turn is indicated with a negative angle. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Down axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Down Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the right, and positive Z directed down.
1121EBS Brake SwitchSwitch signal which indicates that the brake pedal is being pressed. The EBS brake switch is independent of the brake light switch and has no provisions for external connections.

00 - Brake pedal is not being pressed
01 - Brake pedal is being pressed
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1122Engine Alternator Bearing 1 TemperatureTemperature of the bearing inside the alternator. Bearing 1 is the left or rear bearing.
1123Engine Alternator Bearing 2 TemperatureTemperature of the bearing inside the alternator. Bearing 2 is the right or front bearing.
1124Engine Alternator Winding 1 TemperatureTemperature of the windings inside the alternator.
1125Engine Alternator Winding 2 TemperatureTemperature of the windings inside the alternator.
1126Engine Alternator Winding 3 TemperatureTemperature of the windings inside the alternator.
1127Engine Turbocharger 1 Boost PressureGage pressure of air measured downstream of the compressor discharge side of the turbocharger. See also SPN 102 for alternate range and resolution. If there is only one boost pressure to report and the range and resolution in SPN 102 is adequate, then it should be used.
1128Engine Turbocharger 2 Boost PressureGage pressure of air measured downstream of the compressor discharge side of the turbocharger. See also SPN 102 for alternate range and resolution. If there is only one boost pressure to report and the range and resolution in SPN 102 is adequate, then it should be used.
1129Engine Turbocharger 3 Boost PressureGage pressure of air measured downstream of the compressor discharge side of the turbocharger. See also SPN 102 for alternate range and resolution. If there is only one boost pressure to report and the range and resolution in SPN 102 is adequate, then it should be used.
1130Engine Turbocharger 4 Boost PressureGage pressure of air measured downstream of the compressor discharge side of the turbocharger. See also SPN 102 for alternate range and resolution. If there is only one boost pressure to report and the range and resolution in SPN 102 is adequate, then it should be used.
1131Engine Intake Manifold 2 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold of engine air supply system.
1132Engine Intake Manifold 3 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold of engine air supply system.
1133Engine Intake Manifold 4 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold of engine air supply system.
1134Engine Charge Air Cooler Thermostat OpeningThe current position of the thermostat used to regulate the temperature of the engine charge air cooler. A value of 0% represents the thermostat being completely closed and 100% represents the thermostat being completely open.
1135Engine Oil Temperature 2Temperature of the engine lubricant.

Note: If there is only one engine oil temperature measurement, SPN 175 should be used.

See also SPNs 175 and 5925 for additional engine oil temperature measurements.
1136Engine ECU TemperatureTemperature of the engine electronic control unit.
1137Engine Exhaust Gas Port 1 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1138Engine Exhaust Gas Port 2 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1139Engine Exhaust Gas Port 3 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1140Engine Exhaust Gas Port 4 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1141Engine Exhaust Gas Port 5 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1142Engine Exhaust Gas Port 6 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1143Engine Exhaust Gas Port 7 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1144Engine Exhaust Gas Port 8 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1145Engine Exhaust Gas Port 9 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1146Engine Exhaust Gas Port 10 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1147Engine Exhaust Gas Port 11 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1148Engine Exhaust Gas Port 12 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1149Engine Exhaust Gas Port 13 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1150Engine Exhaust Gas Port 14 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1151Engine Exhaust Gas Port 15 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1152Engine Exhaust Gas Port 16 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1153Engine Exhaust Gas Port 17 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1154Engine Exhaust Gas Port 18 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1155Engine Exhaust Gas Port 19 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1156Engine Exhaust Gas Port 20 TemperatureTemperature at the cylinder exhaust port of the engine.
1157Engine Main Bearing 1 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1158Engine Main Bearing 2 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1159Engine Main Bearing 3 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1160Engine Main Bearing 4 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1161Engine Main Bearing 5 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1162Engine Main Bearing 6 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1163Engine Main Bearing 7 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1164Engine Main Bearing 8 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1165Engine Main Bearing 9 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1166Engine Main Bearing 10 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1167Engine Main Bearing 11 TemperatureTemperature of the main bearing which supports the crankshaft of the engine.
1168Engine Turbocharger Lube Oil Pressure 2Gage pressure of oil in turbocharger lubrication system.
1169Engine Turbocharger 2 SpeedRotational velocity of rotor in the turbocharger.
1170Engine Turbocharger 3 SpeedRotational velocity of rotor in the turbocharger.
1171Engine Turbocharger 4 SpeedRotational velocity of rotor in the turbocharger.
1172Engine Turbocharger 1 Compressor Intake TemperatureTemperature of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1173Engine Turbocharger 2 Compressor Intake TemperatureTemperature of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1174Engine Turbocharger 3 Compressor Intake TemperatureTemperature of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1175Engine Turbocharger 4 Compressor Intake TemperatureTemperature of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1176Engine Turbocharger 1 Compressor Intake PressureGage pressure of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1177Engine Turbocharger 2 Compressor Intake PressureGage pressure of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1178Engine Turbocharger 3 Compressor Intake PressureGage pressure of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1179Engine Turbocharger 4 Compressor Intake PressureGage pressure of the air entering the compressor side of the turbocharger.
1180Engine Turbocharger 1 Turbine Intake TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products entering the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1181Engine Turbocharger 2 Turbine Intake TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products entering the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1182Engine Turbocharger 3 Turbine Intake TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products entering the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1183Engine Turbocharger 4 Turbine Intake TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products entering the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1184Engine Turbocharger 1 Turbine Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products exiting the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1185Engine Turbocharger 2 Turbine Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products exiting the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1186Engine Turbocharger 3 Turbine Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products exiting the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1187Engine Turbocharger 4 Turbine Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the combustion by-products exiting the turbine side of the turbocharger.
1188Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator 1 PositionPosition of the wastegate drive. A value of 0% represents fully closed and a value of 100% represents fully open.
1189Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator 2 PositionPosition of the wastegate drive. A value of 0% represents fully closed and a value of 100% represents fully open.
1190Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator 3 PositionPosition of the wastegate drive. A value of 0% represents fully closed and a value of 100% represents fully open.
1191Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator 4 PositionPosition of the wastegate drive. A value of 0% represents fully closed and a value of 100% represents fully open.
1192Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator Control Air PressureGage pressure of the air used to control the actuator which opens and closes the wastegate valve.
1193Engine Operation Time Since RebuildThe time in engine operation since the last engine rebuild.
1194Anti-theft Encryption Seed Present IndicatorIndicates the presence of the encryption seed random number.

00 - Random number is not present
01 - Random number is present
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1195Anti-theft Password Valid IndicatorIndicates the presence of a validated password.

00 - Password is not a validated password
01 - Password is a validated password
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1196Anti-theft Component Status StatesIndicates whether or not the component can be started.

00 Unlocked
01 Locked
10 Blocked
11 Not defined

00b - Unlocked = This state indicates that the component can be started without the end user being required to enter a password.

01b - Locked = This state indicates that the component can NOT be started (i.e., Unlocked) without the end user being required to enter a password.

10b - Blocked = This state indicates that a Lock or Unlock command cannot be executed because some other algorithm or command of higher priority is commanding differently.
1197Anti-theft Modify Password StatesThis parameter is used to indicate whether a password request was successfully performed, or if the request could not be perform due to system constraints or if the request was not a valid request.

00 Ok
01 Full_of_Passwords
10 Empty_of_Passwords
11 Not_valid

00b - Ok = This state indicates that the request was successfully performed.

01b - Full_Of_Passwords = This state indicates that the component can NOT store any additional passwords in its memory.

10b - Empty_Of_Passwords = This state indicates that the component would be empty of passwords (an unacceptable condition) if the password under which the end user is logged in, is deleted. Thus the delete password command is not successfully executed.

Note that if the Delete_Password command is sent to a component that does not currently have a password the Empty_Of_Passwords state indicator shall be used.

11b - Not_Valid = This state indicates that the request is not a valid one.
1198Anti-theft Random NumberA seven byte random numeric code provided by the component in response to an anti-theft request. This parameter is sent as a numeric value utilizing the full range of 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The most significant byte is sent first, not following the rules of Table 1.
1199Anti-theft Encryption Indicator StatesThis parameter is used to indicate if a random number seed is being requested, or if an encrypted password is being provided to the component.

00 Encryption_Seed_Request
01 Encrypted_Code_Present
10 Not defined
11 Not_Available

00b - Encryption_Seed_Request = This state represents a request to the component to provide a random number seed.

01b - Encrypted_Code_Present = This state is used to indicate that an encrypted password is being provided to the component.

11b - Not_Available = This state is used to indicate that a random number is NOT being requested nor is an encrypted password being provided to the component.
1200Anti-theft Desired Exit Mode StatesThis parameter is used to specify the desired triggers that are to be used by the component in deciding when to transition to the Locked state.

00 Lock_Upon_Operator_Request
01 Lock_When_Key_Off
10 Not defined
11 Not_Available

00b - Lock_Upon_Operator_Request—This state is used to indicate that the end user would have to manually enter a password to Lock the engine.

01b - Lock_When_Keyoff—This state is used to indicate that the component would automatically transition to the Locked state when the end user turns off the engine (i.e. without the end user being required to manually enter the password).

11b - Not_Available—This state is indicates that the option is not selectable or changeable by the operator via using current tool.
1201Anti-theft Command StatesThis parameter is used to identify the specific requests being sent to the component.

000 Add_Password
001 Delete_Password
010 Change_Password
011 Lock_or_Unlock
100 Check_Status
101 Login
110-111 Not defined

000b - Add_Password—This state represents a request to the component to add a password to the list of passwords that the component has stored as valid codes. This command will not be performed if the component has already stored, the maximum number of passwords that it is capable of storing. The Login command must precede this command.

001b - Delete_Password—This state represents a request to the component to delete the password (the same one used when the end-user logged in). See SPN 1197 for limitations.

010b - Change_Password—This state represents a request to the component to change the password (the same one that the end-user logged in with) to a different password, which is to be specified by the end user. The Login command must precede this command.

011b - Lock_Or_Unlock—This state represents a request to the component to change from the Locked state to the Unlocked state or from the Unlocked state to the Locked state.

100b - Check_Status—This state represents a request to check to see if the component is in the Locked or Unlocked state.

101b - Login—This state represents a request to validate the end user, before performing commands such as Add_Password and Change_Password.
1202Anti-theft Password RepresentationThis parameter is the seven byte numeric code (i.e., ‘encrypted password’ or ‘key’) that is generated based on the encryption algorithm, the password supplied by the end user, and the random number seed given by the component. This parameter is sent as a numeric value utilizing the full range of 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The most significant byte is sent first, not following the rules of Table 1.
1203Engine Auxiliary Coolant PressureGage pressure of coolant found in the intercooler which is located after the turbocharger.
1204Electrical LoadElectrical power delivered by the engine to the electrical system connected to the generator.
1205Safety Wire StatusStatus signal which indicates that the safety wire has been activated. When the safety wire is activated, the engine will not operate. This is used for maintenance purposes.

00 - Safety wire has not been activated
01 - Safety wire has been activated
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1206Engine Turning Gear EngagedStatus signal which indicates that the turning gear is engaged. The turning gear is used to turn the flywheel/crankshaft, for maintenance purposes, while the engine is not running.

00 - Not engaged
01 - Engaged
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1207Engine ECU Temperature (OBSOLETE use SPN 1136)Temperature of the engine electronic control unit.

(21, 1207 are not to be used - obsolete)
1208Engine Pre-filter Oil PressureGage pressure of the engine oil before the oil reaches the oil filter.
1209Engine Exhaust Pressure 1Gage pressure of the exhaust gases as measured at the turbine intake of the turbocharger. This SPN to be used for inline engines or exhaust bank 1 of multiple bank engines. See SPN 5749 for exhaust bank 2 and See SPN 6384 for alternate SLOT.

[Ed note - update figure]
1210Engine Fuel Rack PositionMeasured position of the engine fuel rack. A value of 0% rack represents no fueling and a value of 100% rack represents maximum fueling.
1211Engine Build Hours ResetCommand signal used to reset the engine rebuild hours.

00 Do not reset
01 Reset
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1212Engine Auxiliary Coolant TemperatureTemperature of coolant found in the intercooler which is located after the turbocharger.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1213Malfunction Indicator LampA lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active.

00 Lamp Off
01 Lamp On
10 Short MIL for WWH OBD
11 Not available

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1214Suspect Parameter NumberThis 19-bit number is used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for multiple purposes, some of those that are specific to diagnostics are:

1. to identify a least repairable subsystem that has failed;
2. to identify subsystems and or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal operating performance;
3. identifying a particular event or condition that will be reported;
4. to report a component and non-standard failure mode.

SPNs are assigned to each individual parameter in a Parameter Group and to items that are relevant to diagnostics but are not a parameter in a Parameter Group. SPNs are independent of the source address for the message. However, the source address may be necessary to determine which controller on the network performed the diagnosis.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1215Failure Mode IdentifierThe FMI defines the type of failure detected in the subsystem identified by an SPN. Note that the failure may not be an electrical failure but may instead be a subsystem failure or condition needing to be reported to the service technician and maybe also to the operator. Conditions can include system events or status that need to be reported. The FMI, SPN, SPN Conversion Method and Occurrence Count fields combine to form a given diagnostic trouble code.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1216Occurrence CountThe 7-bit occurrence count field contains the number of times a fault has been independently detected. The occurrence count is reported as 1 the first time the DTC is detected. The occurrence count is not incremented again, until after the DTC has gone to the previously active state and then back active the DTC state when subsequently detected. At this point the occurrence count would be reported as 2. This continues until the DTC has been independently detected 126 times. The occurrence count shall not be incremented from 126 to 127 -- it shall remain at 126 until cleared by DM3 or DM11.

If an occurrence count is not available, then this field should be set to all binary ones (127). The occurrence count is not incremented just do to an ignition key-off and ignition key-on. The diagnostic system shall have monitored the system or component (e.g. DTC) to see that it is no longer malfunctioning in order to declare it previously active.
1217Freeze Frame LengthThe Freeze Frame Length shall be equal to the number of bytes in the required parameters plus the number of bytes in the manufacturer specific parameters.
1218Active Trouble CodesIdentifies the number of active trouble codes that are present in a specific controller. If no DTCs are active, this field should be set to zero.
1219Previously Active Trouble CodesIdentifies the number of previously active trouble codes that are present in a specific controller. If no DTCs have been previously active, this field should be set to zero.
1220OBD ComplianceIdentifies the OBD compliance capability of the responding controller. Identifies the requirements level to which the controller was built.
1221Continuously Monitored Systems Support/StatusIdentifies the continuously monitored system support and status.
1222Non-continuously Monitored Systems SupportIdentifies the non-continuously monitored systems support.
1223Non-continuously Monitored Systems StatusIdentifies the non-continuously monitored systems status. Each bit identifies whether a particular test is complete for a given controller.
1224Test IdentifierThe TID has 2 methods to designate the test to be run. The first method uses the TID alone and these test identifiers are manufacturer-defined test identifiers. For this first use there are 64 valid test identifiers, 1 to 64. The second method uses the TID and the SPN / FMI to identify the test.
1224Test IdentifierThe TID has 2 methods to designate the test to be run. The first method uses the TID alone and these test identifiers are manufacturer-defined test identifiers. For this first use there are 64 valid test identifiers, 1 to 64. The second method uses the TID and the SPN / FMI to identify the test.
1225Test Type/Component IdentifierThis parameter identifies the non-continuously monitored component identifier that was tested. These component identifiers are defined by the manufacturer. They are necessary when multiple components or systems are present on the vehicle and have the same definition of test identifier.
1226Test ValueThe test value collected during the test. If the test performed does not have both a test limit minimum and maximum, then the appropriate limit value (Maximum or Minimum) should be set to all ones. SAE J1939-71 defines this to mean not available.
1227Test Limit MaximumThe test value must be less than or equal to Test Limit Maximum in order for the test to pass.
1228Test Limit MinimumThe test value must be greater than or equal to Test Limit Minimum in order for the test to pass.
1229Test Identifiers SupportedIndicates the test identifiers that the controller supports. Each bit is assigned to one test. Therefore, we can have up to 64 tests without having to use the transport protocol of SAE J1939-21. The assignment of a given test identifier to a given bit is manufacturer specific
1230Current Data LinkIdentifies the action to be performed on the communications port that this parameter was received on.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1231J1939 Network #2Identifies the action to be performed on the J1939 Network #2 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1232ISO 9141Identifies the action to be performed on the ISO 9141 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1233J1850Identifies the action to be performed on the J1850 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1234Other, Manufacturer Specified PortIdentifies the action to be performed on the “Other, Manufacture Specified Port” communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1235J1939 Network #3Identifies the action to be performed on the J1939 Network #3 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1236Hold SignalIndicator to all nodes that the communication ports that have been acted upon by the Stop Start Broadcast PGN are remaining in the modified state. Therefore all nodes should act accordingly. The Hold signal is required to be broadcast every 5 seconds plus or minus one second.

0000 All Devices
0001 Devices whose broadcast state has been modified
0010 to 1110 Reserved
1111 Not Avai l abl e
1237Engine Shutdown Override SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the engine shutdown override switch. This switch function allows the operator to override an impending engine shutdown.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1238Traction Control Override SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the traction control override switch. The traction control override signal disables the automatic traction control function allowing the wheels to spin.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1239Engine Fuel Leakage 1Status signal which indicates fuel leakage in the fuel rail of the engine. Location can be either before or after the fuel pump.

00 - no leakage detected
01 - leakage detected
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1240Engine Fuel Leakage 2Status signal which indicates fuel leakage in the fuel rail of the engine. Location can be either before or after the fuel pump.

00 - no leakage detected
01 - leakage detected
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1241Engine Fuel System 1 Gas Mass Flow RateGas mass flow rate delivered to an engine through its first fuel control system. See SPN 3467 for the second fuel control system.
1242Instantaneous Estimated Brake PowerEstimate of the power developed by the engine.
1243ABS Fully OperationalSignal which indicates whether an ABS system is fully operational or whether its functionality is reduced by a defect or by an intended action (e.g., by activation of an ABS-off-road switch or during special diagnostic procedures). There are cases where the signal is necessary to fulfill legal regulations for special applications (e.g., switching off integrated retarders).

00 - Not Fully Operational
01 - Fully Operational
10 - Reserved
11 - Not available
1244Engine Fuel Actuator 2 Control CommandThe control command to fuel actuator 2, normalized to percent, where 0% represents fully closed and 100% represents fully open. Typically, this fuel actuator is used to regulate low pressure natural gas flow rate, mixing into the air flow, which together then come into the engine. Using the standard convention for determining the position. Left/front is #1 (SPN 633) and right/rear is #2.
1245Engine Timing Actuator 2The detected position of actuator 2 on the Engine Timing System, where the system has different timing positions depending on current operating status of the engine. Timing positions may be used to determine intake and outlet valve timings.

000 - Unknown Position
001 - Diesel Mode Position
010 - Diesel Part Load Position
011 - Gas Mode Position
100 - Diesel Part Load / Gas Mode Position
101 - 110 - Reserved
111 - Not Available
1246Number of Engine Torque History RecordsNumber of torque history records contained in the engine torque history PGN. A value of 0 is broadcast if no torque history records are stored in the ECU.
1247Engine PowerAdvertised engine power capability. Advertised power is what a customer will find on a sales sheet for an engine with a certain calibration.
1248Engine Peak Torque 1Maximum torque output of the current ECU calibration when the engine operates on torque curve 1. For calibrations that support two torque curves, this parameter shall be assigned the value of the lower curve. For calibrations that support only one curve, this parameter should be used.
1249Engine Peak Torque 2Maximum torque output of the current ECU calibration when the engine operates on torque curve 2. For calibrations that support two torque curves, this parameter shall be assigned the value of the higher curve. For calibrations that support only one curve, this parameter should to set to “not available”.
1250Calibration Record Start MonthCalendar month timestamp when an ECU record was established.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the month is null. The value 1 identifies January; 2 identifies February; etc.
1251Calibration Record Start DayCalendar day timestamp when an ECU record was established.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the date is null. The values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used to identify the first day of the month; 5, 6, 7, and 8 identify the second day of the month; etc.
1252Calibration Record Start YearCalendar year timestamp when an ECU record was established.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the year identifies the year 1985; a value of 1 identifies 1986; etc.
1253Calibration Record Duration TimeDuration in hours for which the engine operated in the conditions captured in the current record.
1254Torque Limiting Feature StatusStatus of an ECU feature which limits the torque output of the engine.

00 - Disabled
01 - Enabled
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1255Transmission Gear Ratio 1Gear ratio value stored in the ECU that is used to define a range of transmission gears for which a limit is applied to the engine output torque. Transmission gear ratio 1 should be the numerically highest transmission gear ratio breakpoint that defines ratio ranges for torque limits.
1256Engine Torque Limit 1, TransmissionLimit applied to the engine output torque during vehicle operation in transmission gear ratios numerically greater than transmission gear ratio 1 (see SPN 1255).
1257Transmission Gear Ratio 2Gear ratio value stored in the ECU that is used to define a range of transmission gears for which a limit is applied to the engine output torque. Transmission gear ratio 2 should be the numerically highest transmission gear ratio breakpoint less than transmission gear ratio 1 (see SPN 1255) that defines ratio ranges for torque limits.
1258Engine Torque Limit 2, TransmissionLimit applied to the engine output torque during vehicle operation in transmission gear ratios numerically less than or equal to transmission gear ratio 1 (see SPN 1255) and numerically greater than transmission gear ratio 2 (see.SPN 1257). For example, with transmission gear ratio 1 equal to 12.0:1 and transmission gear ratio 2 equal to 5.0:1, vehicle operation in a transmission gear with a ratio of 6.0:1 will result in the application of engine torque limit 2, transmission.
1259Transmission Gear Ratio 3Gear ratio value stored in the ECU that is used to define a range of transmission gears for which a limit is applied to the engine output torque. Transmission gear ratio 3 should be the numerically highest transmission gear ratio breakpoint less than transmission gear ratio 2 (see SPN 1257) that defines ratio ranges for torque limits.
1260Engine Torque Limit 3, TransmissionLimit applied to the engine output torque during vehicle operation in transmission gear ratios numerically less than or equal to transmission gear ratio 2 (see SPN 1257) and numerically greater than transmission gear ratio 3 (see.SPN 1259). For example, with transmission gear ratio 2 equal to 5.0:1 and transmission gear ratio 3 equal to 2.0:1, vehicle operation in a transmission gear with a ratio of 3.0:1 will result in the application of engine torque limit 3, transmission.
1261Engine Torque Limit 4, TransmissionLimit applied to the engine output torque during vehicle operation in transmission gear ratios numerically less than or equal to transmission gear ratio 3 (see SPN 1259).
1262Engine Torque Limit 5, SwitchLimit applied to the engine output torque based on activation of an ECU switch input.
1263Engine Torque Limit 6, Axle InputLimit applied to the engine output torque based on the maximum allowable axle input torque. Axle input torque is calculated as the current engine torque output multiplied by the transmission gear ratio.
1264Engine Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure - duplicate (see SPN 22)Differential crankcase blow-by pressure as measured through a tube with a venturi.

(1264 not to be used – obsolete)
1265Engine Oil Burn Valve
1266Engine Oil Replacement Valve
1267Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Circuit
1268Engine Ignition Coil #1
1269Engine Ignition Coil #2
1270Engine Ignition Coil #3
1271Engine Ignition Coil #4
1272Engine Ignition Coil #5
1273Engine Ignition Coil #6
1274Engine Ignition Coil #7
1275Engine Ignition Coil #8
1276Engine Ignition Coil #9
1277Engine Ignition Coil #10
1278Engine Ignition Coil #11
1279Engine Ignition Coil #12
1280Engine Ignition Coil #13
1281Engine Ignition Coil #14
1282Engine Ignition Coil #15
1283Engine Ignition Coil #16
1284Engine Ignition Coil #17
1285Engine Ignition Coil #18
1286Engine Ignition Coil #19
1287Engine Ignition Coil #20
1288Engine Ignition Coil #21
1289Engine Ignition Coil #22
1290Engine Ignition Coil #23
1291Engine Ignition Coil #24
1292Engine Ignition Control Module #1
1293Engine Ignition Control Module #2
1294Engine Spark Plug 1The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #1
1295Engine Spark Plug 2The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #2
1296Engine Spark Plug 3The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #3
1297Engine Spark Plug 4The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #4
1298Engine Spark Plug 5The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #5
1299Engine Spark Plug 6The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #6
1300Engine Spark Plug 7The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #7
1301Engine Spark Plug 8The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #8
1302Engine Spark Plug 9The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #9
1303Engine Spark Plug 10The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #10
1304Engine Spark Plug 11The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #11
1305Engine Spark Plug 12The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #12
1306Engine Spark Plug 13The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #13
1307Engine Spark Plug 14The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #14
1308Engine Spark Plug 15The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #15
1309Engine Spark Plug 16The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #16
1310Engine Spark Plug 17The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #17
1311Engine Spark Plug 18The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #18
1312Engine Spark Plug 19The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #19
1313Engine Spark Plug 20The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #20
1314Engine Spark Plug 21The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #21
1315Engine Spark Plug 22The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #22
1316Engine Spark Plug 23The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #23
1317Engine Spark Plug 24The measured voltage of the spark event on Cylinder #24
1318Engine Exhaust Temperature Bank Imbalance
1319Engine Intake Manifold Pressure Bank Imbalance
1320Engine External Shutdown Air Supply PressurePressure of the air used to shut off the fuel supply to the engine.
1321Engine Starter Solenoid Lockout Relay Driver Circuit
1322Engine Misfire for Multiple Cylinders
1323Engine Misfire Cylinder #1
1324Engine Misfire Cylinder #2
1325Engine Misfire Cylinder #3
1326Engine Misfire Cylinder #4
1327Engine Misfire Cylinder #5
1328Engine Misfire Cylinder #6
1329Engine Misfire Cylinder #7
1330Engine Misfire Cylinder #8
1331Engine Misfire Cylinder #9
1332Engine Misfire Cylinder #10
1333Engine Misfire Cylinder #11
1334Engine Misfire Cylinder #12
1335Engine Misfire Cylinder #13
1336Engine Misfire Cylinder #14
1337Engine Misfire Cylinder #15
1338Engine Misfire Cylinder #16
1339Engine Misfire Cylinder #17
1340Engine Misfire Cylinder #18
1341Engine Misfire Cylinder #19
1342Engine Misfire Cylinder #20
1343Engine Misfire Cylinder #21
1344Engine Misfire Cylinder #22
1345Engine Misfire Cylinder #23
1346Engine Misfire Cylinder #24
1347Engine Fuel Pump Pressurizing Assembly #1
1348Engine Fuel Pump Pressurizing Assembly #2
1349Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 PressureThe gage pressure of fuel in the metering rail #2 as delivered from the supply pump to the injector metering intake. See Figure SPN16_A for fuel system related parameters. Although the figure does not show rail #2 it does show the relationship of rail pressure to other signals.
1350Time Since Last ServiceThe vehicle operation time since the last service was performed. The type of service information is identified by the service component identification number.
1351Air Compressor StatusIndicates whether the air compressor is actively compressing air.

00 Compressor not active
01 Compressor active
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
1352Engine Cylinder 1 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 1. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6398 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1353Engine Cylinder 2 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 2. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6402 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1354Engine Cylinder 3 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 3. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6406 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1355Engine Cylinder 4 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 4. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6410 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1356Engine Cylinder 5 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 5. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6414 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1357Engine Cylinder 6 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 6. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6418 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1358Engine Cylinder 7 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 7. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6422 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1359Engine Cylinder 8 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 8. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6426 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1360Engine Cylinder 9 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 9. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6430 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1361Engine Cylinder 10 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 10. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6434 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1362Engine Cylinder 11 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 11. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6438 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1363Engine Cylinder 12 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 12. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6442 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1364Engine Cylinder 13 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 13. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6446 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1365Engine Cylinder 14 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 14. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6450 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1366Engine Cylinder 15 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 15. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6454 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1367Engine Cylinder 16 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 16. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6458 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1368Engine Cylinder 17 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 17. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6462 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1369Engine Cylinder 18 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 18. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6466 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1370Engine Cylinder 19 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 19. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6470 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1371Engine Cylinder 20 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 20. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.

Use SPN 6474 if knock level information is time critical or needs to be combustion synchronous.
1372Engine Cylinder 21 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 21. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.
1373Engine Cylinder 22 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 22. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.
1374Engine Cylinder 23 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 23. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.
1375Engine Cylinder 24 Knock LevelUsed to indicate the level of knock for engine cylinder 24. The level of knock is reported using a relative scale where 0% is least level of knock, and increasing levels indicate more knock until 100% indicates the most severe level of knock allowed or measurable for the engine.
1376Battery 2 Potential (Voltage) (duplicate - see also SPN 444)The voltage for isolated battery #2. Duplicate SPN, recommend use of SPN 444.
1377Engine Synchronization SwitchThis is the On/Off operation of the Multiple Unit Synchronization functionality. When it is enabled (i.e. On) the master engine will synchronize one or more slave engines to operate at the same speed. This switch position indicates whether this feature is disabled (off) or enabled (on).

00 Functionality is disabled (off)
01 Functionality is enabled (on)
10 Error
11 Not available or Unused
1378Engine Oil Change Interval
1379Service Component IdentificationIdentification of component needing service. See Table SPN911_A.
1380Engine Oil Level Remote ReservoirRatio of current volume of engine oil in a remote reservoir to the maximum required volume. If a single switch (on/off) is used, 20% and 100% respectively will be used where 100% means no oil needs to be added and 20% means oil needs to be added. If two switches are used, 20%, 50%, and 100% will be used where 20% indicates the oil is critically low, 50% indicates the oil level is low, and 100% means no oil needs to be added. For continuous sensors, the actual measured percent will be used.
1381Engine Fuel Supply Pump Intake PressureAbsolute pressure of fuel at the fuel supply pump intake. See Figures SPN16_A & SPN16_B
1382Engine Fuel Filter (suction side) Differential PressureDifferential pressure measured across the fuel filter located between the fuel tank and the supply pump. See Figures SPN16_A and SPN16_B.
1383Engine was Shut Down Hot
1384Engine has Been Shut Down from Data Link Information
1385Auxiliary Temperature #1 (duplicate see also SPN 441)Temperature measured by auxiliary temperature sensor #1 or #2. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
1386Auxiliary Temperature #2 (duplicate see also SPN 442)Temperature measured by auxiliary temperature sensor #1 or #2. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
1387Auxiliary Pressure #1Pressure measured by auxiliary pressure sensor #1. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
1388Auxiliary Pressure #2Pressure measured by auxiliary pressure sensor #2. Not to be used in place of existing SPNs.
1389Engine Fuel Specific GravityThis parameter conveys the specific gravity of the gaseous fuel being used by the engine. The specific gravity of the fuel can then be used to compute the density of the fuel.
1390Engine Fuel Valve 1 Intake Absolute PressureThe absolute pressure of gas on the intake side of the first system control valve. See SPN 3466 for Engine Fuel Valve 2.
1391Engine Fuel Valve Differential PressureThe differential pressure between the intake and the outlet of a gaseous fuel valve.
1392Engine Air to Fuel Differential PressureThe differential pressure between the gaseous fuel and the air intake manifold.
1393Engine Cylinder #1 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1394Engine Cylinder #2 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1395Engine Cylinder #3 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1396Engine Cylinder #4 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1397Engine Cylinder #5 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1398Engine Cylinder #6 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1399Engine Cylinder #7 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1400Engine Cylinder #8 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1401Engine Cylinder #9 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1402Engine Cylinder #10 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1403Engine Cylinder #11 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1404Engine Cylinder #12 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1405Engine Cylinder #13 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1406Engine Cylinder #14 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1407Engine Cylinder #15 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1408Engine Cylinder #16 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1409Engine Cylinder #17 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1410Engine Cylinder #18 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1411Engine Cylinder #19 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1412Engine Cylinder #20 Ignition Transformer Secondary OutputThis parameter indicates the relative intensity of the secondary output voltage of the ignition transformer.
1413Engine Cylinder #1 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1414Engine Cylinder #2 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1415Engine Cylinder #3 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1416Engine Cylinder #4 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1417Engine Cylinder #5 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1418Engine Cylinder #6 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1419Engine Cylinder #7 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1420Engine Cylinder #8 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1421Engine Cylinder #9 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1422Engine Cylinder #10 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1423Engine Cylinder #11 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1424Engine Cylinder #12 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1425Engine Cylinder #13 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1426Engine Cylinder #14 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1427Engine Cylinder #15 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1428Engine Cylinder #16 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1429Engine Cylinder #17 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1430Engine Cylinder #18 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1431Engine Cylinder #19 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1432Engine Cylinder #20 Ignition TimingThe ignition timing (SI engines) or main fuel injection timing (CI engines) of the cylinder.
1433Engine Desired Ignition Timing #1A programmable timing value specific to the engine’s application. Factors affecting this value include both fuel type and the nature of the load being driven.
1434Engine Desired Ignition Timing #2A programmable timing value specific to the engine’s application. Factors affecting this value include both fuel type and the nature of the load being driven.
1435Engine Desired Ignition Timing #3A programmable timing value specific to the engine’s application. Factors affecting this value include both fuel type and the nature of the load being driven.
1436Engine Actual Ignition TimingThe actual ignition timing at the current engine conditions. This parameter may or may not be equal to one of the desired timing parameters (see SPNs 1433-1435), depending on the status of the engine.
1437Road Speed Limit StatusStatus (active or not active) of the system used to limit maximum vehicle velocity.

00 - Active
01 - Not Active
10 - Error
11 - Not available

NOTE - While somewhat inconsistent with other J1939 status parameters, the states defining 00 = active and 01 = inactive for Road Speed Limit Status are NOT typographical errors, and should be implemented as stated.
1438ABS/EBS Amber Warning Signal (Powered Vehicle)This parameter commands the ABS/EBS amber/yellow optical warning signal

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1439EBS Red Warning SignalThis parameter commands the EBS red optical warning signal

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1440Engine Fuel Flow Rate 1The rate at which the fuel is flowing through a fuel valve.
1441Engine Fuel Flow Rate 2The rate at which the fuel is flowing through a fuel valve.
1442Engine Fuel Valve 1 PositionThe position of a gaseous fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine. 0% indicates no fuel flow through valve and 100% means maximum fuel flow through valve.
1443Engine Fuel Valve 2 PositionThe position of a gaseous fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine. 0% indicates no fuel flow through valve and 100% means maximum fuel flow through valve.
1444Engine Cylinder #1 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1445Engine Cylinder #2 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1446Engine Cylinder #3 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1447Engine Cylinder #4 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1448Engine Cylinder #5 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1449Engine Cylinder #6 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1450Engine Cylinder #7 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1451Engine Cylinder #8 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1452Engine Cylinder #9 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1453Engine Cylinder #10 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1454Engine Cylinder #11 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1455Engine Cylinder #12 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1456Engine Cylinder #13 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1457Engine Cylinder #14 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1458Engine Cylinder #15 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1459Engine Cylinder #16 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1460Engine Cylinder #17 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1461Engine Cylinder #18 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1462Engine Cylinder #19 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1463Engine Cylinder #20 Combustion TimeThe amount of time from when the ignition of the fuel is initiated to when the fuel is completely ignited (i.e., the flame front has propagated across the cylinder).
1464Engine Desired Combustion TimeThe desired combustion time based upon engine load and speed lookup maps.
1465Engine Average Combustion TimeThe average combustion time of all cylinders of an engine.
1466Steer Channel ModeIndicates the functional mode of steer channel of the tire pressure control system.

0000 Maintain
0001 Inflate
0010 Deflate
0011 Confirm
0100 Inflate Wait – System will inflate when conditions allow
0101 Deflate Wait – System will deflate when conditions allow
0110 Pressure Check
0111-1101 Reserved
1110 Error Condition
1111 Not available
1467Trailer/tag Channel ModeIndicates the functional mode of trailer/tag channel of the tire pressure control system.

0000 Maintain
0001 Inflate
0010 Deflate
0011 Confirm
0100 Inflate Wait – System will inflate when conditions allow
0101 Deflate Wait – System will deflate when conditions allow
0110 Pressure Check
0111-1101 Reserved
1110 Error Condition
1111 Not available
1468Drive Channel ModeIndicates the functional mode of trailer/tag channel of the tire pressure control system.

0000 Maintain
0001 Inflate
0010 Deflate
0011 Confirm
0100 Inflate Wait – System will inflate when conditions allow
0101 Deflate Wait – System will deflate when conditions allow
0110 Pressure Check
0111-1101 Reserved
1110 Error Condition
1111 Not available
1469PCU Drive Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the drive solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1470PCU Steer Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the steer solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1471Tire Pressure Supply Switch StatusCurrent state of an open/closed type switch used to determine if adequate pressure exists for system implementation.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1472PCU Deflate Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the deflate solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1473PCU Control Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the control solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1474PCU Supply Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the supply solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1475PCU Trailer, Tag or Push Solenoid StatusCurrent state of the trailer, tag, or push solenoid used to implement a tire pressure control system in its pneumatic control unit (PCU).

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1476Engine Oil Specific ResistanceEngine oil specific resistance used to describe the engine oil quality.
1477Engine Oil Kinematic ViscosityEngine oil kinematic viscosity used to describe the engine oil quality.
1478Engine Oil Relative DielectricityEngine oil relative dielectricity used to describe the engine oil quality.
1479Security Entity TypeThis 4-bit parameter that indicates whether the data in the following Security Entity parameter is to be used as a Long Seed, Long Key, Session Key, or Certificate.
1480Source Address of Controlling Device for Retarder ControlThe source address of the SAE J1939 device currently controlling the retarder. It is used to expand the torque mode parameter (see SPN 899) in cases where control is in response to an ECU that is not listed in Table SPN899_A. Its value may be the source address of the ECU transmitting the message (which means that no external SAE J1939 message is providing the active command) or the source address of the SAE J1939 ECU that is currently providing the active command in a TSC1 (see PGN 0) or similar message. Note that if this parameter value is the same as the source address of the device transmitting it, the control may be due to a message on a non-SAE J1939 data link such as SAE J1922 or a proprietary link.
1481Source Address of Controlling Device for Brake ControlThe source address of the SAE J1939 device currently controlling the brake system. Its value may be the source address of the ECU transmitting the message (which means that no external SAE J1939 message is providing the active command) or the source address of the SAE J1939 ECU that is currently providing the active command in a TSC1 (see PGN 0) or similar message. Note that if this parameter value is the same as the source address of the device transmitting it, the control may be due to a message on a non-SAE J1939 data link such as SAE J1922 or a proprietary link.
1482Source Address of Controlling Device for Transmission ControlThe source address of the SAE J1939 device currently controlling the transmission. Its value may be the source address of the ECU transmitting the message (which means that no external SAE J1939 message is providing the active command) or the source address of the SAE J1939 ECU that is currently providing the active command in a TSC1 (see PGN 0) or similar message. Note that if this parameter value is the same as the source address of the device transmitting it, the control may be due to a message on a non-SAE J1939 data link such as SAE J1922 or a proprietary link.
1483Source Address of Controlling Device for Engine ControlThe source address of the SAE J1939 device currently controlling the engine. It is used to expand the torque mode parameter (see SPN 899) in cases where control is in response to an ECU that is not listed in Table SPN899_A. Its value may be the source address of the ECU transmitting the message (which means that no external SAE J1939 message is providing the active command) or the source address of the SAE J1939 ECU that is currently providing the active command in a TSC1 (see PGN 0) or similar message. Note that if this parameter value is the same as the source address of the device transmitting it, the control may be due to a message on a non-J1939 data link such as SAE J1922 or a proprietary link.
1484Other ECUs Have Reported Diagnostic Trouble Codes Affecting Operation
1485ECM Main Relay
1486Concave PositionCombine Concave Clearance Measurement
1487Illumination Brightness PercentCommanded backlight brightness level for all cab displays.

Note: If a separate device is used to independently control the switch backlight brightness level, see SPN 5532.
1488Thresher SpeedSpeed of the thresher such as found in a combine
1489Cleaning Fan SpeedThe speed of the cleaning fan
1490Header Backshaft SpeedThe speed of the feederhouse. The feederhouse is the entry point of crop into the combine
1491Instrument Panel #1 Backlighting DriverFirst Tailings Sensor circuit
1492Instrument Panel #2 Backlighting DriverSecond Tailings Sensor circuit
1493Tailings SystemTailings Elevator Paddles (e.g., missing)
1494Tailings Sensor #1Drive circuit which engages the unloading auger system
1495Tailings Sensor #2Drive circuit which engages the unloading header system
1496Tailings Elevator PaddlesDrive circuit which engages the unloading separator system
1497Unloading Auger DriveThe mode of the unloading Auger driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1498Header DriveThe mode of the Header driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1499Separator DriveThe mode of the Separator driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1500Tachometer Module Switch MatrixSwitch input matrix that controls monitoring functions of the tachometer module
1501Grain Loss Module Switch MatrixSwitch input matrix that controls monitoring functions of the grain loss module
1502Automatic Header Control Switch MatrixSwitch input matrix that controls monitoring functions of the automatic header module
1503Armrest 1 Switch 1Status of the first switch located in armrest 1.

00: Off
01: On
10: Reserved
11: Don't care/take no action
1504Operator Seat SwitchThis switch senses the presence of the operator in the seat
1505Automatic Header Sensitivity AdjustmentA control system parameter. This is the sensitivity adjustment to the automatic header control loop.
1506Automatic Header Rate Adjustment InputAn adjustment to the response rate of the automatic header control loop.
1507Discharge Beater Speed Disable AdjustmentInput to adjust the discharge beater speed
1508Hydraulic Reservoir TemperatureThe temperature of the hydraulic fluid, measured in the hydraulic reservoir.
1509Thresher Separator Hydraulic Drive 1 TemperatureThe temperature of the hydraulic fluid in the Thresher Separator Hydraulic Drive #1 gear case
1510Chopper Vane Angle AdjustmentThe control adjustment of the chopper vane angle. This is relative to the centerline of the machine. Negative is to the left of the centerline of the machine facing forward.
1511Right side Cleaning Shoe Relative Grain LossA scalar that represents an amount of grain loss exiting the right side of the cleaning shoe
1512Left side Cleaning Shoe Relative Grain LossA scalar that represents an amount of grain loss exiting the left side of the cleaning shoe
1513Right side Separator Relative Grain LossThe amount of grain loss at the right side of the separator
1514Left side Separator Relative Grain LossThe amount of grain loss at the left side of the separator
1515Header Height SystemGeneral fault in the system that controls the header
1516HeaderMechanical problem with the header system
1517Header Lift Cylinder PressureThe pressure in the header lift cylinder
1518Header Sensor IdentificationThe system identification of the header sensor configuration. e.g. Ultrasonic sensor, ground contacting sensors, flex pressure sensors, etc. This can be used as a map type ID to know which sensors are installed and their location on the system.
1519Header Raise Valve DriveThe mode of the Header raise valve driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1520Header Lower Valve DriveThe mode of the Header lower valve driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1521Header Tilt Left Valve DriveThe mode of the Header tilt left valve driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1522Header Tilt Right Valve DriveThe mode of the Header tilt right valve driver

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1523Header Lift Cylinder Pressure Diverted Valve DriveThe mode of the diverted valve driver, related to the Header lift cylinder pressure

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1524Reel Position Forward ActuatorThe mode of the Reel position forward actuator

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1525Reel Position Aft ActuatorThe mode of the Reel position aft actuator

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1526Reel Position Raise ActuatorThe mode of the Reel position raise actuator

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1527Reel Position Lower ActuatorThe mode of the Reel position lower actuator

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1528Header Drop Rate Control Valve DriveThe mode of the driver for the valve which controls the drop rate of the header

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1529Header Lift Cylinder Accumulator Shutoff Valve DriveThe mode of the driver for the Header Lift Cylinder Accumulator Shutoff Valve

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1530Unloading auger flow bypass valve driveThe mode of the driver for the unloading auger flow bypass valve

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1531Reel Drive Motor Speed Increase Valve DriveThe mode of the driver for the reel drive motor speed increase valve.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1532Reel Drive Motor Speed Decrease Valve DriveThe mode of the driver for the reel drive motor speed decrease valve.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error
11 - Not available or not installed
1533Feederhouse AngleCircuit and sensor for measuring the feederhouse angle parameter
1534Header Leftmost HeightHeight of: Left (or left side of) header, measured relative to the ground
1535Header Rightmost HeightHeight of: right (or right side of) header, measured relative to the ground
1536Header Center HeightHeight of: center (or center of the) header, measured relative to the ground
1537Reel Fore-Aft PositionA mechanical range of adjustment to position the reel along this axis. 0% to be toward the rear of the machine, 100% toward the front end.
1538Reel Up-Down PositionA mechanical range of adjustment to position the reel along this axis. 0% to be toward the ground & 100% will be in the vertical upward direction
1539Header Lateral Tilt AngleThe lateral tilt angle of the header (feederhouse) relative to the combine chassis. Negative angle is a CCW rotation from straight ahead. A Positive angle is CW from straight ahead
1540Reel Speed Actuator PositionThe position of the Reel speed actuator. 0% indicates the slowest speed possible and 100% indicates the fastest reel speed possible
1541Reel SpeedThe rotational velocity of the Reel. The Reel is a device on the platform that pushes the crop onto the header.
1542ECU Power Supply Voltage #2 (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete. SPNs 3598 should be used instead.
1543ECU Power Supply Voltage #3 (obsolete)This SPN is obsolete. SPNs 3599 should be used instead.
1544Hydro Handle Matrix SwitchMulti-function handle circuit
1545SPN DataThe SPN data field represents the data pertaining to one or more SPNs that were reported in DM24. The order and number of bytes per SPN is determined from the DM24 response.

In DM25, an entire byte is used for each parameter if the parameter itself is less than 8 bits long. The SPN data value shall be placed into the byte right justified to the least significant bit, regardless of its defined position in the normal data PGN. Any remaining bits of the data byte shall be reported as '0'. For example, if SPN 559 (accelerator pedal kick-down switch) is reported as a DM25 freeze frame parameter, the SPN 559 data will reside in bits 1 and 2 of the byte in DM25, even though this parameter data reported in bits 3 and 4 of PGN 61443. The remaining unused bits of this byte in the DM25 message will be filled with '0'. Each of the remaining 6 most significant bits of this freeze frame byte (bit 2 to bit 8) will be filled with '0'
1546HVAC Coolant Valve Position SensorCircuit and sensor associated with providing the HVAC coolant valve position parameter
1547A/C Evaporator TemperatureCircuit and sensor associated with providing the HVAC coolant valve position parameter
1548HVAC Duct TemperatureCircuit and sensor associated with providing the HVAC duct temperature parameter
1549HVAC Water Valve DriveOutput circuit that drives this valve
1550Estimated Percent Fan 2 SpeedEstimated fan speed as a ratio of the fan drive (current speed) to the fully engaged fan drive (maximum fan speed). A two state fan (off/on) will use 0% and 100% respectively. A three state fan (off/intermediate/on) will use 0%, 50% and 100% respectively. A variable speed fan will use 0% to 100%. Multiple fan systems will use 0 to 100% to indicate the percent cooling capacity being provided.

Note that the intermediate fan speed of a three state fan will vary with different fan drives, therefore 50% is being used to indicate that the intermediate speed is required from the fan drive.
1551A/C Pressurizer Drive CircuitOutput circuit that drives this valve
1552Operator Input device for Cab Climate ControlCircuit and sensor for measuring the HVAC temperature setpoint parameter
1553HVAC Blower Motor Speed AdjustmentCircuit and sensor for measuring the HVAC blower motor speed adjustment parameter
1554Clean Grain Elevator SpeedThe speed of the clean grain elevator
1555Moisture Sensor Cell FrequencyCritical parameter of moisture sensor
1556Datalog Memory CardRemovable memory pack
1557Fan 2 Drive StateThis parameter is used to indicate the current state or mode of operation by the second fan drive.

0000 Fan off
0001 Engine system–General
0010 Excessive engine air temperature
0011 Excessive engine oil temperature
0100 Excessive engine coolant temperature
0101 Excessive transmission oil temperature
0110 Excessive hydraulic oil temperature
0111 Default Operation
1000 Reverse Operation
1001 Manual control
1010 Transmission retarder
1011 A/C system
1100 Timer
1101 Engine brake
1110 Other
1111 Not available

Fan off 0000b —Used to indicate that the fan clutch is disengaged and the fan is inactive

Engine system–General 0001b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to an engine system not otherwise defined.

Excessive engine air temperature 0010b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high air temperature.

Excessive engine oil temperature 0011b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high oil temperature.

Excessive engine coolant temperature 0100b —Used to indicate that the fan is active due to high coolant temperature.

Reverse Operation 1000b — Used to indicate that the fan is in reverse direction of operation compared to the normal direction of operation

Manual control 1001b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as requested by the operator.

Transmission retarder 1010b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by the transmission retarder.

A/C system 1011b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by the air conditioning system.

Timer 1100b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required by a timing function.

Engine brake 1101b —Used to indicate that the fan is active as required to assist engine braking.

Excessive transmission oil temperature - 0101b - Used to indicate fan is active due to excessive transmission oil temperature.

Excessive hydraulic oil temperature - 0110b - Used to indicate fan is active due to excessive hydraulic oil temperature.

Default Operation - 0111b - Used to indicate fan is active due to a error condition resulting in default operation
1558Programming Error, Device Refused to Enter Programming ModeDevice to be programmed is reporting that it cannot be programmed
1559Programming Error, Device Timed Out While Entering the Programming ModeTool timed out waiting for device to enter program mode
1560Programming Error, Device Timed Out While ErasingTool timed out waiting for device to erase
1561Programming Error, Device Timed Out While ProgrammingTool timed out waiting for device to program
1562Programming Error, Device did not Accept Program LineDevice to be programmed reporting that it cannot accept program block
1563Incompatible Monitor/ControllerAn incompatible device has been detected on the network
1564CCD Data Link
1565Armrest StatusParameter associated with the armrest module status
1566Armrest Rotary InputsParameter associated with the armrest module rotary inputs
1567Header Height Control Mode Selector SwitchesParameter associated with the header height control mode selector switches
1568Engine Torque Curve SelectionThe mechanism used to select different torque curves. This SPN would be used to indicate a problem has been encountered with the device that indicates the desired torque curve
1569Engine Protection Torque DerateTorque has been derated for protection of the engine
1570Implement DisconnectedA previously connected implement is no longer connected
1571Display ConflictMultiple controllers contending for a display resource (region)
1572Display OverloadDisplay not able to keep up with display commands
1573LED Display Data #1Informs display devices how to display the current vertical position.

Values which are less than 128 decimal are bit-mapped values and any combination of these values is considered a valid value. For example communicating the "High Fine LED on" value to the display would result in the High Fine LED being turned on. Communicating a value with the "High Fine LED on" bit set to "1" and the "On-Grade LED on" bit set to "1" should result in the display turning on the High Fine LED AND the On-Grade LED.

Values 128 decimal and above are discrete states. Any bit-mapped combination of these states are invalid unless the results correspond to one of the states defined. For example, the result of adding the "Low Coarse" and "Low Medium" states results in the "Low Medium" state, which is valid. However, adding the "Low Medium" and the "Low Fine" states results in an value which does not have a defined state and is invalid.

00000010 High Coarse LED on
00000100 High Fine LED on
00001000 On-grade LED on
00010000 Low Fine LED on
00100000 Low Coarse LED on

10000000 Low Coarse
10000001 Low Medium/Coarse
10000010 Low Medium
10000011 Low Medium/Fine
10000100 Low Fine
10010000 On Grade
10010001 High Fine
10010010 High Medium/Fine
10010011 High Medium
10010100 High Medium/Coarse
10010101 High Coarse
10011111 No data (i.e. no laser strikes)
11111110 Error
11111111 Not Available

Undefined values between 10100000 binary and 11111101 binary are reserved for future use.
1574Laser Strike Vertical DeviationThe calculated distance from the laser strike position to the current land leveling system reference point.
1575Modify Leveling System Set PointUsed to control and coordinate the set point for the leveling system.

Operating Range: -3200 to +3200 mm, negative values are below current position, positive values are above current position, zero is no change.
Parameter specific parameter:
0xFE01 indicates Stop modifying the set point
0xFE03 indicates Raise the current set point by 5 mm
0xFE11 indicates Lower the current set point by 5 mm
0xFE13 indicates Search for laser or target
0xFE15 indicates go to the Park position
0xFE17 indicates go to the Bench position
1576Mast PositionUsed to monitor the position of the sensor attached to the land leveling mast.
1577Blade Duration and DirectionUsed to indicate the duration and direction that the land leveling system blade moves.
1578Blade Control ModeAllows the user to select the type of blade control for the land leveling system.

00000000 Manual mode
00000001 Automatic mode
00000010 Inactive automatic mode
All other values Reserved
1579Laser Tracer Target DeviationThe calculated distance for the laser target to the current laser tracer reference point.

Parameter specific parameter: 0xFE03 indicates that the sensor can not sense the laser
1580Laser Tracer Vertical DistanceThe elevation of the laser tracer sensor in a laser leveling system.
1581Laser Tracer Horizontal DeviationThe calculated percent deviation between the target distance and the center of the laser tracer.
1582LED Display Data #2Informs display devices how to display the current position of the laser tracer.

Values which are less than 128 decimal are bit-mapped values and any combination of these values is considered a valid value. For example communicating the "Up LED on" value to the display would result in the Up LED being turned on. Communicating a value with the "Up LED on" bit set to "1" and thet "On-Grade 'A' LED on" bit set to "1" should result in the display turning on the Up LED AND the On-Grade "A" LED.

Values 128 decimal and above are discrete states. Any bit-mapped combination of these states are invalid unless the results correspond to one of the states defined. For example, the result of adding the "Low Coarse" and "Low Medium" states results in the "Low Medium" state, which is valid. However, adding the "Low Medium" and the "Low Fine" states results in an value which does not have a defined state and is invalid.

00000001 On-grade “A” LED on
00000010 On-grade “B” LED on
00000100 On-grade “C” LED on
00001000 Up LED on
00010000 Down LED on
00100000 Left LED on
01000000 Right LED on

00000001 On-grade “A” LED on
00000010 On-grade “B” LED on
00000100 On-grade “C” LED on
00001000 Up LED on
00010000 Down LED on
00100000 Left LED on
01000000 Right LED on

10000000 Low Coarse
10000001 Low Medium/Coarse
10000010 Low Medium
10000011 Low Medium/Fine
10000100 Low Fine
10010000 On Grade
10010001 High Fine
10010010 High Medium/Fine
10010011 High Medium
10010100 High Medium/Coarse
10010101 High Coarse
10011111 No data (i.e. no laser strikes)
11111110 Error
11111111 Not Available

Undefined values between 10100000 binary and 11111101 binary are reserved for future use.
1583Laser Tracer InformationProvides the status of the laser tracer to the operator.

00000001 Laser power is on
00000010 Laser is ready
00000100 Valid target (1 = yes)
00001000 Previous pass (1 = yes)
00010000 Stringline (1 = yes)
00100000 Curb (1 = yes)
All other values Reserved
1584Service Component IdentificationIdentification of component needing service. See Table SPN911_A.
1585Powered Vehicle WeightTotal mass imposed by the tires of the powered vehicle on the road surface. Does not include the trailer.
1586Speed of forward vehicleAbsolute velocity of the preceding vehicle situated within 250 m in the same lane and moving in the same direction.
1587Distance to forward vehicleDistance to the preceding vehicle situated within 250 m in the same lane and moving in the same direction.
1588Adaptive Cruise Control Set SpeedValue of the desired (chosen) velocity of the adaptive cruise control system.
1589Adaptive cruise control set distance modeSelected distance mode for adaptive cruise control.

000 ACC Distance mode #1 (largest distance)
001 ACC Distance mode #2
010 ACC Distance mode #3
011 ACC Distance mode #4
100 ACC Distance mode #5 (shortest distance)
101 Conventional cruise control mode
110 Error condition
111 Not available/not valid
1590Adaptive Cruise Control ModeThis parameter is used to indicate the current state, or mode, of operation by the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) device. The states characterize independent system states (e.g., it is not possible to express distance control active and overtake mode simultaneously). ACC must not switch itself off while active because the driver expects it to work. So if an error occurs, the ACC must signal that to the driver so that the driver knows that he has to switch off the ACC.

000 Off (Standby, enabled, ready for activation)
001 Speed control active
010 Distance control active
011 Overtake mode
100 Hold mode
101 Finish mode
110 Disabled or error condition
111 Not available/not valid

000b - Off—Used to indicate the ACC is enabled in calibration or configuration and there are no faults that would prevent the system from operating.
001b - Speed Control Active—Used to indicate that ACC is on but not currently sending control messages. In other words, there is no target ahead and regular vehicle cruise control is controlling the vehicle speed to the driver’s set speed.
010b - Distance Control Active—Used to indicate that ACC is on and actively sending control messages to maintain the appropriate following interval.
011b - Overtake Mode—Used to indicate that ACC is on but temporarily disabled because the driver is manually overriding cruise control by using either the accelerator pedal or the cruise control “accel” switch.
100b - Hold Mode—Used to indicate that the ACC has lost the previous target vehicle and is in HOLD mode. In this mode, the ACC shall limit the speed to the speed held when the target was lost. For example, if the driver activates the typical cruise buttons (Resume/Inc/Dec) the HOLD mode shall be exited and normal cruise functionality resumed. If a new target is detected, the Distance Control Active mode (010b) is again entered, unless existing conditions prohibit this.
101b - Finish Mode—Used to indicate that ACC is on with no target ahead, and ACC is currently sending control messages to return to the driver’s set speed. This occurs when the target the ACC system was tracking moves out of the way so ACC returns the vehicle to the driver’s set speed.
110b - Disabled or Error Condition—Used to indicate that ACC is in an error state and can not operate.
1591Road curvatureEstimated value of the current road curvature for use by the adaptive cruise control system. Positive values are used for left curves. Curvature is the inverse of the radius and is zero for straight roads.
1592Front Axle, Left Wheel SpeedHigh resolution measurement of the speed of the left wheel on the front axle.
1593Front axle, right wheel speedHigh resolution measurement of the speed of the right wheel on the front axle.
1594Rear axle, left wheel speedHigh resolution measurement of the speed of the left wheel on the rear axle.
1595Rear axle, right wheel speedHigh resolution measurement of the speed of the right wheel on the rear axle.
1596Security Entity LengthThis 12-bit parameter contains the length, in bytes, of the Data Security Parameter.
1597Data Security ParameterThis Parameter is used to send the data for the Data Security message. There are presently four different items defined. The Data Security Parameter shall be sent least significant byte first.
1598Fan 2 SpeedThe speed of the second fan associated with engine coolant system.
1599SeedThis is a 16-bit parameter which is used by the Device primarily to send a Seed to a Tool, when using a Seed/Key type security system. It is also used by the Device to signal the Tool that the Device is satisfied that a complete Key has been received or that the Data Security message is expected to contain the Seed data. This parameter can also contain an expected time to completion when the EDCP Extension is 7. The Seed is to be the mathematical basis upon which any Key is calculated. The Device verifies the validity of the Key {Seed} from the Tool and enable memory access operations appropriately.
1600High Resolution Engine Fuel RateAmount of fuel consumed by engine per unit of time.

NOTE - See SPN 183 for alternate resolution.
1601Local minute offsetThe minute component of the offset between the UTC time and date and a local time zone time and date. This is the number of minutes to add to UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) time and date to convert to the time and date in the local time zone . The Local Offset is a positive value for time zones East of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line. The Local Offset is a negative value for time zones West of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.
The Local Minute Offset is only applicable when the Time and Date parameters are reported as UTC time and date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1602Local hour offsetThe hour component of the offset between the UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) time and date and a local time zone time and date. This is the number of hours to add to UTC, a.k.a. GMT, time and date to convert to the time and date in the local time zone. This parameter indicates the time reference of the data reported in the Time and Date SPNs 959, 960. 961, 962, 963, and 964. The Local Offset is a positive value for time zones East of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line. The Local Offset is a negative value for time zones West of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.
The Local Hour Offset is only applicable when the Time and Date parameters are reported as UTC time and date.

Recommended Settings:

Applications should not use the $FF 'Not Available' if using the Time and Date parameters due to some ambiguity of the time standard for the reported time and date values. The recommended settings for the Local Hour Offset settings are:
If reporting the Time and Date as Local time, then Local Hour Offset must be reported as $FA.
If reporting the Time and Date as UTC time and Local Hour Offset is not supported or not known, then Local Hour Offset must be reported as $F9.
If reporting the Time and Date as UTC time and Local Hour Offset is known, then Local Hour Offset must be reported as a value between $66 and $94.
1603Adjust secondsThe seconds component for setting the current time of day. This should be reported as the seconds component of the current time according to the time of day standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The time of day should be reported as the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1604Adjust minutesThe minutes component for setting the current time of day. This should be reported as the minutes component of the current time according to the time of day standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The time of day should be reported as the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1605Adjust hoursThe hours component for setting the current time of day. This should be reported as the hours component of the current time according to the time of day standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The time of day should be reported as the current time at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current time at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the time of day (SPNs 959, 960, and 961) is the current UTC time or a local time zone time. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1606Adjust monthThe month component for setting the current calendar date. This should be reported as the month component of the current date according to the calendar date standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The calendar date should be reported as the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the month is null. The value 1 identifies January; 2 identifies February; etc.
1607Adjust dayThe day component for setting the current calendar date. This should be reported as the day component of the current date according to the calendar date standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The calendar date should be reported as the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the date is null. The values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used to identify the first day of the month; 5, 6, 7, and 8 identify the second day of the month; etc.
1608Adjust yearThe year component for setting the current calendar date. This should be reported as the year component of the current date according to the calendar date standard indicated with the Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602). The calendar date should be reported as the current date at UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), a.k.a. GMT; however, it may be reported as the current date at a local time zone. The Local Hour Offset parameter (SPN 1602) is used to indicate if the calendar date (SPNs 962, 963, and 964) is the current UTC date or a local time zone date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.

NOTE - A value of 0 for the year identifies the year 1985; a value of 1 identifies 1986; etc.
1609Adjust local minute offsetThe minute component for setting the offset between the UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) time and date and a the local time zone time and date. This is the number of minutes to add to UTC, a.k.a. GMT, time and date to convert to the time and date in the Local Time Zone. The Local Offset is a positive value for time zones East of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line. The Local Offset is a negative value for time zones West of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.

The Local Minute Offset is only applicable when the Time and Date parameters are reported as UTC time and date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1610Adjust local hour offsetThe hour component for setting the offset between the UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) time and date and a the local time zone time and date. This is the number of minutes to add to UTC, a.k.a. GMT, time and date to convert to the time and date in the Local Time Zone. The Local Offset is a positive value for time zones East of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line. The Local Offset is a negative value for time zones West of the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line.

The Local Hour Offset is only applicable when the Time and Date parameters are reported as UTC time and date. Refer to SPN 1602 for details.
1611Vehicle motionIndicates whether motion of the vehicle is detected or not.

00 Vehicle motion not detected
01 Vehicle motion detected
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1612Driver 1 working stateState of work of the driver.

000 Rest - sleeping
001 Driver available – short break
010 Work – loading, unloading, working in an office
011 Drive – behind wheel
100-101 Reserved
110 Error
111 Not available
1613Driver 2 working stateState of work of the driver.

000 Rest - sleeping
001 Driver available – short break
010 Work – loading, unloading, working in an office
011 Drive – behind wheel
100-101 Reserved
110 Error
111 Not available
1614Vehicle OverspeedIndicates whether the vehicle is exceeding the legal speed limit set in the tachograph.

00 No overspeed
01 Overspeed
10 Error
11 Not available
1615Driver card, driver 1Indicates the presence of a driver card

00 - Driver card not present
01 - Driver card present
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1616Driver card, driver 2Indicates the presence of a driver card

00 - Driver card not present
01 - Driver card present
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1617Driver 1 Time Related Statesdriver approaches or exceeds working time limits (or other limits).

0000 Normal/No limits reached
0001 Limit #1 – 15 min before 4 ½ h
0010 Limit #2 – 4 ½ h reached
0011 Limit #3 – 15 min before 9 h
0100 Limit #4 – 9 h reached
0101 Limit #5 – 15 min before 16 h (not having 8h rest during the last 24h)
0110 Limit #6 – 16 h reached
0111-1100 Reserved
1101 Other
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1618Driver 2 Time Related Statesdriver approaches or exceeds working time limits (or other limits).

0000 Normal/No limits reached
0001 Limit #1 – 15 min before 4 ½ h
0010 Limit #2 – 4 ½ h reached
0011 Limit #3 – 15 min before 9 h
0100 Limit #4 – 9 h reached
0101 Limit #5 – 15 min before 16 h (not having 8h rest during the last 24h)
0110 Limit #6 – 16 h reached
0111-1100 Reserved
1101 Other
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1619Direction indicatorIndicates the direction of the vehicle.

00 - Forward
01 - Reverse
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1620Tachograph performanceIndicates the tachograph performance; including electronic or mechanical analysis, instrument analysis, speed sensor analysis, mass storage analysis, and printer analysis.

00 - Normal performance
01 - Performance analysis
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1621Handling informationIndicates that handling information is present. Information could include “no printer paper”, “no driver card”, etc.

00 - No handling information
01 - Handling information
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1622System eventIndicates that a tachograph event has occurred. This may include power supply interruption, interruption of the speed sensor, incorrect data on the driver card, driving without a driver card, illegal removal of a driver card, insertion of a driver card during driving, and time adjustment.

00 - No tachograph event
01 - Tachograph event
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1623Tachograph output shaft speedCalculated speed of the transmission output shaft.
1624Tachograph vehicle speedSpeed of the vehicle registered by the tachograph.
1625Driver 1 identificationUsed to obtain the driver identity.
1626Driver 2 identificationUsed to obtain the driver identity.
1627Reserved for Certification agency ID
1628Reserved for Certification seed/key length
1629Reserved for Certification signature
1630Reserved for Certification public key
1631Reserved for Certification vehicle identification number
1632Engine Torque Limit FeatureTorque limit rating described in the current record.

000 Reserved
001 Highest torque rating
010 First torque rating
011 Previous torque rating (rating prior to the current rating)
100 Current torque rating
101-110 Reserved
111 Not available
1633Cruise Control Pause SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the Cruise Control Pause Switch used on Remote Cruise Control applications. The Cruise Control Pause Switch signal temporarily disables the Cruise Control function.

00 - Off
01 - On
10 - Error Indicator
11 -Take No Action
1634Calibration Verification NumberChecksum of entire calibration, including code and data. Excludes RAM parameters, nonvolatile parameters that change during the life cycle of the module (hours of operation, freeze frame data, etc), or non emissions related parameters that may be changed
1635Calibration IdentificationSixteen-byte calibration identification number. Uniquely identifies the software installed in the control module. The calibration ID must be unique, but does not need to be 16 bytes long. If the Calibration ID is less than 16 bytes, those unused bytes are reported at the end of the calibration ID as 0x00 (the 0x00 pad is placed in the least significant bytes of the Calibration Identifier when needed). The 0x00 if needed is added to the end of the ASCII character string for Calibration Identification.

Limited to printable characters only.
1636Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature (High Resolution)Temperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold of engine air supply system. The higher resolution is required for control purposes.
1637Engine Coolant Temperature (High Resolution)Temperature of liquid found in engine cooling system. The higher resolution is required for control purposes.
1638Hydraulic TemperatureTemperature of hydraulic fluid.
1639Fan SpeedThe speed of the fan associated with engine coolant system.
1640Length/Number RequestedThis is an 11-bit parameter which identifies the amount of memory (i.e. the range within the memory) over which the Tool desires an operation to be carried out when the Command of the Memory Access Request message is a Read, Write, Boot Load, or Error Detection and/or Correction Parameter (EDCP) Generation.
1641Pointer TypeIndicates whether the Pointer and Pointer Extension are direct memory addresses (Pointer Type identifier = 0) or if the Pointer Extension is identifying a particular SPACE with the Pointer referencing a specific OBJECT within that particular SPACE (Pointer Type identifier = 1).

0 Direct Memory Addressing
1 Direct Spatial Addressing
1642CommandThis is a 3-bit parameter which allows the Tool to send Commands to the Device. All Memory Access Requests originate at a Tool and are considered Commands. Some of the values within the Command have been overlaid with the same values in Status so perhaps a similar variable can be used.
1643Pointer ExtensionThis parameter is either the high order 8 bits of a complete direct memory address or the identifier of a particular spacial address.
1644Pointer If Pointer Type 0 is used, this 24-bit parameter, which has a value of 0 to 16,777,215 (0 to 0xFFFFFF) with no reserved ranges, is concatenated with the 8-bit Pointer Extension to form a direct memory address. The address thus formed represents the first address to be accessed within the memory in units of bytes. If Pointer Type 1 is used, the Pointer is to provide the identification of the specific OBJECT within whatever particular SPACE is being identified by the Pointer Extension. The direct memory address should be parsed as outlined below if the device memory width is other than 1 byte.
1645Key/User_LevelThis is a 2-byte parameter which is used by the Tool to primarily send a Key to the Device, but which can also be used by the Tool to provide a Password or a User_Level to the Device if desired (see APPENDIX C). This Key/User_Level parameter can be used to send these independent variables since they will never be transmitted within the same message (a Password or User_Level parameter would be sent at the beginning of an operation, while a Key CANNOT be sent until after the receipt of a Seed).
1646Status (for DM 15)This is a 3-bit parameter which allows the Device to return its Status. All Memory Access Requests originate at a Tool and are considered Commands. All Memory Access Responses originate at a Device and are considered Status. The device may choose to send further information on its status within the Error Indicator/EDC Parameter
1647EDCP ExtensionThis is an 8-bit parameter used to identify how to handle the data in the Error Indicator/ EDC Parameter. This EDCP Extension parameter is used within the Memory Access Response message (Device to Tool). Meaning must be determined from a table of predefined values. If there is no Error Indicator/EDC Parameter being sent then this (EDCP Extension) parameter must be properly set (0b11111111).
1648Error Indicator/EDC ParameterThis is a 24-bit parameter which has two uses. One is to transfer a checksum, CRC or other type of EDC parameter (or any segment thereof) from a device to a Tool within the Memory Access Response message. The second use is to send an Error Indicator any time the Device is not able to complete or act upon a Tool’s request.
1649Length/Number Allowed-bit parameter identifies the amount of memory (i.e. the range of memory) over which the Device is willing to allow a particular operation to be carried out. For ‘Proceed’ the length value is either in bytes or objects. When the Status of the Memory Access Request is Busy, Operation Failed, or Operation Completed the length is meaningless. The Device should therefore send it as '0' and the Tool should treat it as ‘DO NOT CARE’.
1650Number of Occurrences of Raw Binary DataThis is an 8-bit (1-byte) parameter to be sent within the Binary Data Transfer PGN to provide information on the number of Raw Binary Data parameters which will follow when the message is single packet. Its value is between 1 and 7 when the Binary Data Transfer PGN is not multipacketed.
1651Raw Binary DataThis is a 1-byte parameter representing the value for 1 byte of memory. It can have any value between 0 and 255 (0 and 0xFF) with no reserved values.
1651Raw Binary DataThis is a 1-byte parameter representing the value for 1 byte of memory. It can have any value between 0 and 255 (0 and 0xFF) with no reserved values.
1652Boot Load DataThis is a 1-byte parameter using the same SLOT as the Raw Binary Data. There shall be 8 occurrences of this parameter in the message. The meaning of this parameter is proprietary. The structure used to reference the program and verify the data is also proprietary.
1653Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor Enable SwitchSwitch signal which enables the Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor (VLSG) such that the vehicle speed may be either increased or decreased when the engine is off idle.

00 - Switch disabled
01 - Switched enabled
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1654Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor Increment SwitchSwitch signal which increases the Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor (VLSG).

00 - Switch in the off state
01 - Switch in the on state - increase
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1655Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor Decrement SwitchSwitch signal which decreases the Vehicle Limiting Speed Governor (VLSG).

00 - Switch in the off state
01 - Switch in the on state - decrease
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1656Engine Automatic Start Enable SwitchSwitch signal which enables the idle management system to be enabled. When this system is enabled with the engine in an idle mode and safe operating conditions existing, then the engine may be started or stopped automatically.

00 - Switch in the off state
01 - Switch in the on state
10 - Error
11 - Not available
1657Engine Injector Needle Lift Sensor #1
1658Engine Injector Needle Lift Sensor #2
1659Engine Coolant System Thermostat
1660Engine Automatic Start AlarmAn audio alarm which is activated just before the Engine Automatic Start Feature is engaged
1661Engine Automatic Start LampA visible indication to the driver/operator that the Engine Automatic Start Feature is engaged
1662Cab Interior Temperature ThermostatThermostat for driver/operator to set the desired cab temperature.

Note: See SPN 1691 and SPN 170.
1663Engine Automatic Start Safety Interlock Circuit
1664Engine Automatic Start Failed (Engine)
1665Engine Turbocharger Oil Level SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the presence of oil at the turbocharger

00 = No oil present at turbocharger
01 = Oil present at turbocharger
10 = Error
11 = Not available
1666Automatic Gear Shifting Enable SwitchIndicates that automated gear shifting is enabled via a switch

00 = Automated Gear Shifting is disabled
01 = Automated Gear Shifting is enabled
10 = Error
11 = Not available
1667Retarder Requesting Brake LightIndicates that whether the retarder is requesting that the brake lights are illuminated.

00 - Retarder is not requesting that the brake lights are illuminated
01 - Retarder is requesting that the brake lights are illuminated
10 - Reserved
11 - Not available/Take no action
1668J1939 Network #4Identifies the action to be performed on the J1939 Network #4 communications port.

00 Stop Broadcast
01 Start Broadcast
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care/take no action (leave as is)
1669J1939 Network #5
1670J1939 Network #6
1671J1939 Network #7
1672J1939 Network #8
1673J1939 Network #9
1674J1939 Network #10
1675Engine Starter ModeThere are several phases in a starting action and different reasons why a start cannot take place.

0000 start not requested
0001 starter active, gear not engaged
0010 starter active, gear engaged
0011 start finished; starter not active after having been actively engaged (after 50ms mode goes to 0000)
0100 starter inhibited due to engine already running
0101 starter inhibited due to engine not ready for start (preheating)
0110 starter inhibited due to driveline engaged or other transmission inhibit
0111 starter inhibited due to active immobilizer
1000 starter inhibited due to starter over-temp
1001 starter inhibited due to intake air shutoff valve being active
1010 starter inhibited due to active SCR inducement
1011 Reserved
1100 starter inhibited - reason unknown
1101 error (legacy implementation only, use 1110)
1110 error
1111 not available
1676Auxiliary Heater Water Pump StatusParameter indicating whether the auxiliary heater water pump is running

00 Water Pump is not running
01 Water Pump is running
10 Reserved
11 Not available
1677Auxiliary Heater ModeState of the auxiliary heater

0000 Heater not active
0001 Off due to ADR per European Regulations for Transport of hazardous materials
0010 Economy mode
0011 Normal mode
0100 Heater pump up-keep (running the equipment in order to keep it in good condition)
0101-1101 Not defined
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1678Cab VentilationIndicates whether the cab is being ventilated or not.

00 Cab not ventilated
01 Cab is ventilated
10 Reserved
11 Not available
1679Engine Heating ZoneParameter indicating whether the engine zone is being heated.

00 Engine heating zone off
01 Engine heating zone on
10 Reserved
11 Not available
1680Cab Heating ZoneParameter indicating whether the cab zone is being heated.

00 Cab heating zone off
01 Cab heating zone on
10 Reserved
11 Not available
1681Battery Main Switch Hold StateParameter indicating whether the battery main switch is held due to an external request or not. The state battery main switch held indicates that the battery main switch is about to switch off.

00 Battery main switch not held
01 Battery main switch held
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1682Battery Main Switch Hold RequestRequest to hold the battery main switch.

00 Release Battery Main Switch
01 Hold Battery Main Switch
10 undefined
11 Don't care/take no action
1683Auxiliary Heater Mode RequestRequest to activate the auxiliary heater.

0000 De-activate auxiliary heater
0001 Off due to ADR per European Regulations for Transport of hazardous materials
0010 Economy mode
0011 Normal mode
0100-1101 Not defined
1110 Reserved
1111 Don't care/take no action
1684Auxiliary Heater Coolant Pump RequestIndicates whether to activate the auxiliary heater coolant water pump.

00 Deactivate water pump
01 Activate water pump
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1685Request Engine Zone HeatingRequest to activate engine zone heating.

00 Do not heat engine zone
01 Heat engine zone
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1686Request Cab Zone HeatingRequest to activate cab zone heating.

00 Do not heat cab engine zone
01 Heat cab zone
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1687Auxiliary Heater Output Coolant TemperatureTemperature of the auxiliary heater output coolant (I.e. water in a water heater system.)
1688Auxiliary Heater Input Air TemperatureTemperature of the input air in an auxiliary heater system.
1689Auxiliary Heater Output Power PercentCurrent auxiliary heater output power, relative to the auxiliary heater maximum output power.
1690Auxiliary Heater Maximum Output PowerThe maximum output power of the auxiliary heater.
1691Cab Interior Temperature CommandParameter used to command a certain cab interior temperature.

Note: See also SPN 170. SPN 1662 is an additional diagnostic SPN associated with cab temperature.
1692Engine Intake Manifold Desired Absolute PressureThe desired absolute intake manifold pressure (turbo boost limit) of the engine.
1693Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Valve PositionThe position of the turbocharger wastegate valve (not the electronic wastegate control valve).
1694Engine Gas Mass Flow Sensor Fueling CorrectionThe amount of fuel the Gas Mass Flow Sensor is sensing should be added or subtracted compared to the maximum amount of fuel the control system allows the sensor to add or subtract.
1695Engine Exhaust O2 Sensor Fueling CorrectionThe amount of fueling change required by the system based on the measured exhaust oxygen value compared to the maximum fueling change permitted by the system, expressed as percentages.
1696Engine Exhaust O2 Sensor Closed Loop OperationIndicates whether the engine is using the exhaust oxygen sensor to control the air/fuel ratio.

00 Engine not using the exhaust oxygen sensor (open loop)
01 Engine using the exhaust oxygen sensor for a closed loop operation
10 Reserved
11 Don't Care/take no action

See also SPN 4240 for an implementation with more states.
1697CTI Wheel End Electrical FaultIndicates the status of electrical fault on CTI wheel interface.

00 Ok ( No Fault)
01 Not Defined
10 Error
11 Not Supported
1698CTI Tire StatusIndicates the status of the tire.

00 Ok (no fault)
01 Tire leak detected
10 Error
11 Not Supported
1699CTI Wheel Sensor StatusIndicates whether the wheel is being monitored by the CTI controller.

00 Off / isolated from CTI Pressure Controller
01 On (tire is polled)
10 Not Defined
11 Not Supported
1700Lane Departure Imminent, Left SideIndicates departure imminent on left side of lane.

00 Not imminent
01 Imminent
10 Reserved
11 Not used
1701Lane Departure Imminent, Right SideIndicates departure imminent on right side of lane.

00 Not imminent
01 Imminent
10 Reserved
11 Not Used
1702Lane Departure Indication Enable StatusIndicates whether lane departure indication is active.

00 Lane Departure indication disabled
01 Lane Departure Indication enabled
10 Reserved
11 Not Used
1703Lane Tracking Speaker - Right SideLane tracking right side output diagnostic object
1704Lane Tracking Speaker - Left SideLane tracking left side output diagnostic object
1705Forward View Imager SystemForward Imager system condition. Camera has no Param. Lane tracking has additional fail modes (bad markings)
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1706SPN Conversion MethodWhen this 1-bit field is equal to a zero, the SPN should be converted as it is defined. The February 1996 version of J1939-73 contained inadequate definitions to assure consistent implementations. Products implementing to February 1996 version of the document will always have this bit set to a one. When this is the case, the SPN is in either Version 1, 2 or 3 format. The original publication of this recommended practice defined that this bit be set to one. This particular implementation is no longer permitted. It provides context for some implementations prior to the adoption of the recommended setting as zero (version 4 definition).

To clarify the ordering of bits and bytes within the SPN parameter (which is 19 bits long) and to keep that ordering consistent with other parameters in J1939-71 and J1939-73, the bit order has been respecified. See Version 4 below for the recommended formatting. Version 4 is required for any device complying with emissions related components.

To reduce problems in interpretation of the SPNs the bit between the FMI field and the Occurrence Count field, previously reserved, will be cleared to zero to identify use of the currently specified SPN bit pattern. This bit now comprises an SPN Conversion Method for the purpose of maintaining usability of those implementations that are already in use.

0 means convert SPNs per the Version 4 definition below
1 means convert SPNs per Version 1, 2 or 3 specified below.

The four versions of interpretation are:
1. SPN assumed to be sent most significant bit first
2. SPN represented as Intel format for most significant 16 bits with 3 least significant bits of 19 bits in with FMI value.
3. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits (least significant sent first)
4. SPN represented as Intel format for all 19 bits with the SPN Conversion Method set to 0.
1707Hydraulic Fan 2 Motor PressureThe hydraulic pressure used to drive the second fan system, sensed before the hydraulic fan motor.
1708Fan 2 Drive Bypass Command StatusStatus of the Fan Drive Bypass Command for the second fan as being commanded by the ECU. The fan drive bypass diverts pump pressure away from the hydraulic motor to maintain the fan drive pressure. 0% is defined as no bypass (i.e. diverting no fan drive pressure) and 100% is defined as full bypass (i.e. diverting the maximum fan drive pressure) from the fan motor.
1709Transmission Controller Power Relay
1710Lane Tracking Status Left SideIndicates whether the left side is tracking lane.

00 Not Tracking Left side
01 Tracking Left side
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1711Lane Tracking Status Right SideIndicates whether right side is tracking lane.

00 Not Tracking Right side
01 Tracking Right side
10 Reserved
11 Don't Care/take no action
1712Engine Extended Range Requested Speed Control Range Upper LimitThe maximum engine speed regardless of load that the engine will allow when operating in a speed control/limit mode, excluding any maximum momentary engine override speed, if supported.

When the limit is higher than 2500 RPM the 'Requested Speed Control Range Upper Limit (Engine Configuration)' parameter (see SPN 536) will be transmitted with a value of 2500 RPM.
1713Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction SwitchThis switch indicates whether hydraulic oil filter is clogged. This is not the transmission oil filter restriction switch, which is SPN 3359.

00 No restriction
01 Restriction exists on oil filter
10 Error
11 Not Available
1714Operator Seat Direction SwitchSenses whether the operator seat is in the forward driving position

00 Operator seat not facing forward
01 Operator seat is facing forward
10 Error
11 Not Available
1715Drivers Demand Retarder - Percent TorqueThe Drivers demand retarder – percent torque is the maximum torque selected by the driver when one or more modes are selected by the driver, such as hand lever, switch, constant torque, constant velocity, etc.
1716Retarder Selection, non-engineThe “Retarder Selection, non-engine” is the position of the driver’s selector for retarders that are not part of the engine system, expressed as percent and determined by the ratio of current position to the maximum possible position. The physical device may be a lever, rotary dial, combination of switches, or other device that the driver can use to select the type or amount of retardation needed.
1717Actual Maximum Available Retarder - Percent TorqueThis is the maximum amount of torque that the retarder can immediately deliver. It is the same as the maximum torque shown in the Retarder’s Configuration message, but allows for a much faster rate of change than could be communicated by reissuing the configuration message.
Application Note: The purpose for this parameter is to allow a “Master” retarder controller to more accurately allocate the vehicle’s retarder requirements among multiple retarders. Its value should be the same as the value in the Configuration message at the time that message is assembled for broadcast, but may vary between those broadcasts.
1718Damper Stiffness Request Front AxleDemand value for the shock absorber control at the front axle.
1719Damper Stiffness Request Rear AxleDemand value for the shock absorber control at the rear axle.
1720Damper Stiffness Request Lift / Tag AxleDemand value for the shock absorber control at the lift or tag axle
1721Relative Level Front Axle LeftInformation of the height at the left side of the front axle referred to normal level 1. For explanations of normal level 1 see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1722Relative Level Front Axle RightInformation of the height at the right side of the front axle referred to normal level 1. For explanations of normal level 1 see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1723Relative Level Rear Axle RightInformation of the height at the left side of the rear axle referred to normal level 1. For explanations of normal level 1 see parameter SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1724Relative Level Rear Axle LeftInformation of the height at the left side of the rear axle referred to normal level 1. For explanations of normal level 1 see parameter SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1725Bellow Pressure Front Axle LeftInformation of the pressure of the air suspension bellow at the left side of the front axle
1726Bellow Pressure Front Axle RightInformation of the pressure of the air suspension bellow at the right side of the front axle
1727Bellow Pressure Rear Axle LeftInformation of the pressure of the air suspension bellow at the left side of the rear axle
1728Bellow Pressure Rear Axle RightInformation of the pressure of the air suspension bellow at the right side of the rear axle
1729Damper Stiffness Front AxleDamper stiffness information of the shock absorber control at the front axle
1730Damper Stiffness Rear AxleDamper stiffness information of the shock absorber control at the rear axle
1731Damper Stiffness Lift / Tag AxleDamper stiffness information of the shock absorber control at the lift of tag axle
1732Level Preset Front Axle LeftSet value for nominal level 'preset level' at the left side of the front axle. This value is referred to 'Normal level 1'. For explanations of normal level 1 see parameter SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1733Nominal Level Rear AxleSignal which indicates the nominal (desired) height of the rear axle to be controlled by the suspension system.

For further explanations see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

0000 Level not specified,(i.e. the nominal level is none of the specified levels, no error condition)
0001 "Normal Level 1,(i.e. the level prescribed for normal driving, given by design)
0010 "Normal Level 2,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lower the vehicle in case of high speed)
0011 "Normal Level 3,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lift the vehicle in case of offroad)
0100 "Preset Level,(i.e. a level to be defined externally via CAN)
0101 "Customer Level,(i.e. a level to be defined by customer via parameter setting)
0110 "Upper Level,(i.e. the highest level to be controlled)
0111 "Lower Level,(i.e. the lowest level to be controlled)
1000 Level change stopped
1001 Raising
1010 Lowering
1011-1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1734Nominal Level Front AxleSignal which indicates the nominal (desired) height of the front axle to be controlled by the suspension system.

These heights are discrete levels. They are the upper level, lower level, normal level 1, normal level 2, normal level 3, customer level, and preset level. Refer to Figure SPN1734_A.

? Upper Level is the highest mechanically available height of the vehicle.
? Lower Level is the lowest mechanically available height of the vehicle.

Normal Levels 1, 2 and 3 are heights normally used during driving.
? Normal Level 1 is most often used and is given by design.
? Normal Level 2 may be chosen, for example, to be lower than Normal Level 1 for the purpose of reducing fuel consumption while driving on highways.
? Normal Level 3 may be chosen above Normal Level 1 for driving off road.

The preset level has to be set by means of ASC 6 (PGN: 53504).

States 'Raising' and 'Lowering' are only active when corresponding states are requested in SPN 1751. This provides the possibility to adjust vehicle to a level other than the predefined levels.

0000 Level not specified,(i.e. the nominal level is none of the specified levels, no error condition)
0001 "Normal Level 1,(i.e. the level prescribed for normal driving, given by design)
0010 "Normal Level 2,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lower the vehicle in case of high speed)
0011 "Normal Level 3,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lift the vehicle in case of offroad)
0100 "Preset Level,(i.e. a level to be defined externally via CAN)
0101 "Customer Level,(i.e. a level to be defined by customer via parameter setting)
0110 "Upper Level,(i.e. the highest level to be controlled)
0111 "Lower Level,(i.e. the lowest level to be controlled)
1000 Level change stopped
1001 Raising
1010 Lowering
1011-1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1735Level Preset Rear Axle RightSet value for nominal level 'preset level' at the right side of the rear axle. This value is referred to 'Normal level 1'. For explanations of normal level 1 see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1736Above Nominal Level Rear AxleSignal which indicates whether the actual height of the rear axle is above the nominal (desired) level of the rear axle. For explanations of nominal level see parameter SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

00 Not above
01 Above
10 Error
11 Not available
1737Above Nominal Level Front AxleSignal which indicates whether the actual height of the front axle is above the nominal (desired) level of the front axle. For explanations of nominal level see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

00 Not above
01 Above
10 Error
11 Not available
1738Below Nominal Level Front AxleSignal which indicates whether the actual height of the front axle is below the nominal (desired) level for the front axle. For explanations of nominal level see parameter SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

00 Not below
01 Below
10 Error
11 Not available
1739Lifting Control Mode Front AxleSignal which indicates the actual lifting level change at the front axle

00 Lifting not active
01 Lifting active
10 Error
11 Not available
1740Lowering Control Mode Front AxleSignal which indicates the actual lowering level change at the front axle

00 Lowering not active
01 Lowering active
10 Error
11 Not available
1741Level Control ModeSignal which indicates the actual control mode of the air suspension system

0000 Normal operation; i.e. the system performs a "pure" control of the vehicle height
0001 Traction help (load transfer); i.e. the driven axle is loaded to a maximum value given by legislation or design
0010 Load fixing; i.e. the driven axlen is loaded to a value defined by the driver
0011 Pressure ratio 1; i.e. the ratio between the pressures at the driven axle and at the third axle is controlled, so that the ratio equals a fixed value 1
0100 Pressure ratio 2; i.e. the ratio between the pressures at the driven axle and at the third axle is controlled, so that the ratio equals a fixed value 2
0101 Optimum traction 1; i.e. the pressure at the driven axle is controlled at a fixed value 1
0110 Optimum traction 2; i.e. the pressure at the driven axle is controlled at a fixed value 2
0111 Traction help - load reduce; (i.e. the driven axle load is reduced to normal load condition)
1000 Exhausting bellow function; i.e. the bellows are exhausted totally
1001 Air suspension control prohibited ( i.e. hold current pressures in all suspension devices.)
1010 Automatic air suspension control prohibited
1011 Force to bumper level request is in effect
1100-1101 Not defined
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1742Kneeling InformationSignal which indicates the actual level change in case of kneeling function

0000 Not active,(i.e. the kneeling function is not active")
0001Lowering active,(i.e. the vehicle is lowered due to a kneeling request)
0010 Kneeling level reached,(i.e. the vehicle is at the fixed kneeling level)
0011 Lifting active,(i.e. the vehicle is lifted due to a recover request)
0100 Kneeling aborted,(i.e. in case of manual actuation the request was dropped before the kneeling level was reached)
0101-1101 Not defined
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1743Lift Axle 1 PositionSignal which indicates the position / load condition of lift axle / tag axle #1. Numbering of lift/tag axles starts at front axle.

00 Lift axle position down / tag axle laden
01 Lift axle position up / tag axle unladen
10 Error
11 Not available
1744Door ReleaseSignal which indicates that the doors may be opened. [Please note: doors instead of door!]
In case a kneeling request is active the ASC indicates during lowering the vehicle "doors shall not be opened" as a security information until the kneeling level is reached. Then "doors may be opened" is sent.

00 Doors may not be opened
01 Doors may be opened
10 Error
11 Not available
1745Vehicle Motion InhibitSignal which indicates whether vehicle motion is inhibited.

00 Vehicle may be moved
01 Vehicle motion is inhibited
10 Error
11 Not available
1746Security DeviceThe signal which indicates the status of the security device. An example of a security device is a curbstone feeler installed beneath the doors of a bus. If the security device becomes active during kneeling the kneeling process (lowering) is stopped and the vehicle lifts back to the starting level.

00 Not active
01 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
1747Kneeling Control Mode RequestCommand signal to select the kneeling functionality

00 Automatically actuated
01 Manually actuated
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1748Kneeling Request Right SideCommand signal to activate the kneeling functionality on the right side of the vehicle

00 No kneeling request
01 Kneeling request
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1749Kneeling Request Left SideCommand signal to activate the kneeling functionality on the left side of the vehicle

00 No kneeling request
01 Kneeling request
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1750Nominal Level Request Rear AxleCommand signal to activate a level of the rear axle programmed and/or memorized in the ECU. For explanations of nominal level see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

0000 No level request
0001 Normal Level 1,(i.e. the level prescribed for normal driving, given by design)
0010 Normal Level 2,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lower the vehicle in case of high speed)
0011 Normal Level 3,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lift the vehicle in case of offroad)
0100 Preset Level,(i.e. a level to be defined externally via CAN)
0101 Customer Level,(i.e. a level to be defined by customer via parameter setting)
0110 Upper Level,(i.e. the highest level to be controlled)
0111 Lower Level,(i.e. the lowest level to be controlled)
1000 Stop level change,(i.e. the level change in process shall be stopped immediately)
1001 Raise Request (Continuously raising front axle, as long as active).
1010 Lower Request (Continuously lowering front axle, as long as active).
1011-1101 Not defined
1110 Reserved
1111 Don't care/take no action
1751Nominal Level Request Front AxleCommand signal to activate a level of the front axle programmed and/or memorized in the ECU For explanations of nominal level see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

0000 No level request
0001 Normal Level 1,(i.e. the level prescribed for normal driving, given by design)
0010 Normal Level 2,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lower the vehicle in case of high speed)
0011 Normal Level 3,(i.e. a level permitted for driving, for example to lift the vehicle in case of offroad)
0100 Preset Level,(i.e. a level to be defined externally via CAN)
0101 Customer Level,(i.e. a level to be defined by customer via parameter setting)
0110 Upper Level,(i.e. the highest level to be controlled)
0111 Lower Level,(i.e. the lowest level to be controlled)
1000 Stop level change,(i.e. the level change in process shall be stopped immediately)
1001 Raise Request (Continuously raising front axle, as long as active).
1010 Lower Request (Continuously lowering front axle, as long as active).
1011-1101 Not defined
1110 Reserved
1111 Don't care/take no action
1752Lift Axle 1 Position CommandSignal to command the position/load condition of lift/tag axle #1. Numbering of lift/tag axles starts at front axle.

00 Lift axle position down / tag axle laden
01 Lift axle position up / tag axle unladen
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1753Level Control Mode RequestCommand signal to activate a level control mode

0000 Normal operation; i.e. the system performs a "pure" control of the vehicle height
0001 Traction help (load transfer); i.e. the driven axle is loaded to a maximum value given by legislation or design
0010 Load fixing; i.e. the driven axle is loaded to a value defined by the driver
0011 Pressure ratio 1; i.e. the ratio between the pressures at the driven axle and at the third axle is controlled, so that the ratio equals a fixed value 1
0100 Pressure ratio 2; i.e. the ratio between the pressures at the driven axle and at the third axle is controlled, so that the ratio equals a fixed value 2
0101 Optimum traction 1; i.e. the pressure at the driven axle is controlled at a fixed value 1
0110 Optimum traction 2; i.e. the pressure at the driven axle is controlled at a fixed value 2
0111 Traction help - load reduce; (i.e. reduce axle load of driven axle to normal load condition)
1000 Exhaust bellows
1001 Force to bumper level
1010 -1101 Not defined
1110 Reserved
1111 Don't care/take no action

Mode 1001 would be used to override other level change requests and force an immediate return to bumper level, e.g. in a situation where the vehicle is in danger of tilting.
1754Below Nominal Level Rear AxleSignal which indicates whether the actual height of the rear axle is below the nominal (desired) level for the rear axle. For explanations of nominal level see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.

00 Not below
01 Below
10 Error
11 Not available
1755Lowering Control Mode Rear AxleSignal which indicates the actual lowering level change at the rear axle

00 Lowering not active
01 Lowering active
10 Error
11 Not available
1756Lifting Control Mode Rear AxleSignal which indicates the actual lifting level change at the rear axle

00 Lifting not active
01 Lifting active
10 Error
11 Not available
1757Level Preset Front Axle RightSet value for nominal level 'preset level' at the right side of the front axle. This value is referred to 'Normal level 1'. For explanations of normal level 1 see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1758Level Preset Rear Axle LeftSet value for nominal level 'preset level' at the left side of the rear axle. This value is referred to 'Normal level 1'. For explanations of normal level 1 see SPN 1734 - Nominal Level Front Axle.
1759Blade Height Set Point - High ResolutionHigh resolution for the laser guided blade set point. The high resolution required for more accurate control and 'accurate' unit conversions.

Negative values are below grade, positive values are above grade, zero is on grade.
1760Gross Combination Vehicle WeightThe total weight of the truck and all attached trailers.
1761Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank LevelRatio of volume of diesel exhaust fluid to the total volume of diesel exhaust fluid storage container.

0 % = Empty
100% = Full

Parameter Specific Indicator:
A value of 0xFB indicates conditions are not acceptable for a valid measurement.
1762Hydraulic PressureHydraulic pressure measured at the output of the hydraulic pump.
1763Engine Hydraulic Pressure Governor Mode IndicatorMode for governor operation is hydraulic pressure control.

00 Disabled
01 Enabled
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
1764Engine Hydraulic Pressure Governor SwitchSwitch that sets the mode of hydraulic governor

00 Pressure Mode Inactive
01 Pressure Mode Active
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
1765Engine Fuel Valve 1 Commanded PositionThe commanded position of the first fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine.
1766Engine Fuel Valve 2 Commanded PositionThe commanded position of the second fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine.
1767Specific Heat RatioThe specific heat ratio of the fuel.
1768Engine Low Limit Threshold for Maximum RPM from EngineMinimum allowable value for maximum continuous RPM from engine
1769Engine High Limit Threshold for Minimum Continuous Engine RPMMaximum allowable value for minimum continuous RPM from engine
1770Engine Low Limit Threshold for Maximum Torque from EngineMinimum allowable value for maximum continuous torque from engine
1771Engine High Limit Threshold for Minimum Continuous Torque from EngineMaximum allowable value for minimum continuous torque from engine
1772Engine Maximum Continuous RPMApplied limit for maximum continuous engine RPM
1773Engine Minimum Continuous RPMApplied limit for minimum continuous engine RPM
1774Engine Maximum Continuous TorqueApplied limit for maximum continuous engine torque.
1775Engine Minimum Continuous TorqueApplied limit for minimum continuous engine torque
1776Low Limit Threshold for Maximum RPM from RetarderMinimum allowable value for maximum continuous retarder speed
1777High Limit Threshold for Minimum Continuous RPM from RetarderMaximum allowable value for minimum continuous retarder speed
1778Low Limit Threshold for Maximum Torque from RetarderMinimum allowable value for maximum continuous retarder torque.
1779High Limit Threshold for Minimum Continuous Torque from RetarderMaximum allowable value for minimum continuous retarder torque.
1780Maximum Continuous Retarder Speed Applied limit for maximum continuous retarder RPM
1781Minimum Continuous Retarder SpeedApplied limit for minimum continuous retarder RPM
1782Maximum Continuous Retarder TorqueApplied limit for maximum continuous retarder torque.
1783Minimum Continuous Retarder TorqueApplied limit for minimum continuous retarder torque
1784Engine Speed Limit Request - Minimum ContinuousRequested minimum continuous engine speed
1785Engine Speed Limit Request - Maximum ContinuousRequested maximum continuous engine speed
1786Engine Torque Limit Request - Minimum ContinuousRequested minimum continuous engine torque (operating range: 0 to 125%)
1787Engine Torque Limit Request - Maximum ContinuousRequested maximum continuous engine torque (operating range: 0 to 125%)
1788Minimum Continuous Retarder Speed Limit RequestRequested minimum continuous retarder speed
1789Maximum Continuous Retarder Speed Limit RequestRequested maximum continuous retarder speed
1790Minimum Continuous Retarder Torque Limit RequestRequested minimum continuous retarder torque (operating range: -125 to 0%)
1791Maximum Continuous Retarder Torque Limit RequestRequested maximum continuous retarder torque (operating range: -125 to 0%)
1792Tractor-Mounted Trailer ABS Warning SignalThis parameter commands the tractor-mounted trailer ABS optical warning signal.

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1793ATC/ASR Information SignalThis parameter commands the ATC/ASR driver information signal, for example a dash lamp.

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1794Engine Moment of InertiaMoment of inertia for the engine, including items driven full-time by the engine such as fuel, oil and cooling pumps. The inertia from the following items are not included: flywheel, alternator, compressor, fan, and other engine-driven accessories.
1795Alternator Current (High Range/Resolution)This parameter indicates the amount of electrical current output from the alternator of the main vehicle. Alternator Current (SPN 115) has a lower range and resolution.
1796ACC Distance Alert SignalSignal to indicate to the operator that the ACC system is not able to maintain the distance to the target. Example: Target stopping rapidly. This signal may be used to activate warning sounds or indicators.

00 ACC DAS Not Active
01 ACC DAS Active
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1797ACC System Shutoff WarningSignal to warn the driver of system deactivation due to non-driver actions. Example: Attempting to control vehicle speed below or above limits of ACC. This signal may be used to activate warning sounds or indicators.

00 ACC SSOW Not Active
01 ACC SSOW Active
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1798ACC Target DetectedSignal to indicate to the driver that the ACC system has detected a target.

00 No targets detected
01 Target detected
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1799Requested ACC Distance ModeThe Requested Distance Control Mode to the ACC system from the operators interface.

The ACC Set Distance Mode (SPN 1589) indicates the selected Distance Control Mode for the ACC system. This parameter is the driver requested setting for this.

000 Requested ACC Distance Mode #1 (largest distance)
001 Requested ACC Distance Mode #2
010 Requested ACC Distance Mode #3
011 Requested ACC Distance Mode #4
100 Requested ACC Distance Mode #5 (shortest distance)
101 not defined
110 error condition
111 not available
1800Battery 1 TemperatureTemperature of the battery 1. The relation to physical location is determined by the equipment manufacturer.
1801Battery 2 TemperatureTemperature of the battery 2. The relation to physical location is determined by the equipment manufacturer.
1802Engine Intake Manifold 5 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold number 5 of engine air supply system.
1803Engine Intake Manifold 6 TemperatureTemperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold number 6 of engine air supply system.
1804Engine Start Enable Device 2Devices that assist an engine in starting, e.g. intake heaters, ether, or an alternate/secondary starting aid. May be of the same type or different than Start Enable Device 1 (SPN 626). Parameter indicating whether the start enable device 2 is ON or OFF.

00 - start enable OFF
01 - start enable ON
10 - reserved
11 - not available
1805LED Display Mode ControlThis parameter informs the system what the selected Display mode will be.

0000 - Center On-Grade Display Mode 1 ( 5 CHANNEL )
0001 - Offset On-Grade Display Mode
0010 - Center On-Grade Display Mode 2 ( 7 CHANNEL )
0011 - 1110 Reserved
1111 - Not Available or Not Applicable
1806LED Display Deadband ControlThis parameter informs the system what the selected Display deadband will be.

0000 +/- 4.5 mm (0.015 feet, 0.18 inches)
0001 +/- 12 mm (0.040 feet, 0.45 inches)
0010 +/- 24 mm (0.080 feet, 0.96 inches)
0011 +/- 5 mm (0.017 feet, 0.2 inches)
0100 +/- 1 mm (0.003 feet, 0.04 inches)
0101 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not Available or Not applicable
1807Steering Wheel AngleThe main operator`s steering wheel angle (on the steering column, not the actual wheel angle). The vehicle being steered to the left (counterclockwise) results in a positive steering wheel angle. This is the yaw angle of the steering wheel with the z-axis along the centerline of the steering column. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Up axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Up Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the left, and positive Z directed up.
1808Yaw RateIndicates the rate of rotation about the vertical axis (i.e. the z-axis). A positive yaw rate signal results when the vehicle turns counter-clockwise. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Up axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Up Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the left, and positive Z directed up. See SPN 4985 for an alternate range and resolution using a Z-Down Axis System.
1809Lateral AccelerationIndicates a lateral acceleration of the vehicle (the component of vehicle acceleration vector along the Y-axis). A positive lateral acceleration signal results when the vehicle is accelerated to the left. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Up axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Up Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the left, and positive Z directed up. See SPN 5347 for an alternate range and resolution.
1810Longitudinal AccelerationIndicates the longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle. A positive longitudinal acceleration signal results when the vehicle speed increases, regardless of driving the vehicle forward or backward. This parameter is applicable to vehicle speed measurement systems, such as passive wheel speed sensors, that are not capable of determining the direction of the vehicle motion. See SPN 5348 for an alternate longitudinal acceleration.
1811Steering Wheel Turn CounterIndicates number of steering wheel turns, absolute position or relative position at ignition on. Positive values indicate left turns.
1812Steering Wheel Angle Sensor TypeIndicates whether the steering wheel angle sensor is capable of absolute measuring of the number of steering wheel turns or not (relative measuring to position at ignition on).

00 Relative measuring principle
01 Absolute measuring principle
10 Reserved
11 Not Available
1813VDC Information SignalThis parameter commands the VDC information signal, for example a dash lamp.

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1814VDC Fully OperationalSignal that indicates whether VDC is fully operational or whether its functionality is reduced by a permanent or temporary (e.g. low voltage) defect, by intended action (e.g. disabled by a switch or during special diagnostic procedures), not configured or not yet fully initialized (e.g. missing initialization or configuration message). VDC contains ROP and YC.

00 Not fully operational
01 Fully operational
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1815VDC brake light requestIndicates whether VDC requests to turn the vehicle brake lights on

00 Turn brake light not on
01 Turn brake light on
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1816ROP Engine Control activeState Signal which indicates that the Roll Over Prevention (ROP) has commanded engine control to be active. Within the physical limits, ROP attempts to prevent rolling over of the vehicle. Active means that ROP actually tries to control the engine. This state signal is independent of other control commands to the engine which may have higher priority.

00 ROP engine control passive but installed
01 ROP engine control active
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1817YC Engine Control activeState Signal which indicates that the Yaw Control (YC) has commanded engine control to be active. Within the physical limits, YC attempts to prevent yawing of the vehicle. Active means that YC actually tries to control the engine. This state signal is independent of other control commands to the engine which may have higher priority.

00 YC engine control passive but installed
01 YC engine control active
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1818ROP Brake Control activeState signal which indicates that Roll over Prevention (ROP) has activated brake control. Active means that ROP actually controls wheel brake pressure at one or more wheels of the vehicle or vehicle combination. Within the physical limits, ROP attempts to prevent rolling over of the vehicle.

00 ROP brake control passive but installed
01 ROP brake control active
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1819YC Brake Control activeState signal which indicates that Yaw Control (YC) has activated brake control. Active means that YC actually controls wheel brake pressure at one or more wheels of the vehicle or vehicle combination. Within the physical limits, YC attempts to prevent yawing of the vehicle.

00 YC brake control passive but installed
01 YC brake control active
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/Take no action
1820Ramp / Wheel Chair Lift PositionSignal which indicates the actual position of the ramp / wheel chair lift.

00 Inside bus
01 Outside bus
10 Error
11 Not available
1821Position of doorsSignal which indicates the actual position of the doors.

0000 At least 1 door is open
0001 Closing last door
0010 All doors closed
0011-1101 Not defined
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1822Lift Axle 2 PositionSignal which indicates the position / load condition of lift axle / tag axle #2. Numbering of lift/tag axles starts at front axle.

00 Lift axle position down / tag axle laden
01 Lift axle position up / tag axle unladen
10 Error
11 Not available
1823Rear Axle in Bumper RangeSignal which indicates that the vehicle height at the rear axle (SPNs 1723 and 1724) is within the bumper range.

00 Actual level out of bumper range
01 Actual level within bumper range
10 Error
11 Not available
1824Front Axle in Bumper RangeSignal which indicates that the vehicle height at the front axle (SPNs 1721 and 1722) is within the bumper range.

00 Actual level out of bumper range
01 Actual level within bumper range
10 Error
11 Not available
1825Suspension Remote control 2Signal which indicates that the suspension system is controlled by remote control #2. Remote control is an external unit to operate the suspension system.

00 Not active
01 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
1826Suspension Remote Control 1Signal which indicates that the suspension system is controlled by remote control #1. Remote control is an external unit to operate the suspension system.

00 Not active
01 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
1827Suspension Control Refusal InformationSignal which indicates that the air suspension control cannot perform a request due to the operating conditions. It also provides a reason for the refusal.

0000 Actual request not refused
0001 Axle load limit reached (load transfer)
0010 Would exceed axle load limit (tag axle)
0011 Bogie differential not locked
0100 Above speed limit
0101 Below speed limit
0110 General reject; I.e. no specified reason applies
0111 Requested level not available
1000 - 1101 Not defined
1110 Error
1111 Not available
1828Lift Axle 2 Position CommandSignal to command the position / load condition of lift / tag axle #2. Numbering of lift/tag axles starts at front axle.

00 Lift axle position down / tag axle laden
01 Lift axle position up / tag axle unladen
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1829Kneeling Command - Rear AxleCommand signal to activate the kneeling functionality at the rear axle of the vehicle.

00 Deactivate kneeling
01 Activate kneeling
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1830Kneeling Command - Front AxleCommand signal to activate the kneeling functionality at the front axle of the vehicle

00 Deactivate kneeling
01 Activate kneeling
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
1831Electronic Shock Absorber Control Mode - Lift/Tag AxleSignal which indicates the current mode of operation of the electronic shock absorber control at the lift/tag axle.

00 Normal operation dampers passive
01 Normal operation dampers active
10 Error
11 Not available
1832Electronic Shock Absorber Control Mode - Rear AxleSignal which indicates the current mode of operation of the electronic shock absorber control at the rear axle.

00 Normal operation dampers passive
01 Normal operation dampers active
10 Error
11 Not available
1833Electronic Shock Absorber Control Mode - Front AxleSignal which indicates the current mode of operation of the electronic shock absorber control at the front axle.

00 Normal operation dampers passive
01 Normal operation dampers active
10 Error
11 Not available
1834Engine Total Average Fuel RateAverage fuel rate, equal to total fuel used divided by total engine hours, over the life of the engine
1835Engine Total Average Fuel EconomyAverage fuel economy, equal to total vehicle distance divided by total fuel used, over the life of the engine
1836Trailer ABS StatusState signal which indicates that ABS in the trailer is actively controlling the brakes. A message is sent to the tractor from the trailer (i.e. by PLC). The receiving device in the tractor transfers this information to the J1939 network. At the beginning of power on the message is sent by the trailer to indicate if this status information is supported. Timeout of the trailer ABS active can be done by monitoring of the Trailer warning light information.

00 Trailer ABS Status Information Available But Not Active
01 Trailer ABS Active
10 Reserved
11 Trailer ABS Status Information Not Available or Parameter Not Supported
1837Convoy Driving Lamp SelectBlack Out Convoy Driving Lamp Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1838Convoy Lamp SelectBlack Out Convoy Lamp Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1839Front Black Out Marker Lamp SelectFront Black Out Marker Lamp Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1840Rear Black Out Marker SelectRear Black Out Marker Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1841Black Out Brake/Stop Lamp SelectBlack Out Brake/Stop Lamp Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1842Black Out Work Lamp SelectBlack Out Work Lamp Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1843Night Vision Illuminator SelectNight Vision Illuminator Selection

00 Off
01 On
10 Reserved
11 Not Supported
1844Operators Black Out Intensity SelectionOperators Selection of lamp intensity in black out mode. This parameter provides the operators selected illumination intensity as a percentage of available full scale. This parameter would be typically used as a dash or instrument cluster intensity adjustment.
1845Transmission Torque LimitParameter provided to the engine from the transmission as a torque limit to be invoked by the engine in the event that J1939 communication with the transmission is lost.

The intention is to protect transmissions that use a continuous torque limit during torque converter mode or operation in specific lower gears, where stall or drivetrain torque may reach levels higher than the gearbox capacity. If communication is lost during torque limited operation, unrestricted engine torque output could harm the transmission.

It is recommended that engines use reception of the ETC#1 message as a transmission “heartbeat”. In the event that the ETC#1 message is not received in a time period of 5 times its’ broadcast rate (5 x 10 ms = 50 ms), the engine should invoke a torque limit holding the engine to less than or equal to the value of the Transmission Torque Limit parameter. The engine may release the limit when transmission-to-engine communication is re-established.

A value of 0xFF00 to 0xFFFF indicates that no transmission torque limit is desired.

It is expected that the engine will record this torque value in non-volatile memory and will include this in the engine configuration PGN as parameter Engine Default Torque Limit (SPN 1846)

If the engine observes change in this parameter value on power-up, the engine should record the new value.
1846Engine Default Torque LimitCompanion parameter to Transmission Torque Limit (SPN 1845). This “echo” parameter provides confirmation to the transmission that the engine has received and will invoke the requested Transmission Torque Limit in the event that J1939 communication is lost between the two devices.

If the engine supports this protection logic, the Engine Default Torque Limit parameter should be set equal to the Transmission Torque Limit parameter as received in the Transmission Configuration 2 message (PGN 65099). Otherwise, an Engine Default Torque Limit value of FF00 to FFFF indicates that no engine default torque limit has been received or set.

The intention is to protect transmissions that use a continuous torque limit during torque converter mode or operation in specific lower gears, where stall or drivetrain torque may reach levels higher than the gearbox capacity. If communication is lost during torque limited operation, unrestricted engine torque output could harm the transmission.

It is recommended that engines use reception of the ETC#1 message as a transmission “heartbeat”. In the event that the ETC#1 message is not received in a time period of 5 times its’ broadcast rate (5 x 10 ms = 50 ms), the engine should invoke a torque limit holding the engine to less than or equal to the value of the Transmission Torque Limit parameter. The engine may release the limit when engine-to-transmission communication is re-established.
1849Transmission Requested Range Display Flash StateState signal indicating a transmission request for the display of the Transmission Requested Range parameter (SPN 162) to flash or not to flash. The ‘Transmission Requested Range Display Flash State’ indicator can be utilized by (but not limited to) the shift console, instrument cluster, or cab display. Definition of the cause of this state is at the discretion of the transmission manufacturer. The flash period shall be 700 ms @ 50% duty cycle.

Transmission manufacturers may want to flash the Transmission Requested Range display depending on certain events. It could be because a gear could not be attained, or because fluid is low, etc. Indicator should be on for 350 ms and off for 350 ms.

Transmissions supporting both this parameter and the Transmission Requested Range Display Blank
State should treat the active states of these parameters as mutually exclusive; both parameters should not indicate "active" at the same time.

00 Inactive; Transmission Requested Range display should not be flashing
01 Active; Transmission Requested Range display should be flashing
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1850Transmission Requested Range Display Blank StateState signal indicating a transmission request for the display of the Transmission Requested Range parameter (SPN162) to be blanked or not blanked. The ‘Transmission Requested Range Display Blank State’ indicator can be utilized by (but not limited to) the shift console, instrument cluster, or cab display. Definition of the cause of this state is at the discretion of the transmission manufacturer

Transmission manufacturers may want to blank the Transmission Requested Range display depending on certain events. Typically it is an indication of a shift selector problem.

Transmissions supporting both this parameter and the Transmission Requested Range Display Flash
State should treat the active states of these parameters as mutually exclusive; both parameters should not indicate "active" at the same time.

00 Inactive; Transmission Requested Range display should not be blanked
01 Active; Transmission Requested Range display should be blanked
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1851Transmission Shift Inhibit IndicatorState signal indicating a transmission request for the Shift Inhibit Indicator to be active or inactive. The shift inhibit indicator can be of lamp or text form, located on (but not limited to) the shift console, instrument cluster, or cab display. Definition of the cause of the ‘range inhibit’ state is at the discretion of the transmission manufacturer.

Transmission manufacturers may want to indicate that they currently cannot make a requested shift. This could be due to inappropriate vehicle speed or other restrictions.

Distinctions in meaning between the continuous and flashing are left to the transmission manufacturer.

00 Inactive; shift is not inhibited
01 Active (on continuously); shift is inhibited
10 Active (flashing)
11 Take no action
1852Transmission Mode 1Indicates whether transmission mode 1 is enabled. Modes are manufacturer specific and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. See also SPN 2536.

00 Disable
01 Enable
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1853Transmission Mode 2Indicates whether transmission mode 2 is enabled. Modes are manufacturer specific and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. See also SPN 2537.

00 Disable
01 Enable
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1854Transmission Mode 3Indicates whether transmission mode 3 is enabled. Modes are manufacturer specific and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. See also SPN 2538.

00 Disable
01 Enable
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1855Transmission Mode 4Indicates whether transmission mode 4 is enabled. Modes are manufacturer specific and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. See also SPN 2539.

00 Disable
01 Enable
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
1856Seat Belt SwitchState of switch used to determine if Seat Belt is buckled

00 NOT Buckled
01 OK - Seat Belt is buckled
10 Error - Switch state cannot be determined
11 Not Available
1857Winch Oil Pressure SwitchState of switch used to determine if Winch Oil Pressure is above desired minimum

00 NOT OK- Oil pressure is too low
01 OK - Oil pressure is above minimum
10 Error - Switch state cannot be determined
11 Not Available
1858Intermittent Wiper ControlOutput driver for an intermittent windshield wiper motor
1859Ground Based Implement SpeedActual ground speed of a machine, measured by a sensor such as RADAR.
1860Ground Based Implement DistanceActual distance travelled by a machine based on measurements from a sensor such as RADAR. When distance exceeds 4 211 081.215 m, the value should be reset to zero and incremented as additional distance accrues.
1861Ground Based DirectionA measured signal indicating either forward or reverse as the direction of travel. When speed is zero, indicate the last travel direction until a different direction is detected.

00 Reverse
01 Forward
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1862Wheel Based SpeedA value of the speed of a machine as calculated from the measured wheel or tail shaft speed.
1863Wheel Based DistanceThe distance travelled by a machine as calculated from wheel or tail shaft speed. When distance exceeds 4211081,215 m, the value should be reset to zero and incremented as additional distance accrues.
1864Wheel Based DirectionA measured signal indicating either forward or reverse as the direction of travel. When speed is zero, indicate the last travel direction until a different direction is detected or selected and engaged.

00 Reverse
01 Forward
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1865Key Switch NOT OFFIndicates the Key Switch of the tractor or power unit is NOT in the Off position. This does not indicate unforeseen power interruption such as those caused by starting the engine or due to connector intermittents.

00 Key Switch Off
01 Key Switch Not Off
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1866Maximum Time of Tractor PowerThe maximum time of remaining tractor or power unit supplied electrical power at the current load.
1867Maintain ECU PowerRequest to the Tractor ECU to maintain ECU_PWR power for the next 2 seconds.

00 No Further Requirement for ECU_PWR
01 Requirement for 2 more seconds of ECU_PWR
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1868Maintain Acuator PowerRequest to the Tractor ECU to maintain PWR power for the next 2 seconds.

00 No Further Requirement for PWR
01 Requirement for 2 more seconds of PWR
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1869Implement Transport StateIndicates the transport state of an implement connected to a tractor or power unit.

00 Implement may Not be transported
01 Implement may be transported
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1870Implement Park StateIndicates the state of an implement where it may be disconnected from a tractor or power unit.

00 Implement may Not be disconnected
01 Implement may be disconnected
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1871Implement Work StateIndicates that an implement is connected to a tractor or power unit and is ready for work

00 Implement is Not ready for field work
01 Implement is ready for field work
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1872Front Hitch PositionThe measured position of the front three-point-hitch. Expressed as a percentage of full travel. Zero percent indicates the full down position, and 100%, the full up position.
1873Rear Hitch PositionThe measured position of the rear three-point-hitch. Expressed as a percentage of full travel. Zero percent indicates the full down position, and 100%, the full up position.
1874Front Hitch Position CommandCommand to allow the position of the front three-point-hitch to be set. Expressed as a percentage of full travel. Zero percent indicates the full down position, and 100%, the full up position.
1875Rear Hitch Position CommandCommand to allow the position of the rear three-point-hitch to be set. Expressed as a percentage of full travel. Zero percent indicates the full down position, and 100%, the full up position.
1876Front Hitch In-work IndicationA measured signal indicating that the front hitch is positioned below (in-work) or above (out-of-work) an adjustable switching threshold.

00 Hitch position is out-of-work
01 Hitch position is in-work
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1877Rear Hitch In-work IndicationA measured signal indicating that the rear hitch is positioned below (in-work) or above (out-of-work) an adjustable switching threshold. The method of determining switching threshold is not standardise and will be determined by machine designers.

00 Hitch position is out-of-work
01 Hitch position is in-work
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1878Front DraftThe apparent horizontal force applied to the front hitch by an implement. A positive value indicates force applied to the tractor opposed to heading.
1879Rear DraftThe apparent horizontal force applied to the rear hitch by an implement. A positive value indicates force applied to the tractor opposed to heading.
1880Front Nominal Lower Link ForceThis measurement provides an indication of draft at the lower links of the front three point hitch. Nominal lower link force may be expected to be approximately linear with respect to draft and may be proportional to draft for a single hitch position. This measurement is typically obtained from a transducer on the lower hitch links and is typically used as raw data in draft control. A positive value indicates force applied to the tractor opposed to heading.
1881Rear Nominal Lower Link ForceThis measurement provides an indication of draft at the lower links of the rear three point hitch. Nominal lower link force may be expected to be approximately linear with respect to draft and may be proportional to draft for a single hitch position. This measurement is typically obtained from a transducer on the lower hitch links and is typically used as raw data in draft control. . A positive value indicates force applied to the tractor opposed to heading.
1882Front PTO output shaft speedThe measured rotational speed of the front power take off (PTO) output shaft. For existing tractors that monitor PTO speed prior to the engagement clutch, the PTO speed would only be valid when PTO is engaged and not available when PTO disengaged.
1883Rear PTO output shaft speedThe measured rotational speed of the rear power take off (PTO) output shaft. For existing tractors that monitor PTO speed prior to the engagement clutch, the PTO speed would only be valid when PTO is engaged and not available when PTO disengaged.
1884Front PTO Output Shaft Speed Set PointThe measured value of the set point of the rotational speed of the front power take off (PTO) output shaft.
1885Rear PTO Output Shaft Speed Set PointThe measured value of the set point of the rotational speed of the rear power take off (PTO) output shaft.
1886Front PTO Output Shaft Speed Set Point CommandThe command to set the rotational speed of the front power take off (PTO) output shaft.
1887Rear PTO Output Shaft Speed Set Point CommandThe command to set the rotational speed of the rear power take off (PTO) output shaft.
1888Front Power Take Off EngagementA measured signal indicating that the front power take off is engaged or disengage.

00 Power take off disengaged
01 Power take off engaged
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1889Front Power Take Off ModeA measured signal indicating that the front power take off mode is either 540 or 1000 rpm.

00 Power take off mode is 540
01 Power take off mode is 1000
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1890Rear Power Take Off ModeA measured signal indicating that the rear power take off mode is either 540 or 1000 rpm.

00 Power take off mode is 540
01 Power take off mode is 1000
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1891Front Power Take Off Economy ModeA measured signal indicating that the front power take off economy mode is engaged or disengaged. Economy mode PTO operate at 540 or 1000 rpm at a lower engine rpm.

00 Power take off economy mode is disengaged
01 Power take off economy mode is engaged
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1892Rear Power Take Off Economy ModeA measured signal indicating that the rear power take off economy mode is engaged or disengaged. Economy mode PTO operate at 540 or 1000 rpm at a lower engine rpm.

00 Power take off economy mode is disengaged
01 Power take off economy mode is engaged
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1893Front Power Take Off Engagement CommandThe command to engage or disengage the front power take off .

00 Disengage Power take off
01 Engage Power take off
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1894Rear Power Take Off Engagement CommandThe command to engage or disengage the rear power take off .

00 Disengage Power take off
01 Engage Power take off
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1895Front Power Take Off Mode CommandThe command to select the mode of the front power take off .

00 Select 540 rpm mode
01 Select 1000 rpm mode
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1896Rear Power Take Off Mode CommandThe command to select the mode of the rear power take off .

00 Select 540 rpm mode
01 Select 1000 rpm mode
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1897Front Power Take Off Economy Mode CommandThe command to engage or disengage the front power take off‘s economy mode.

00 Disengage Power take off‘s economy mode
01 Engage Power take off‘s economy mode
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1898Rear Power Take Off Economy Mode CommandThe command to engage or disengage the rear power take off‘s economy mode.

00 Disengage Power take off‘s economy mode
01 Engage Power take off‘s economy mode
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1899Aux Valve 0 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1900Aux Valve 0 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1901Aux Valve 0 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1902Aux Valve 0 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1903Aux Valve 0 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1904Aux Valve 0 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1905Aux Valve 0 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1906Aux Valve 0 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1907Aux Valve 0 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1908Aux Valve 0 State commandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1909Aux Valve 0 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1910Aux Valve 0 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1911Aux Valve 1 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1912Aux Valve 1 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1913Aux Valve 1 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1914Aux Valve 1 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1915Aux Valve 1 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1916Aux Valve 1 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1917Aux Valve 1 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1918Aux Valve 1 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1919Aux Valve 1 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1920Aux Valve 1 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1921Aux Valve 1 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1922Aux Valve 1 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1923Aux Valve 2 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1924Aux Valve 2 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1925Aux Valve 2 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1926Aux Valve 2 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1927Aux Valve 2 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1928Aux Valve 2 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1929Aux Valve 2 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1930Aux Valve 2 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1931Aux Valve 2 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1932Aux Valve 2 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1933Aux Valve 2 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1934Aux Valve 2 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1935Aux Valve 3 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1936Aux Valve 3 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1937Aux Valve 3 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1938Aux Valve 3 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1939Aux Valve 3 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1940Aux Valve 3 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1941Aux Valve 3 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1942Aux Valve 3 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1943Aux Valve 3 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1944Aux Valve 3 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1945Aux Valve 3 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1946Aux Valve 3 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1947Aux Valve 4 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1948Aux Valve 4 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1949Aux Valve 4 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1950Aux Valve 4 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1951Aux Valve 4 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1952Aux Valve 4 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1953Aux Valve 4 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1954Aux Valve 4 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1955Aux Valve 4 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1956Aux Valve 4 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1957Aux Valve 4 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1958Aux Valve 4 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1959Aux Valve 5 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1960Aux Valve 5 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1961Aux Valve 5 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1962Aux Valve 5 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1963Aux Valve 5 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1964Aux Valve 5 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1965Aux Valve 5 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1966Aux Valve 5 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1967Aux Valve 5 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1968Aux Valve 5 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1969Aux Valve 5 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1970Aux Valve 5 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1971Aux Valve 6 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1972Aux Valve 6 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1973Aux Valve 6 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1974Aux Valve 6 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1975Aux Valve 6 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1976Aux Valve 6 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1977Aux Valve 6 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1978Aux Valve 6 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1979Aux Valve 6 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1980Aux Valve 6 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1981Aux Valve 6 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1982Aux Valve 6 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1983Aux Valve 7 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1984Aux Valve 7 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1985Aux Valve 7 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1986Aux Valve 7 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1987Aux Valve 7 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1988Aux Valve 7 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1989Aux Valve 7 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1990Aux Valve 7 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
1991Aux Valve 7 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
1992Aux Valve 7 State commandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
1993Aux Valve 7 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
1994Aux Valve 7 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
1995Aux Valve 8 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1996Aux Valve 8 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
1997Aux Valve 8 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1998Aux Valve 8 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
1999Aux Valve 8 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2000-2255Source Address 0 -255Last three digits refer to source address value
2256Aux Valve 8 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2257Aux Valve 8 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2258Aux Valve 8 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2259Aux Valve 8 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2260Aux Valve 8 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2261Aux Valve 8 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2262Aux Valve 8 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2263Aux Valve 9 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2264Aux Valve 9 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2265Aux Valve 9 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2266Aux Valve 9 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2267Aux Valve 9 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2268Aux Valve 9 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2269Aux Valve 9 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2270Aux Valve 9 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2271Aux Valve 9 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2272Aux Valve 9 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2273Aux Valve 9 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2274Aux Valve 9 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2275Aux Valve 10 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2276Aux Valve 10 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2277Aux Valve 10 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2278Aux Valve 10 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2279Aux Valve 10 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2280Aux Valve 10 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2281Aux Valve 10 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2282Aux Valve 10 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2283Aux Valve 10 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2284Aux Valve 10 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2285Aux Valve 10 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2286Aux Valve 10 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2287Aux Valve 11 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2288Aux Valve 11 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2289Aux Valve 11 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2290Aux Valve 11 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2291Aux Valve 11 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2292Aux Valve 11 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2293Aux Valve 11 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2294Aux Valve 11 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2295Aux Valve 11 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2296Aux Valve 11 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2297Aux Valve 11 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2298Aux Valve 11 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2299Aux Valve 12 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2300Aux Valve 12 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2301Aux Valve 12 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2302Aux Valve 12 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2303Aux Valve 12 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2304Aux Valve 12 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2305Aux Valve 12 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2306Aux Valve 12 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2307Aux Valve 12 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2308Aux Valve 12 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2309Aux Valve 12 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2310Aux Valve 12 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2311Aux Valve 13 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2312Aux Valve 13 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2313Aux Valve 13 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2314Aux Valve 13 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2315Aux Valve 13 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2316Aux Valve 13 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2317Aux Valve 13 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2318Aux Valve 13 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2319Aux Valve 13 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2320Aux Valve 13 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2321Aux Valve 13 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2322Aux Valve 13 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2323Aux Valve 14 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2324Aux Valve 14 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2325Aux Valve 14 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2326Aux Valve 14 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2327Aux Valve 14 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2328Aux Valve 14 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2329Aux Valve 14 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2330Aux Valve 14 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2331Aux Valve 14 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2332Aux Valve 14 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2333Aux Valve 14 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2334Aux Valve 14 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2335Aux Valve 15 Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2336Aux Valve 15 Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, -100% indicates maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port.
2337Aux Valve 15 Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2338Aux Valve 15 Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor which could be based on the commanded position of the valve. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100%, maximum flow, -100% maximum flow returning to the tractor through the opposite port. Caution should be exercised when using this parameter in feed back control systems because this parameter is estimated and not measured.
?? Assume the SPN Type to be Status ??
2339Aux Valve 15 StateThe measured state of the auxiliary valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2340Aux Valve 15 Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2341Aux Valve 15 Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2342Aux Valve 15 Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor.
2343Aux Valve 15 Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor, expressed as a percentage of full flow. Zero percent indicates no flow, 100% indicates maximum flow, flow returns to the tractor through the opposite port.
2344Aux Valve 15 State CommandCommand for setting the auxiliary valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2345Aux Valve 15 Fail Safe Mode CommandCommand for setting the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2346Aux Valve 15 Fail Safe ModeThe measured state the fail safe mode of an auxiliary valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error
11 Not available
2347High Beam Head Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor high beam head light lamps.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2348High Beam Head Light DataThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor high beam head light lamps.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2349Low Beam Head Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor low beam head light lamps.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2350Low Beam Head Light DataThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor low beam head light lamps.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2351Alternate Beam Head Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor alternate head lights (only low beam is available on alternate head lights). The alternate position lights are intended for use with loader and snow plows that tend to block the primary head lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2352Alternate Beam Head Light DataThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor alternate beam head light lamps.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2353Tractor Front Low Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor front low mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2354Tractor Front Low Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor front low mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2355Tractor Front High Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor front high mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2356Tractor Front High Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor front high mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2357Tractor Underside Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor underside mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2358Tractor Underside Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor underside mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2359Tractor Rear Low Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor rear low mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2360Tractor Rear Low Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor rear low mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2361Tractor Rear High Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor rear high mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2362Tractor Rear High Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor rear high mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2363Tractor Side Low Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor side low mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2364Tractor Side Low Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor side low mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2365Tractor Side High Mounted Work Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor side high mounted work lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2366Tractor Side High Mounted Work LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor side high mounted work lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2367Left Turn Signal Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate left turn signal lights on the tractor and all connected implements

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2368Left Turn Signal LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement left turn signal lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2369Right Turn Signal Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate right turn signal lights on the tractor and all connected implements

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2370Right Turn Signal LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement right turn signal lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2371Left Stop Light Command implement left stop lights

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2372Left Stop LightThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement left stop lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2373Right Stop Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor and implement right stop light

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2374Right Stop LightThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement right stop lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2375Center Stop Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor and implement center stop light

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2376Center Stop LightThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement center stop lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2377Tractor Marker Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate tractor and implement front position lights, rear red tail lights, side amber running lights, license plate lights and instrument and switch back lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2378Tractor Marker LightThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and attached implement marker lights, including front position lights, rear tail lights, side running lights, license plate lights and instruments and switch back lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2379Implement Marker Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate implement front position lights, rear red tail lights, side amber running lights, license plate lights and instrument and switch back lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2380Implement Marker LightThis parameter provides measured data from an attached implement marker lights, including front position lights, rear tail lights, side running lights, license plate lights and instruments and switch back lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2381Tractor Clearance Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor high mounted clearance and center ID lights

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2382Tractor Clearance LightThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor high mounted clearance and center ID lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2383Implement Clearance Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the implement high mounted clearance and lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2384Implement Clearance LightThis parameter provides measured data from an attached implement high mounted clearance lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2385Rotating Beacon Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate slow moving vehicle indicator lights on tractor and/or implements. Activation of the slow moving vehicle lights implies that the controller should manipulate the lighting as appropriate to provide the slow moving vehicle lighting function.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2386Rotating Beacon LightThis parameter provides measured data from the beacon light on tractor or attached implements.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2387Tractor Front Fog Lights CommandCommand to activate or de-activate tractor front fog lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2388Tractor Front Fog LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor front fog lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2389Rear Fog Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate tractor or implement rear fog lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2390Rear Fog LightsThis parameter provides measured data from the tractor and/or implement rear fog lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2391Back Up Light and Alarm Horn CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the back up lights and/ or associated alarm if required

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2392Back Up Light and Alarm HornThis parameter provides measured data from the back up lights and/ or associated alarm.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2393Lighting Data Request CommandCommand to provide a response of the light state

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2394Implement Rear Work LightThis parameter provides measured data from the implement rear work lamps.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2395Implement OEM Option 1 Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate an implement OEM option 1 light. This is provided to meet special needs on implements, such as tank inspection or filling lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2396Implement OEM Option 1 LightThis parameter provides measured data from the implement OEM option 1 light.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2397Implement OEM Option 2 Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate an implement OEM option 2 light. This is provided to meet special needs on implements, such as tank inspection or filling lights.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2398Implement OEM Option 2 LightThis parameter provides measured data from the implement OEM option 2 light.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2399Implement Left Facing Work Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the left facing work lights toward the left end of the implement.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2400Implement Left Facing Work LightThis parameter provides measured data from the left facing work lights toward the left end of the implement.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2401Implement Right Forward Work Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the forward facing work lights toward the right end of the implement.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2402Implement Right Forward Work LightThis parameter provides measured data from the forward facing work lights toward the right end of the implement.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2403Running Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate the tractor or powered vehicle running lights. Usually only used for on road vehicles.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2404Running LightThis parameter provides measured data from the vehicle’s running lights.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2405Implement Rear Work Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate implement rear work lights. (This is also the same as Reversing Lights for truck applications.)

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2406Implement Right Facing Work Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate work lights mounted on an implement to illuminate beyond right end of the implement.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2407Implement Right Facing Work LightThis parameter provides measured data from the work lights mounted on an implement to illuminate beyond right end of the implement.

00 De-activated
01 Activated
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2408Rear Power Take Off EngagementA measured signal indicating that the rear power take off is engaged or disengage.

00 Power take off disengaged
01 Power take off engaged
10 Error indication
11 Not available
2409Number of Members in Working SetThe number of members in a particular Working Set. The particular Working Set is identified by the NAME of the Working Set Master, which is associated with the Source Address of the message containing this parameter. No member (as identified by a specific NAME, not by ECU) may belong to more than one Working Set at a time. Reference ISO 11783-6[4] and ISO 11783-1[2] for descriptions of a Working Set, Working Set Master and members of a Working set.
2409Number of Members in Working SetThe number of members in a particular Working Set. The particular Working Set is identified by the NAME of the Working Set Master, which is associated with the Source Address of the message containing this parameter. No member (as identified by a specific NAME, not by ECU) may belong to more than one Working Set at a time. Reference ISO 11783-6[4] and ISO 11783-1[2] for descriptions of a Working Set, Working Set Master and members of a Working set.
2410Language Code CommandCommand sent to all ECUs which specifies the operator’s desired language of information. ISO 11783 shall use the 2-character string country codes in ISO 639. Typical examples from ISO 639 are:

Dutch: nl
French: fr
English: en
German: de
2411Decimal Symbol CommandCommand sent to all ECUs which specifies that a decimal point or Comma should be displayed.

00 Comma is used
01 Point is used
10 Reserved
11 No action
2412Date CommandCommand sent to all ECUs which specifies the displayed order of the date.

0 ddmmyyyy
1 ddyyyymm
2 mmyyyydd
3 mmddyyyy
4 yyyymmdd
5 yyyyddmm
6-255 Reserved
2413Time CommandCommand sent to all ECUs which specifies the displayed format of the time

00 24 hour
01 12 hour (am/ pm)
10 Reserved
11 No action
2414Distance Unit CommandCommand to specify the distance units

00 Metric (km, m, …)
01 Imperial (miles, feet, ..)
10 Reserved
11 No action
2415Area Unit CommandCommand to specify the area units

00 Metric (ha or m2)
01 Imperial (acres or feet2)
10 Reserved
11 No action
2416Volume Unit CommandCommand to specify the volume units

00 Metric (litre)
01 Imperial (gallon)
10 US (gallon)
11 No action
2417Mass Unit CommandCommand to specify the mass units

00 Metric (tonne, kg, …)
01 Imperial (long tons-UK, pounds, ….)
10 Tons/pounds (short tons-US, pounds, …)
11 No action
2418Repetition Rate ParameterThis parameter defines the repetition rate of the specified PGN.
2418Repetition Rate ParameterThis parameter defines the repetition rate of the specified PGN.
2419Data Format/Error ConditionThis 2 bit parameter that indicates the format or availability of the data in the following Process Data Parameter.

00 Data format is Long Integer
01 Data format is Floating
10 Data format is unsigned Long Integer
11 Not Available or error

Data format Long Integer indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be signed long Integer.

Data format Floating indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be in floating point format as defined by IEEE 754 - 1985.

Error indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter is in an error condition.

Not Available indicates that the value of the Process Data parameter in the Process Variable Value field can not be provided by the ECU because it is not installed, has failed or can not obtain a measurement.
2419Data Format/Error ConditionThis 2 bit parameter that indicates the format or availability of the data in the following Process Data Parameter.

00 Data format is Long Integer
01 Data format is Floating
10 Data format is unsigned Long Integer
11 Not Available or error

Data format Long Integer indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be signed long Integer.

Data format Floating indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be in floating point format as defined by IEEE 754 - 1985.

Error indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter is in an error condition.

Not Available indicates that the value of the Process Data parameter in the Process Variable Value field can not be provided by the ECU because it is not installed, has failed or can not obtain a measurement.
2419Data Format/Error ConditionThis 2 bit parameter that indicates the format or availability of the data in the following Process Data Parameter.

00 Data format is Long Integer
01 Data format is Floating
10 Data format is unsigned Long Integer
11 Not Available or error

Data format Long Integer indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be signed long Integer.

Data format Floating indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will be in floating point format as defined by IEEE 754 - 1985.

Error indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter is in an error condition.

Not Available indicates that the value of the Process Data parameter in the Process Variable Value field can not be provided by the ECU because it is not installed, has failed or can not obtain a measurement.
2420Process Data TypeThis 2 bit parameter indicates what the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used for. See Table A.2.

00 Data is Set Point
01 Data is Actual values
10 Message is Set Point request
11 Message is Actual value request

Data is Set Point indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain a Set Point.

Data is Actual values indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain an Actual value.

Message is a Set Point request indicates that the addressed controller must return the Set Point in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.

Message is an Actual value request indicates that the addressed controller must return the present measured value in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.
2420Process Data TypeThis 2 bit parameter indicates what the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used for. See Table A.2.

00 Data is Set Point
01 Data is Actual values
10 Message is Set Point request
11 Message is Actual value request

Data is Set Point indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain a Set Point.

Data is Actual values indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain an Actual value.

Message is a Set Point request indicates that the addressed controller must return the Set Point in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.

Message is an Actual value request indicates that the addressed controller must return the present measured value in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.
2420Process Data TypeThis 2 bit parameter indicates what the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used for. See Table A.2.

00 Data is Set Point
01 Data is Actual values
10 Message is Set Point request
11 Message is Actual value request

Data is Set Point indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain a Set Point.

Data is Actual values indicates that the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter will contain an Actual value.

Message is a Set Point request indicates that the addressed controller must return the Set Point in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.

Message is an Actual value request indicates that the addressed controller must return the present measured value in the 4 data bytes of the Process Data Parameter as defined in the Implement Type and Data Dictionary and fields.
2421Process Data ModifierThis 3 bit parameter that indicates how the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used when combined with the Process Data Type parameter. See Table A.2.

NOTE: Process Data Type is included since MOD is a function of PD
2421Process Data ModifierThis 3 bit parameter that indicates how the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used when combined with the Process Data Type parameter. See Table A.2.

NOTE: Process Data Type is included since MOD is a function of PD
2421Process Data ModifierThis 3 bit parameter that indicates how the data in the following Process Data Parameters is to be used when combined with the Process Data Type parameter. See Table A.2.

NOTE: Process Data Type is included since MOD is a function of PD
2422Count NumberThis parameter indicates which member of the set of possible entities is being referenced. The means of generating this Count Number is explained in the following clause.
2423Group NumberThis parameter is used by software within the Management Computer, in combination with Element Number, to produce a unique Count Number for each member of a particular set of entities that are on an Implement. Refer to ISO 11783-10.
2424Element NumberThis parameter is used by software within the Management Computer, in combination with Group Number, to produce a unique Count Number for each member of a particular set of entities that are on an Implement. Refer to ISO 11783-10.
2425Implement TypeThis 4 bit parameter indicates which data dictionary page is to be used to locate the identity of the following data.
2425Implement TypeThis 4 bit parameter indicates which data dictionary page is to be used to locate the identity of the following data.
2425Implement TypeThis 4 bit parameter indicates which data dictionary page is to be used to locate the identity of the following data.
2426Implement Positiona set of identical Implements. The numbering is to start with 1 at the leftmost, foremost, bottom most implement. The numbering will then increment from left to right followed by front to rear followed by bottom to top. (Left being defined as to a person’s left when looking toward the front of the vehicle from behind the vehicle). Special case ‘15’ is to signify all Positions of Implements of this Implement Type.

Examples: The front implement would be 0 and the rear implement would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type are being towed one in front of the other. The left implement would be 0 and the right would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type being towed side by side.
2426Implement Positiona set of identical Implements. The numbering is to start with 1 at the leftmost, foremost, bottom most implement. The numbering will then increment from left to right followed by front to rear followed by bottom to top. (Left being defined as to a person’s left when looking toward the front of the vehicle from behind the vehicle). Special case ‘15’ is to signify all Positions of Implements of this Implement Type.

Examples: The front implement would be 0 and the rear implement would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type are being towed one in front of the other. The left implement would be 0 and the right would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type being towed side by side.
2426Implement Positiona set of identical Implements. The numbering is to start with 1 at the leftmost, foremost, bottom most implement. The numbering will then increment from left to right followed by front to rear followed by bottom to top. (Left being defined as to a person’s left when looking toward the front of the vehicle from behind the vehicle). Special case ‘15’ is to signify all Positions of Implements of this Implement Type.

Examples: The front implement would be 0 and the rear implement would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type are being towed one in front of the other. The left implement would be 0 and the right would be 1 when two Implements of identical Type being towed side by side.
2427Data Dictionary RowThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Row that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Group (GRUP) in LBS documents.
2427Data Dictionary RowThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Row that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Group (GRUP) in LBS documents.
2427Data Dictionary RowThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Row that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Group (GRUP) in LBS documents.
2428Data Dictionary ColumnThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Column that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Instance (INST) in LBS documents.
2428Data Dictionary ColumnThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Column that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Instance (INST) in LBS documents.
2428Data Dictionary ColumnThis 4 bit parameter indicates the Column that is to be used within the specific Data Dictionary Table identified by the Implement Type. This is the Instance (INST) in LBS documents.
2429Process Variable ValueThis 4 byte parameter contains the actual data for the Process Data Message.
2430Engine Coolant Level - Main RadiatorIndicator of coolant level in main radiator or engine. Coolant Level (SPN 111) should be used if coolant expansion tank is being monitored.
2431Engine Oil Rail High Pressure LeakageIndicates oil leakage in the high pressure oil rail of the engine.
2432Engine Demand – Percent TorqueThe requested torque output of the engine by all dynamic internal inputs, including smoke control, noise control and low and high speed governing.
2433Engine Exhaust Manifold Bank 2 Temperature 1Temperature of combustion byproducts measured in engine bank 2 (right bank) exhaust manifold. Single manifold engines should use exhaust temperature (SPN 173).
2434Engine Exhaust Manifold Bank 1 Temperature 1Temperature of combustion byproducts measured in engine bank 1 (left bank) exhaust manifold. Single manifold engines should use exhaust temperature (SPN 173).
2435Sea Water Pump Outlet PressureGauge pressure of liquid found at outlet of sea water pump in sea water cooling system.
2436Generator Average AC FrequencyAverage AC frequency measured at the generator output.
2437Generator Phase A AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the generator phase A output.
2438Generator Phase B AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the generator phase B output.
2439Generator Phase C AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the generator phase C output.
2440Generator Average Line-Line AC RMS VoltageAverage Line to Line RMS voltage measured at the generator output.
2441Generator Phase AB Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the generator phase AB output.
2442Generator Phase BC Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the generator phase BC output.
2443Generator Phase CA Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the generator phase CA output.
2444Generator Average Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageThe average Line to Neutral AC RMS voltage measured at the Generator output.
2445Generator Phase A Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the generator phase A output.
2446Generator Phase B Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the generator phase B output.
2447Generator Phase C Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the generator phase C output.
2448Generator Average AC RMS CurrentAverage RMS current measured at the generator output.
2449Generator Phase A AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the generator phase A output.
2450Generator Phase B AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the generator phase B output.
2451Generator Phase C AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the generator phase C output.
2452Generator Total Real PowerTotal real power delivered by the generator.
2453Generator Phase A Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase A of the generator.
2454Generator Phase B Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase B of the generator.
2455Generator Phase C Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase C of the generator.
2456Generator Total Reactive PowerThe total reactive power delivered by the generator
2457Generator Phase A Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase A of the generator
2458Generator Phase B Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase B of the generator
2459Generator Phase C Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase C of the generator
2460Generator Total Apparent PowerThe total apparent power delivered by the generator.
2461Generator Phase A Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase A of the generator.
2462Generator Phase B Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase B of the generator.
2463Generator Phase C Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase C of the generator.
2464Generator Overall Power FactorThe average power factor of the generator.
2465Generator Phase A Power FactorThe power factor of phase A of the generator.
2466Generator Phase B Power FactorThe power factor of phases B of the generator.
2467Generator Phase C Power FactorThe power factor of phases C of the generator.
2468Generator Total kW Hours ExportThe total kilowatt-hours that have been exported by the generator.
2469Generator Total kW Hours ImportThe total kilowatt-hours that have been imported by the generator.
2470Utility Average AC FrequencyAverage AC frequency measured at the utility incomer.
2471Utility Phase A AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the utility incomer phase A.
2472Utility Phase B AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the utility incomer phase B.
2473Utility Phase C AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at the utility incomer phase C.
2474Utility Average Line-Line AC RMS VoltageAverage Line to Line RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer .
2475Utility Phase AB Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase AB.
2476Utility Phase BC Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase BC.
2477Utility Phase CA Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase CA.
2478Utility Average Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageThe average Line to Neutral AC RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer .
2479Utility Phase A Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase A.
2480Utility Phase B Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase B.
2481Utility Phase C Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at the utility incomer phase C.
2482Utility Average AC RMS CurrentAverage RMS current measured at the utility incomer.
2483Utility Phase A AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the utility incomer phase A.
2484Utility Phase B AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the utility incomer phase B.
2485Utility Phase C AC RMS CurrentRMS current measured at the utility incomer phase C.
2486Utility Total Real PowerTotal real power delivered by the utility incomer.
2487Utility Phase A Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase A of the utility incomer.
2488Utility Phase B Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase B of the utility incomer.
2489Utility Phase C Real PowerThe real power delivered by phase C of the utility incomer.
2490Utility Total Reactive PowerThe total reactive power delivered by the utility incomer
2491Utility Phase A Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase A of the utility incomer
2492Utility Phase B Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase B of the utility incomer
2493Utility Phase C Reactive PowerThe reactive power delivered by phase C of the utility incomer
2494Utility Total Apparent PowerThe total apparent power delivered by the utility incomer.
2495Utility Phase A Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase A of the utility incomer.
2496Utility Phase B Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase B of the utility incomer.
2497Utility Phase C Apparent PowerThe apparent power delivered by phase C of the utility incomer.
2498Utility Overall Power FactorThe average power factor of the utility incomer.
2499Utility Phase A Power FactorThe power factor of phase A of the utility incomer.
2500Utility Phase B Power FactorThe power factor of phases B of the utility incomer.
2501Utility Phase C Power FactorThe power factor of phases C of the utility incomer.
2502Utility Total kW Hours ExportThe total kilowatt-hours that have been exported by the utility incomer.
2503Utility Total kW Hours ImportThe total kilowatt-hours that have been imported by the utility incomer.
2504Bus #1 Average AC FrequencyAverage AC frequency measured at bus #1.
2505Bus #1 Phase A AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at bus #1 phase A.
2506Bus #1 Phase B AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at bus #1 phase B.
2507Bus #1 Phase C AC FrequencyAC frequency measured at bus #1 phase C.
2508Bus #1 Average Line-Line AC RMS VoltageAverage Line to Line RMS voltage measured at bus #1 .
2509Bus #1 Phase AB Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase AB.
2510Bus #1 Phase BC Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase BC.
2511Bus #1 Phase CA Line-Line AC RMS VoltageLine to Line RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase CA.
2512Bus #1 Average Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageThe average Line to Neutral AC RMS voltage measured at bus #1 .
2513Bus #1 Phase A Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase A.
2514Bus #1 Phase B Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase B.
2515Bus #1 Phase C Line-Neutral AC RMS VoltageLine to Neutral RMS voltage measured at bus #1 phase C.
2516Bus #1/Generator AC Phase DifferenceThe phase difference between the Bus #1 voltage and Generator voltage.
2517Bus #1/Utility AC Phase DifferenceThe phase difference between the Bus #1 voltage and Utility voltage.
2518Generator Overall Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for generator average power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2519Generator Phase A Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for generator phase A power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2520Generator Phase B Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for generator phase B power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2521Generator Phase C Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for generator phase C power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2522Utility Overall Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for utility incomer average power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2523Utility Phase A Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for utility incomer phase A power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2524Utility Phase B Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for utility incomer phase B power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2525Utility Phase C Power Factor LaggingLead/lag status for utility incomer phase C power factor.

00 Leading
01 Lagging
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2526Bus #1/Generator Phase MatchIndicator of whether phase difference between Bus #1 and Generator is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC phase difference qualified using parameters such as Phase Tolerance and Dwell Time.

00 Phases do not match
01 Phases match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2527Bus #1/Generator Voltage MatchIndicator of whether voltage difference between Bus #1 and Generator is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC voltages qualified using parameters such as Voltage Tolerance.

00 Voltages do not match
01 Voltages match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2528Bus #1/Generator Frequency MatchIndicator of whether frequency difference between Bus #1 and Generator is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC frequencies qualified using parameters such as Frequency Tolerance, Phase Tolerance, and Dwell Time.

00 Frequencies do not match
01 Frequencies match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2529Bus #1/Generator In SyncIndicator of whether Bus #1 and Generator are properly synchronized for paralleling. This indicator will be based on parameters such as Voltage Match, Frequency Match, and Phase Match.

00 Not synchronized
01 Synchronized
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2530Bus #1/Generator Dead BusIndicator of whether Bus #1 is considered dead for closing to the generator. This indicator will be based on parameters such as Bus #1 Voltage and dead bus threshold values.

00 Bus is not dead
01 Bus is dead
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2531Bus #1/Utility Phase MatchIndicator of whether phase difference between Bus #1 and Utility is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC phase difference qualified using parameters such as Phase Tolerance and Dwell Time.

00 Phases do not match
01 Phases match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2532Bus #1/Utility Voltage MatchIndicator of whether voltage difference between Bus #1 and Utility is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC voltages qualified using parameters such as Voltage Tolerance.

00 Voltages do not match
01 Voltages match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2533Bus #1/Utility Frequency MatchIndicator of whether frequency difference between Bus #1 and Utility is adequate for paralleling. This indicator will be based on the measured AC frequencies qualified using parameters such as Frequency Tolerance, Phase Tolerance, and Dwell Time.

00 Frequencies do not match
01 Frequencies match
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2534Bus #1/Utility In SyncIndicator of whether Bus #1 and Utility are properly synchronized for paralleling. This indicator will be based on parameters such as Voltage Match, Frequency Match, and Phase Match.

00 Not synchronized
01 Synchronized
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2535Bus #1/Utility Dead BusIndicator of whether Bus #1 is considered dead for closing to the utility. This indicator will be based on parameters such as Bus #1 Voltage and dead bus threshold values.

00 Bus is not dead
01 Bus is dead
10 Error
11 Not Available or Not Installed
2536Transmission Mode 1 IndicatorThis state signal is the transmission’s indication that it is operating under transmission mode 1 (SPN 1852) as commanded via the TC1 message (PGN 256). The definition of the transmission mode is left to the discretion of the transmission manufacturer.

00 Transmission Mode 1 not active
01 Transmission Mode 1 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
2537Transmission Mode 2 IndicatorThis state signal is the transmission’s indication that it is operating under transmission mode 2 (SPN 1853) as commanded via the TC1 message (PGN 256). The definition of the transmission mode is left to the discretion of the transmission manufacturer.

00 Transmission Mode 2 not active
01 Transmission Mode 2 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
2538Transmission Mode 3 IndicatorThis state signal is the transmission’s indication that it is operating under transmission mode 3 (SPN 1854) as commanded via the TC1 message (PGN 256). The definition of the transmission mode is left to the discretion of the transmission manufacturer.

00 Transmission Mode 3 not active
01 Transmission Mode 3 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
2539Transmission Mode 4 IndicatorThis state signal is the transmission’s indication that it is operating under transmission mode 4 (SPN 1855) as commanded via the TC1 message (PGN 256). The definition of the transmission mode is left to the discretion of the transmission manufacturer.

00 Transmission Mode 4 not active
01 Transmission Mode 4 Active
10 Error
11 Not available
2540Parameter Group Number (RQST)Whenever it is necessary to identify a Parameter Group in the data field of a CAN data frame, it will be expressed in 24 bits. The Parameter Group Number is a 24 bit value that has the following constituent components: Reserved bit, Data Page bit, PDU Format Field (8 bits), and Group Extension Field (8 bits).

The procedure for the bit fields to be converted to Parameter Group Numbers is as follows. If the PF value is less than 240 (F016) then the lower byte of the PGN is set to the Zero. Note that not all 131, 071 combinations are available for assignment (calculated as: 2 pages * [240 + (16*256)] = 8,670) using the conventions specified in this document. See SAE J1939, Appendix A, to see the assignments to date. Reference the PGN table, Table 2, for an illustration of the bits and their corresponding conversion to a decimal number.
2541Control Byte (ACKM)Indicates the acknowledgement response.

0 - Positive Acknowledgment (ACK)
1 - Negative Acknowledgment (NACK)
2 - Access Denied (PGN supported but access denied)
3 - Cannot Respond (PGN supported but ECU cannot respond now) cannot respond with the requested data at the current time. Re-request the data at a later time.
2542Group Function Value (ACK)see PGN 59,392 description.
2543Parameter Group Number (ACK)See paragraph 5.1.2
2544Group Function Value (NACK)see PGN 59,392 description.
2545Parameter Group Number (NACK)see PGN 59,392 description.
2546Group Function Value (NACK_AD)see PGN 59,392 description.
2547Parameter Group Number (NACK_AD)see PGN 59,392 description.
2548Group Function Value (NACK_Busy)see PGN 59,392 description.
2549Parameter Group Number (NACK_Busy)see PGN 59,392 description.
2552Parameter Group Number of Requested Information (XFER)
2553Length of data for the reported PGN (XFER)Length of data reported with the associated PGN via the Transfer PGN.
2554Controller Application Identity (CAI)Subset of the 64-bit NAME (SPN 2848), consisting of the most significant 32 bits, which identifies the controller application. It excludes the manufacturer code and identity number. It is sometimes used to identify a device for instance in the Transfer message defined in J1939-21.
2555Transfer DataRelevant data for this PGNs unique use.
2556Control Byte (TP.CM)Control byte (I.e. Group Function) associated with the Transport Protocol - Connection Management (PGN 60,416)

16 (dec) - Request to Send
17 (dec) - Clear to Send
19 (dec) - End of Message ACK
32 (dec) - Broadcast Announce Message
255 (dec) - Connection Abort
2557Total Message Size (TP.CM_RTS)Total message size (in bytes) for RTS/CTS message. Messages shorter than 9 data bytes should be sent without utilizing the transport protocol. Messages longer than 1785 can not use the RTS/CTS transport protocol.
2557Total Message Size (TP.CM_RTS)Total message size (in bytes) for RTS/CTS message. Messages shorter than 9 data bytes should be sent without utilizing the transport protocol. Messages longer than 1785 can not use the RTS/CTS transport protocol.
2558Total Number of Packets (TP.CM_RTS)Total number of packets for RTS/CTS message. Zero and one are not valid values.
2559Maximum Number of Packets (TP.CM_RTS)Maximum number of packets for RTS/CTS message. zero through four are not allowed
2560Parameter Group Number of the packeted message (TP.CM_RTS)Requested PGN in the TP.CM_RTS message
2561Number of Packets that can be sent (TP.CM_CTS)Number of Packets that can be sent (TP.CM_CTS)
2562Next Packet Number to be sent (TP.CM_CTS)Next Packet Number to be sent (TP.CM_CTS)
2563Parameter Group Number of the packeted message (TP.CM_CTS)PGN of requested information in the TP.CM_CTS message
2564Total Message Size (TP.CM_EndofMsgACK)Total message size (in bytes) received for RTS/CTS message. Messages shorter than 9 data bytes should be sent without utilizing the transport protocol. Messages longer than 1785 can not use the RTS/CTS transport protocol.
2565Total Number of Packets (TP.CM_EndofMsgACK)Total number of packets received for RTS/CTS message. Zero and one are not valid values.
2566Parameter Group Number of the packeted message (TP.CM_EndofMsgACK)Requested PGN in the TP.CM_RTS message
2567Total Message Size (TP.CM_BAM)Total message size (in bytes) for BAM message. Messages shorter than 9 data bytes should be sent without utilizing the transport protocol. Messages longer than 1785 can not use the BAM transport protocol.
2568Total Number of Packets (TP.CM_BAM)Total number of packets for BAM message. Zero and one are not valid values.
2569Parameter Group Number of the packeted message (TP.CM_BAM)Requested PGN in the TP.CM_BAM message
2570Connection Abort ReasonReason for connection abort message.

1 Already in one or more connection managed sessions and cannot support another.
2 System resources were needed for another task so this connection managed session was terminated.
3 A timeout occurred and this is the connection abort to close the session.
4-250 Reserved for SAE assignment.
251-255 Per J1939-71 definitions
2571Parameter Group Number of packeted message (TP.CM_Conn_Abort)Requested PGN in the TP.CM_Conn_Abort message
2572Sequence Number (TP.DT)Sequence Number (TP.DT)
2573Packetized Data (TP.DT)Relevant data for this PGNs unique use.
2574Parameter Group Number (RQST2)
2575Use Transfer ModeRequester is to respond the Request 2 message via the Transfer PGN

00 No
01 Yes
10 Undefined
11 NA
2576Laser Receiver TypeIdentifies which type of Laser Receiver transmitted the message.

0 = Reserved
1 = Linear Laser Receiver
2 = 1 Meter Survey Receiver
3 = 2 Meter Survey Receiver
4 = 2.5 Meter Survey Receiver
5-250 = Reserved
2577Display DeadbandsSets Display Deadbands mode.

0000 - Narrow = +/- 4.5mm
0001 - Standard = +/- 12mm
0010 - Wide = +/- 24mm
0011 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not Available
2578LED Pattern ControlSets LED Pattern control mode on laser leveling systems.

0000 - 5 Channel
0001 - Offset
0010 - 7 Channel
0011 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not Available
2579Net Battery Current (High Range/Resolution)Net flow of electrical current into/out-of the battery or batteries. This parameter is the high range and resolution of SPN 114 - Net Battery Current.
2580Hydraulic Brake Pressure Circuit 1Gage hydraulic pressure in circuit 1 of the hydraulic brake system
2581Hydraulic Brake Pressure Circuit 2Gage hydraulic pressure in circuit 2 of the hydraulic brake system
2582Hydraulic Brake Pressure Supply State Circuit 1Signal which indicates whether the hydraulic brake pressure supply of circuit 1 is reliable; that is, able to support continued braking.

00 Supply is not reliable
01 Supply is reliable
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
2583Hydraulic Brake Pressure Supply State Circuit 2Signal which indicates whether the hydraulic brake pressure supply of circuit 2 is reliable; that is, able to support continued braking.

00 Supply is not reliable
01 Supply is reliable
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
2584Hydraulic Brake Pressure Warning State Circuit 1Signal which indicates whether the hydraulic brake pressure of circuit 1 is below the warning level

00 Pressure level sufficient
01 Pressure level below warning level
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
2585Hydraulic Brake Pressure Warning State Circuit 2Signal which indicates whether the hydraulic brake pressure of circuit 2 is below the warning level

00 Pressure level sufficient
01 Pressure level below warning level
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
2586Tire Air Leakage RateThe pressure loss rate of a tire.
2587Tire Pressure Threshold DetectionSignal indicating the pressure level of the tire. The levels defined represent different pressure conditions of the tire:

000 Extreme over pressure - The tire pressure is at a level where the safety of the vehicle may be jeopardised.
001 Over pressure - The tire pressure is higher than the pressure defined by the vehicle or tire manufacturer.
010 No warning pressure - The tire pressure is within the thresholds defined by the vehicle or tire manufacturer.
011 Under pressure - The tire pressure is lower than the pressure defined by the vehicle or tire manufacturer.
100 Extreme under pressure - The tire pressure is at a level where the safety of the vehicle may be jeopardised.
101 Not defined
110 Error indicator
111 Not available
2588Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 1The lowest Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit. This value is the similar to SPN 74. However, SPN 74 was not specifically defined to convey the applied vehicle speed limit or what was possible to be applied. This new SPN is the lowest vehicle speed limit that is possible. Additionally, the lowest vehicle speed limit shall be applied when the J1939 network is no longer providing input regarding the Selected Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit. Exceptions to this exist when the device performing the maximum vehicle speed limiting function has methods of selecting the thresholds separately from the Selected Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit parameter.
2589Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 2The highest of the two lowest vehicle speed limits
2590Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 3The highest of the three lowest vehicle speed limits
2591Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 4The highest of the four lowest vehicle speed limits
2592Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 5The highest of the five lowest vehicle speed limits
2593Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 6The highest of the six lowest vehicle speed limits
2594Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit 7The highest of the seven lowest vehicle speed limits
2595Applied Vehicle Speed LimitThe vehicle speed limit in effect.

251 (0xFB) is used to indicate that a maximum vehicle speed limit is not selected.
2596Selected Maximum Vehicle Speed LimitUser selected maximum vehicle speed. If one is selected, then this SPN must equal one of the maximum vehicle speeds #1-#7 from PGN 64997 - Maximum Vehicle Speed Limit Status . If different maximum vehicle speed requests are present from different devices, the lowest requested value should be used.

0 is used to indicate that a maximum vehicle speed is not selected. 1 through 7 are valid selectable speed limits. 8 through 250 are not allowed.
2597Implement Left Forward Work Light CommandCommand to activate or de-activate work lights mounted on an implement to illuminate beyond left end of the implement.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2598Implement Left Forward Work LightThis parameter provides measured data from the work lights mounted on an implement to illuminate the forward left end of the implement.

00 De-activate
01 Activate
10 Fault Detected
11 Not Available
2599Fire Apparatus Pump EngagementThe measured status of the pump used to provide water in fire fighting apparatus for distribution of water through water cannons or fire hoses.

00 Pump not engaged
01 Pump engaged
10 Error
11 Not available or not installed
2600Payload PercentageThe current payload of the equipment, reported as a percentage of the equipment's rated payload limit.
2601Travel Velocity Control PositionThe position of the travel velocity control component reported as a percentage of the control's full displacement in each direction respectively. Positive position values indicate forward travel direction; negative position values indicate reverse, or backward, travel direction; and zero (0) percent position indicates the control device is in the neutral position. Higher percent for a particular travel direction indicates a higher desired travel speed in that direction.
2602Hydraulic Oil LevelThis parameter indicates the level of the hydraulic fluid in tank as a ratio of current volume to total tank volume. This parameter is intended for reporting the hydraulic fluid level in the system tank or reservoir. This hydraulic fluid is for the entire hydraulics system of a piece of equipment.
2603Pneumatic Supply Pressure RequestCommand signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the main reservoir. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 46.
2604Parking and/or Trailer Air Pressure RequestCommand signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir for the parking brake and/or the trailer supply. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 1086.
2605Service Brake Air Pressure Request, Circuit #1Command signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the service brake circuit or reservoir #1. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 1087.
2606Service Brake Air Pressure Request, Circuit #2Command signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the service brake circuit or reservoir #2. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 1088.
2607Auxiliary Equipment Supply Pressure RequestCommand signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the auxiliary circuit. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 1089.
2608Air Suspension Supply Pressure RequestCommand signal to influence the pneumatic pressure in the circuit for the electronically controlled air suspension system. This parameter is the setpoint for the parameter SPN 1090.
2609Cab A/C Refrigerant Compressor Outlet PressureThis is the gage pressure at the compressor outlet in the cab air conditioning system.
2610Solar Intensity PercentThis is the solar radiation (power density) falling on the vehicle in percent of the maximum sensor value (SPN 2611). Currently this is in the infra-red spectrum.
2611Solar Sensor MaximumThis is the maximum value which can be reported by the sensor for the solar intensity. (This is a configuration parameter)
2612Front Wheel Drive Actuator StatusFeedback on the front wheel drive actuator.

00 Front Wheel Drive Actuator not engaged
01 Front Wheel Drive Actuator engaged
10 Error
11 Not Available
2613Drive Axle Lube PressureThe drive axle lubricant pressure with location determined by Drive Axle Location (SPN 930).
2614Steering Axle Lube PressureThe steering axle lubricant pressure.
2615Engine Throttle Synchronization Mode StatusThe status of the Throttle Synchronization Mode. Throttle Synchronization Mode is used to indicate which throttle, if any, is currently being used for the synchronized throttle.

0000 Not Synchronized
0001 Synchronized Center
0010 Synchronized Port
0011 Synchronized Starboard
0100 Synchronized Master
0101-1110 Reserved
1111 Take no action
2616Trolling Mode StatusThe status of the Trolling Mode. Trolling mode limits the top speed. Full range travel of the throttle level spans from low idle engine speed to maximum trolling speed.

00 Trolling mode is OFF.
01 Trolling mode is ACTIVE.
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
2617Slow Vessel Mode StatusThe status of the Slow Vessel Mode. Slow Vessel Mode puts the engine in a lower-than-normal low idle speed during docking or other slow vessel operations.

00 Slow vessel mode is OFF.
01 Slow vessel mode is ACTIVE.
10 Reserved
11 Take no action
2618Suspend Signaltion of the transmitting device (if it is capable of doing so) to increase the chances of proper reception by repeating one or two times within the first second of the suspension. If it is able, the transmitter may also send a DM13 message with the suspend signal set to “1110” to indicate that it is returning to full broadcast status.

0000 Indefinite suspension of all broadcasts
0001 Indefinite suspension of some messages
0002 Temporary suspension of all broadcasts
0003 Temporary suspension of some messages
0100 - 1110 SAE Reserved
1110 Resuming normal broadcast pattern
1111 Not Available
2619Suspend DurationIndicates the duration of a suspension of broadcast messages when that duration is known by the transmitting device. If the DM13 message is sent with thee suspend signal value of 2 or 3, the value of this parameter will represent the duration of suspension in seconds. For the suspend signal values of 0 to 1, the suspend duration will be sent as Not Available and the duration will be indeterminate. Receivers will know when the suspension is over by the renewed presence of messages from the transmitter either for indefinite suspension or in the case where the transmitter is permitted by an outside command to return to full broadcast status. If it is able, the transmitter may also send a DM13 message with the suspend signal set to “1110” to indicate that it is returning to full broadcast status.
2620Brake Lining DisplayDriver/operator information device for brake lining wear
2621Pneumatic Brake Pressure Limitation Valve Front AxlePneumatic valve limiting the maximum brake pressure at the front axle
2622Hillholder systemSystem for short time substitute of parking brake by activation of service brake.
2623Accelerator Pedal #1 Channel 2Sensor output 2 for the accelerator pedal #1 position when using a redundant-style sensor. The ratio of actual accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position. This is for the first occurrence of the accelerator pedal. Although it is used as an input to determine powertrain demand, it also provides anticipatory information to transmission and ASR algorithms about driver actions. This is the second sensor output when a multiple output (redundant) sensor is used for Accelerator Pedal #1 position. Sensor outputs 1 & 3 (for accelerator pedal #1 position) are SPNs 91 & 2624.
2624Accelerator Pedal #1 Channel 3Sensor output 3 for the accelerator pedal #1 position when using a redundant-style sensor. The ratio of actual accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position. This is for the first occurrence of the accelerator pedal. Although it is used as an input to determine powertrain demand, it also provides anticipatory information to transmission and ASR algorithms about driver actions. This is the third sensor output when a multiple output (redundant) sensor is used for Accelerator Pedal #1 position. Sensor outputs 1 & 2 (for accelerator pedal #1 position) are SPNs 91 & 2623.
2625Accelerator Pedal #2 Channel 2Sensor output 2 for the accelerator pedal #2 position when using a redundant-style sensor. The ratio of actual accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position. This is for the second occurrence of the accelerator pedal. Although it is used as an input to determine powertrain demand, it also provides anticipatory information to transmission and ASR algorithms about driver actions. This is the second sensor output when a multiple output (redundant) sensor is used for Accelerator Pedal # 2 position. Sensor outputs 1 & 3 (for accelerator pedal #2 position) are SPNs 29 & 2626.
2626Accelerator Pedal #2 Channel 3Sensor output 3 for the accelerator pedal #2 position when using a redundant-style sensor. The ratio of actual accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position. This is for the second occurrence of the accelerator pedal. Although it is used as an input to determine powertrain demand, it also provides anticipatory information to transmission and ASR algorithms about driver actions. This is the third sensor output when a multiple output (redundant) sensor is used for Accelerator Pedal # 2 position. Sensor outputs 1 & 2 (for accelerator pedal #2 position) are SPNs 29 & 2625.
2627Gaseous Fuel Tank 1 High Pressure Shutoff ValveThe gaseous fuel shutoff valve located at the tank. This valve blocks the flow of fuel away from tank 1.
2628Gaseous Fuel Tank 1 Low Pressure Shutoff ValveThe gaseous fuel shutoff valve located after the pressure regulator. This valve blocks the flow of the pressure regulated fuel.
2629Engine Turbocharger 1 Compressor Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the air exiting the turbocharger 1 compressor outlet
2630Engine Charge Air Cooler 1 Outlet TemperatureTemperature of combustion air after it exits from the Charge Air Cooler 1 but before any mixing of recirculated exhaust gas.
2631Engine Charge Air Cooler Outlet PressureMeasures pressure of air at outlet from charge air cooler
2632Engine Charge Air Cooler BypassControls whether combustion air passes through the charge air cooler
2633Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) 1 Nozzle PositionMeasures the position of the nozzles or vanes in variable geometry turbocharger #1 (Note: Preferred SPN is 2795)
2634Power RelayUsed to control power to other devices on the vehicle
2635"Neutral Only" Power RelayProvides power to accessories ONLY when transmission is in neutral
2636Windshield Wiper Motor ON/OFFActivates the windshield wipers
2637Windshield Wiper Motor SpeedSelects the windshield wiper speed
2638Differential Lock Control Valve #2Operates the second Differential Lock
2639Cab Door "Lock" ControlCommands the door mechanism to Lock
2640Cab Door "Unlock" ControlCommands the door mechanism to Unlock
2641HornActivates the vehicle horn
2642Mirror 1 HeaterMirror 1 Heater defrosts the first rear view mirror, alternatively all rear view mirrors.
2643Battery Monitor Load #1Activates the #1 electrical load to monitor battery condition
2644Battery Monitor Load #2Activates the #2 electrical load to monitor battery condition
2645ECU "Wake Up" ControlSends a signal to cause other ECUs to begin operation
2646Auxiliary Output #4Dynamically configurable, no permanent name
2647Auxiliary Output #5Dynamically configurable, no permanent name
2648Maintenance LampIndicates that vehicle maintenance is due
2649Low Air PressureActivates the Low Air Pressure warning
2650Fan Override IndicatorIndicates that the driver has requested manual fan operation
2651Interior LampsActivates the cab interior lights
2652Switch Diagnostic EnableProvides power to diagnose dashboard switch problems
2653Headlamp Low Beam Left #1Activates the left headlamp low beam filament (driver #1)
2654Headlamp Low Beam Left #2Activates the left headlamp low beam filament (driver #2)
2655Headlamp Low Beam Right #1Activates the right headlamp low beam filament (driver #1)
2656Headlamp Low Beam Right #2Activates the right headlamp low beam filament (driver #2)
2657Engine Auxiliary Cooling SystemActivates a secondary engine cooling system
2658Engine Intake Air PrecleanerActivates a pre-cleaning system for the engine intake air
2659Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 Mass Flow RateFlow rate of gas through the EGR system. Flow rate of the exhaust gas being recirculated into the combustion air.
2660Joystick 1 X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2661Joystick 1 Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2662Joystick 1 Grip X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2663Joystick 1 Grip Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2664Joystick 1 Theta-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2665Joystick 1 X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2666Joystick 1 Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2667Joystick 1 Grip X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2668Joystick 1 Grip Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2669Joystick 1 Theta-Axis Clockwise Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2670Joystick 1 X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2671Joystick 1 Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2672Joystick 1 Grip X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2673Joystick 1 Grip Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2674Joystick 1 Theta-Axis Counter Clockwise Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2675Joystick 1 X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2676Joystick 1 Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2677Joystick 1 Grip X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2678Joystick 1 Grip Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2679Joystick 1 Theta-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2680Joystick 1 X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2681Joystick 1 Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2682Joystick 1 Grip X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2683Joystick 1 Grip Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2684Joystick 1 Theta-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2685Joystick 1 Button 1 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2686Joystick 1 Button 2 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2687Joystick 1 Button 3 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2688Joystick 1 Button 4 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2689Joystick 1 Button 5 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2690Joystick 1 Button 6 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2691Joystick 1 Button 7 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2692Joystick 1 Button 8 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2693Joystick 1 Button 9 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2694Joystick 1 Button 10 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2695Joystick 1 Button 11 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2696Joystick 1 Button 12 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2697Joystick 2 X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2698Joystick 2 Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2699Joystick 2 Grip X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2700Joystick 2 Grip Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2701Joystick 2 Theta-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2702Joystick 2 X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2703Joystick 2 Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2704Joystick 2 Grip X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2705Joystick 2 Grip Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2706Joystick 2 Theta-Axis Clockwise Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2707Joystick 2 X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2708Joystick 2 Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2709Joystick 2 Grip X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2710Joystick 2 Grip Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2711Joystick 2 Theta-Axis Counter Clockwise Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2712Joystick 2 X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2713Joystick 2 Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2714Joystick 2 Grip X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2715Joystick 2 Grip Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2716Joystick 2 Theta-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2717Joystick 2 X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2718Joystick 2 Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2719Joystick 2 Grip X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2720Joystick 2 Grip Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2721Joystick 2 Theta-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2722Joystick 2 Button 1 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2723Joystick 2 Button 2 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2724Joystick 2 Button 3 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2725Joystick 2 Button 4 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2726Joystick 2 Button 5 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2727Joystick 2 Button 6 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2728Joystick 2 Button 7 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2729Joystick 2 Button 8 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2730Joystick 2 Button 9 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2731Joystick 2 Button 10 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2732Joystick 2 Button 11 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2733Joystick 2 Button 12 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2734Joystick 3 X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2735Joystick 3 Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2736Joystick 3 Grip X-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2737Joystick 3 Grip Y-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick grip in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2738Joystick 3 Theta-Axis PositionThe position of the joystick in the relative motion of travel from the neutral position. Position value of 0 is Neutral and position value 1000 (100%) is the end of linear zone. Value of 1022 indicates an error has occurred.
2739Joystick 3 X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2740Joystick 3 Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2741Joystick 3 Grip X-Axis Lever Right Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2742Joystick 3 Grip Y-Axis Lever Forward Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2743Joystick 3 Theta-Axis Clockwise Positive Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the positive travel side (forward, right, clockwise, up) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on Positive side of Neutral
01 On positive side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2744Joystick 3 X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2745Joystick 3 Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2746Joystick 3 Grip X-Axis Lever Left Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2747Joystick 3 Grip Y-Axis Lever Back Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2748Joystick 3 Theta-Axis Counter Clockwise Negative Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is on the negative travel side (back, left, counterclockwise, down) relative to the neutral position for that axis of travel.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2749Joystick 3 X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2750Joystick 3 Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2751Joystick 3 Grip X-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not on negative side of Neutral
01 On negative side of Neutral
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2752Joystick 3 Grip Y-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2753Joystick 3 Theta-Axis Neutral Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the neutral position for that axis of travel. The neutral position measurement must be determined from some mechanism other than the axis position measurement device.

00 Not in Neutral Position
01 In Neutral Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2754Joystick 3 X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2755Joystick 3 Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2756Joystick 3 Grip X-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2757Joystick 3 Grip Y-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick grip position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2758Joystick 3 Theta-Axis Detent Position StatusReports when the current joystick position is in the detent position for that axis of travel.

00 Not in the Detent Position
01 In the Detent Position
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2759Joystick 3 Button 1 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2760Joystick 3 Button 2 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2761Joystick 3 Button 3 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2762Joystick 3 Button 4 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2763Joystick 3 Button 5 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2764Joystick 3 Button 6 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2765Joystick 3 Button 7 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2766Joystick 3 Button 8 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2767Joystick 3 Button 9 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2768Joystick 3 Button 10 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2769Joystick 3 Button 11 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2770Joystick 3 Button 12 Pressed StatusReports when the joystick button has been pressed.

00 Button not pressed
01 Button pressed
10 Error Indicator
11 Not Available
2789Engine Turbocharger 1 Calculated Turbine Intake TemperatureCalculated value of turbine intake temperature based on engine operating conditions, such as intake manifold temperature, charge fuel ratio, injection timing, and engine speed. Use SPN 1180 for actual measured intake temperature.
2790Engine Turbocharger 1 Calculated Turbine Outlet TemperatureCalculated value of turbocharger compressor outlet air temperature. Temperature of air exiting the turbocharger compressor and before entering charge air cooler. The estimate is based on turbo speed and measured turbocharger compressor intake temperature. Use SPN 1184 for actual measured outlet temperature.
2791Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 Valve 1 Control 1Desired percentage of maximum Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve 1 opening. 0% means valve is closed. 100% means maximum valve opening (full gas flow).
2792Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) Air Control Shutoff ValveIsolates vehicle brake air from the Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) system when engine is not running. This valve prevents vehicle air from bleeding off through the VGT Control Valve when engine is not in use. Primary vehicle air system from air tanks feed the VGT Air Control Shutoff Valve, which in turn provides air to the VGT Control Valve when the key switch is 'ON'. The VGT Control Valve delivers air to the VGT actuator to adjust turbocharger geometry.

00 VGT Air Control Shutoff Valve is Off
01 VGT Air Control Shutoff Valve is On
10 Reserved
11 Not available
2793Laser Strike Data LatencyTime from laser strike to CAN message transmission. This parameter will be reported by survey receiver type devices only. Byte 3 (SPN 2576) of PGN 65141 identifies the type of Laser Receiver.
2794Absolute Laser Strike PositionLaser Strike location on the survey type laser receiver.
2795Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) 1 Actuator PositionSensor that measures the position of the variable geometry turbocharger actuator. A position of 0% indicates the actuator is in the position creating the smallest geometry turbocharger. A position of 100% represents the largest geometry turbocharger.
2796Transfer Case Selector SwitchOperator switch to select the condition of the transfer case. States 000 and 001 should be used if the transfer case only functions to switch between 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive. If the transfer case includes a High / Low Range function, states 011 and 100 should be supported as well. For reporting the status of the transfer case, see SPN 3645.

000: 2 wheel high (Normal or ‘On Highway’ Range)
001: 4 wheel high (Normal or ‘On Highway’ Range)
010: Neutral
011: 2 wheel low (or ‘Off Highway’ Range)
100: 4 wheel low (or ‘Off Highway’ Range)
101: Reserved for SAE assignment
110: Error indicator
111: Not available
2797Engine Injector Group 1A first collection of fuel injector circuits that are grouped together. Some failure modes in this group can not be isolated to an individual injector.
2798Engine Injector Group 2A second collection of fuel injector circuits that are grouped together. Some failure modes in this group can not be isolated to an individual injector.
2799Engine Turbocharger 2 Compressor Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the air exiting the turbocharger 2 compressor outlet
2800Engine Turbocharger 3 Compressor Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the air exiting the turbocharger 3 compressor outlet
2801Engine Turbocharger 4 Compressor Outlet TemperatureTemperature of the air exiting the turbocharger 4 compressor outlet
2802Data Memory UsageThe used storage capacity of the data buffer memory internal to an ECU, such as a data logger.
2803Keep-Alive Battery ConsumptionThe capacity consumed from the direct battery connection since the key was last turned off. This value is maintained and does not accumulate while the key switch is on. The value is reset to 0 when the key switch is turned to the off position.
2804FMS-standard Diagnostics SupportedStatus signal which indicates if the FMS Vehicle Interface (FMS Gateway) supports the handling of diagnostic messages from the vehicle network onto the FMS network.

The FMS gateway does NOT support the re-broadcast of diagnostics messages present on the vehicle network.

If this 'FMS-standard Diagnostics Supported' feature is supported by the FMS Gateway, the FMS Gateway will support the requests for diagnostics information (from the FMS device) onto the vehicle network and pass the responses onto the FMS network.

Note: This feature of the FMS Gateway is independent of the 'FMS-standard Requests Supported'. The FMS Gateway may support diagnostics without supporting the 'FMS-standard Requests Supported' function, or visa-versa.

00 Diagnostics Is Not Supported
01 Diagnostics Is Supported
10 Reserved
11 Don't care
2805FMS-standard Requests SupportedStatus signal which indicates if the FMS Vehicle Interface (FMS Gateway) will respond to requests from the FMS device for the PGNs listed in the FMS Interface Specification.

This mode is to support FMS gateway devices that only operate in a 'Request' mode.

The FMS PGNs may also be broadcast periodically in this mode.

The FMS Gateway will NOT support the requests for information not included in the FMS Interface Specification onto the vehicle network."

00 On request mode is not supported
01 On request mode is supported
10 Reserved
11 Don't care
2806FMS-standard SW-version supported.Information that identifies which issue level of the FMS-standard document the software included in the FMS gateway supports. Four bytes, representing xx.yy type revision level identification.

Information to be ASCII equivalent of the numeric revision level of the FMS document, 00.01 to 99.99. The first released version will be 01.00.


Byte 2 and byte 3 represents the SW version supported for trucks. Version number in the format where Byte 2 represents "a" ASCII and Byte 3 represents "b" ASCII.

Byte 4 and byte 5 represents the SW version supported for bus and coaches; version number in the format where Byte 4 represents "c" ASCII and Byte 5 represents "d" ASCII.
2807Engine Fuel Shutoff 2 ControlControl setting for fuel shutoff 2. First instance is SPN 632. For a dual fuel shutoff system, this SPN is representative of the downstream fuel shutoff commanded position. When fuel (gas) is desired at the engine, the fuel shutoff is opened. Otherwise, it is closed.

00 = Open (fuel supplied to engine)
01 = Closed (no fuel supplied to engine)
10 = Reserved
11 = Don't care / take no action

In addition to communicating desired action of fuel shutoff 2 and its driver status, this new SPN can be used to communicate whether fuel shutoff 2 feedback position (if available) matches the commanded position, through the use of FMIs.
2808KeypadKeypad associated with controller application.
2809Engine Air Filter 2 Differential PressureChange in engine air system pressure, measured across the second air filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid foreign matter on or in the filter.

This is for monitoring the air filter on the intake to the second turbocharger. Filter numbering follows the guidelines noted in section Naming Convention For Engine Parameters.
2810Engine Air Filter 3 Differential PressureChange in engine air system pressure, measured across the third air filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid foreign matter on or in the filter.

This is for monitoring the air filter on the intake to the third turbocharger. Filter numbering follows the guidelines noted in section Naming Convention For Engine Parameters.
2811Engine Air Filter 4 Differential PressureChange in engine air system pressure, measured across the fourth air filter, due to the filter and any accumulation of solid foreign matter on or in the filter.

This is for monitoring the air filter on the intake to the fourth turbocharger. Filter numbering follows the guidelines noted in section Naming Convention For Engine Parameters.
2812Engine Overspeed TestThe engine overspeed test signal as measured by the reporting ECM. Engine Overspeed Test is a mechanism to simulate engine overspeed situations, while operating the engine within the engine's safe operating range.

State signal which indicates when the overspeed test input to the ECM is being driven.

00 Engine Overspeed Test Not Active
01 Engine Overspeed Test Active
10 Reserved
11 Not Available
2813Engine Air Shutoff Command StatusState signal which indicates when the Air Shutoff driver output is being driven. Disabled means controller wants air flowing to the engine. Status of the airflow shutoff as being commanded by the ECU.

00 Air Shutoff Disabled, not attempting to shutoff engine air supply
01 Air Shutoff Enabled, attempting to shutoff engine air supply
10 Reserved
11 Not Available
2814Engine Alarm Output Command StatusState signal which indicates when the Alarm driver output is being driven. Not active means the Controller has no alarm level conditions.

00 Engine Alarm Output Command Not Active
01 Engine Alarm Output Command Active
10 Reserved
11 Not Available
2815Engine Alarm AcknowledgeThe Engine Alarm Acknowledge Input signal as measured by the reporting ECM. The Engine Alarm Acknowledge is a mechanism for external acknowledgement of the SPN 2814, Engine Alarm Output Command.

00 Engine Alarm Acknowledge Not Active
01 Engine Alarm Acknowledge Active
10 Error
11 Not Available
2816Simultaneous Upshift and DownshiftSimultaneous upshift and downshift request being indicated.

Both gear upshift and downshift are being indicated concurrently.
2817Operator Using Clutch Pedal During Non-Recoverable Clutch FaultThe operator is still trying to use the clutch pedal even though a fault with the clutch system was already reported.
2818Operators Rear PTO Switch On with Operator Not PresentThe operators Rear PTO ON/OFF switch is on with the operator presence detection indicating the operator is NOT present.
2819Park Interlock ErrorA park interlock is not as expected by a controlling system.
2820Operator Not Present During Reverser CommandThe operators reverser control has changed with the operator presence detection indicating the operator is NOT present.
2821Reverser Lever Neutral and Power Signals ConflictThere is a conflict between the Neutral and Neutral Power Interlock switches within the reverser lever, an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station.
2822Reverser Lever Neither Forward or ReverseNeither Forward or Reverse Switch indicated by Reverser Lever, an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station.
2823Reverser Lever Simultaneous Forward and ReverseForward and Reverse Switches are indicated concurrently by the reverser lever, an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station.
2824Reverser Lever Motion Interlock ConflictTwo Interlocking switches within the reverser lever are conflicting while the lever is moving.
2825Reverser LeverReverser Lever is an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station. This may contain park and/or neutral as well as direction.
2826Reverser Lever Multiple Switch ConflictsMultiple switches within the reverser lever (an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station) are conflicting.
2827Power Up Without NeutralController has powered-up to find shift lever/control not in either park or neutral.
2828Reverser Lever In Power Zero/Direction Transition Too LongThe transition time between the Neutral Power Interlock and the Direction switches on a Reverser Lever (an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station) was too long.
2829Reverser Lever in Neutral/Park Transition Too LongThe transition time between Neutral and Park on a Reverser Lever (an operator direction control lever that is mounted separately from the shift lever/controls but still operable from the normal operators station) was too long.
2830Reversing Ratio Rationality FaultThe ratio between the operator entered speed set point values for forward and reverse is incorrect/not possible.
2831No Carrier Speed at Start-upThe speed of the first identified carrier within a transmission was not detected following engine start.
2832Operator Not in Operating StationThe Operator Presence Detection System indicates the operator is not in the correct operating station.
2833Motion with Park Brake EngagedUnexpected motion with Park Brake engaged.
2834No Hydrostatic Unit Speed at Start-upRotation of the hydrostatic unit was not detected following engine start.
2835Neutral to Gear Command ConflictDuring neutral to Gear movement of the shift controls,improper switch transitions were detected.
2836Battery 1 Potential 2 (Voltage), Switched (obsolete)Electrical potential of the second circuit powered by the primary battery (battery 1) as measured at the input of the electronic control unit supplied through a switching device.

This SPN is obsolete. Use SPN 158, 168 or 444. SPN 158 is only used if you know that this is controlled by the key switch.
2837Identity NumberThe Identity Number is a 21-bit field in the name assigned by the ECU manufacturer. The Identity Number is necessary in circumstances where it is possible that the NAME would not otherwise be unique (i.e. could be identical). This field should be unique and non-varying with removal of power. This field is necessary to resolve any address contention. The manufacturer must provide this uniqueness among products. It is the manufacturers choice to encode any other information into the identity number, for example, time/date of manufacture, serial number of the module, the vehicle the module is placed into, etc.
2838Manufacturer CodeThe Manufacturer Code is an 11-bit field that indicates which company was responsible for the production of the electronic control module for which this NAME is being referenced. Manufacturer codes are assigned by committee and may be found in the SAE J1939 base document. The Manufacturer Code field is not dependent on any other field in the NAME.
2839Function InstanceThe Function Instance is a 5-bit field that identifies the particular occurrence of a Function on the same Vehicle System on a given network.

Note that in the case of single or first Function of a particular type, the instance field should be set to zero indicating the first instance.

Individual manufacturers and integrators are advised that some agreement in the interpretation and use of Function Instances may be necessary. As an example, consider an implementation consisting of two engines and two transmissions. It may be important that engine instance 0 be physically connected to transmission instance 0 and that engine instance 1 be physically connected to transmission instance 1.
2840ECU InstanceThe ECU Instance is a 3-bit field that indicates which one of a group of electronic control modules associated with a given Function is being referenced. For example, in the case where a single engine is managed by two separate control units, each of which is attached to the same SAE J1939 network, the ECU Instance Field will be set to 0 for the first ECU and 1 for the second ECU.

Note that in the case of a single or first ECU for a particular CA, the instance field should be set to zero indicating the first instance.
2841FunctionFunction is an 8-bit field defined and assigned by the committee. When Function has a value of 0 to 127 (See Appendix B, Table B11), its definition is not dependent on any other field. When Function has a value greater than 127(See Appendix B, Table B12), its definition depends on Vehicle System. Function, when combined with the Industry Group and the Vehicle System fields identifies a common name for a specific controller. The common name formed from the combination does not imply any specific capabilities.
2842Vehicle SystemA subcomponent of a vehicle, or a component that is analogous to a subcomponent of a vehicle, that includes one or more SAE J1939 segments and may be connected or disconnected from the vehicle. A Vehicle System may be made up of one or more Functions, which have ECU's that are connected to a SAE J1939 segment of the Vehicle System.

Vehicle System is a 7-bit field defined and assigned by the committee, which when combined with the Industry Group can be correlated to a common name. Vehicle System provides a common name for a group of functions within a connected network. Examples of Vehicle Systems for currently defined Industry Groups are "tractor" in the "Common” Industry Group, “Trailer” in the On-Highway Industry Group, and planter in the "Agricultural Equipment” Industry Group.
2843Vehicle System InstanceVehicle System Instance is a 4-bit field that is used to identify a particular occurrence of a particular Vehicle System within a connected network.

Note that in the case of single or first Vehicle System of a particular type, the instance field should be set to zero indicating the first instance.
2844Arbitrary Address CapableThis 1-bit field indicates whether a CA is both self-configurable and can use an arbitrary source address to resolve an address claim conflict. If this bit is set to “1”, the CA will resolve an address conflict with a CA whose NAME has a higher priority (lower numeric value) by selecting an arbitrary source address from the range 128 to 247 inclusive and claiming that source address. A CA which computes its address but can claim only from a more restricted set of addresses is not considered arbitrary address capable (e.g. On-Highway Trailers.) See section 4.2 of this document for details of the address claim process.
2845NAME of Working Set MemberNAME of Working Set Member

The identifier of the particular CA that is a member of the Working Set identified by the source address of this message. This parameter is a NAME with the format described in 4.1.1.
2846Industry GroupIndustry Group is a 3-bit field defined and assigned by the committee. Industry Group definitions may be found in Appendix B.7 of the SAE J1939 base document. The Industry Group field identifies NAMEs associated with a particular industry that uses SAE J1939, for example: On-Highway Equipment, or Agricultural Equipment.
2847Address Assignment (new source address)This 8 bit field is the 9th byte of the data field of the Commanded Address message. It contains the source address that is to be assigned to the CA that has the NAME corresponding to the one conveyed in the first eight bytes of this Commanded Address message. All messages originating from this CA after reception of the Commanded Address message and successful claim of that address shall use that source address.
2848NAME of Controller Application (for address claimed)An 8-byte value which uniquely identifies the primary function of an ECU and its instance on the network. A device's NAME must be unique, no two devices may share the same NAME value on a given vehicle network.
2849NAME of Commanded Address TargetNAME used to identify Controller Application in a Commanded Address Message to associate the Controller application with an address.
2850Communications AntennaA failure in the antenna system of a communications unit. Note: There are several possible communications devices that might be on a J1939 network, it has been planned that the specific type of communications will be identified by the NAME being used by the CA within the particular ecu. For example the communications antenna on a cellular system would be identified by the antenna SPN being sent from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2851Communications Service Personal Identification NumberThe Personal Identification Number (PIN) is incorrect or has been blocked. Thus service of a particular communications unit is prevented. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example if the PIN was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2852Communications Service Subscriber Identification ModuleThe hardware key, know as a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM), is either missing or incorrect. Thus service of a particular communications unit is prevented. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example if the SIN was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2853Communications ConnectionA communications unit has established connection but no data exchanged has occurred (no other knowledge of why). Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example if the connection problem was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2854Communications CarrierThe communications unit has suffered carrier loss. This failure is generally specific to the Global Sytem for Mobile Communications (GSM), a specific type of cellular communications unit. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example when the carrier problem was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2855Communications Bit Error RateThe data failure rate is too high for communications to keep working at the specified error rate within the specific communications unit in use. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example if the SPN was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2856Communications Data UploadA failure has occurred while sending data using a communications unit from the mobile machine to the fixed base. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example when the failure was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2857Communications Data DownloadA failure has occurred while sending data using a communications unit from the fixed base to the mobile machine. Note: The specific communications unit would be determinable from the NAME of the CA using the SA of the message using this communications SPN. For example when the failure was for a Cellular communications unit, then the message would come from the SA of the CA with the NAME Function '54' - Communications Unit, Cellular (a radio communications device designed specifically to communicate via the ‘Cellular telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2858Machine Data Configuration 1There is a problem involving the parameter list (along with the parameter locating information) for the data structure for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with. Note: The specific CA as well as any other information about it would be determinable from the NAME of the CA found by comparing the SA of the particular diagnostic message with the SAs and associated NAMEs from the set of Address Claim messages. For example if the SPN was for an on-board data logger (SA 251, Function 130), then the message would come from the SA of 251, which would be the data logger CA with the NAME Function '130' - identified within the Global NAME Table.
2859Machine Data Configuration 2There is a problem involving one (or more) of the PGN(s) within the parameter list for the data structure for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with. Note: The specific CA as well as any other information about it would be determinable from the NAME of the CA found by comparing the SA of the particular diagnostic message with the SAs and associated NAMEs from the set of Address Claim messages. For example if the SPN was for an on-board data logger (SA 251, Function 130), then the message would come from the SA of 251, which would be the data logger CA with the NAME Function '130' - identified within the Global NAME Table.telephone system’. May be either receiver only, transmitter only or transceiver.) identified within the Global NAME Table.
2860Machine Data Configuration 3There is a problem involving the first output control list for the data structure for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with. Note: The specific CA as well as any other information about it would be determinable from the NAME of the CA found by comparing the SA of the particular diagnostic message with the SAs and associated NAMEs from the set of Address Claim messages. For example if the SPN was for an on-board data logger (SA 251, Function 130), then the message would come from the SA of 251, which would be the data logger CA with the NAME Function '130' - identified within the Global NAME Table.
2861Machine Data Configuration 4There is a problem involving the second output control list for the data structure for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with. Note: The specific CA as well as any other information about it would be determinable from the NAME of the CA found by comparing the SA of the particular diagnostic message with the SAs and associated NAMEs from the set of Address Claim messages. For example if the SPN was for an on-board data logger (SA 251, Function 130), then the message would come from the SA of 251, which would be the data logger CA with the NAME Function '130' - identified within the Global NAME Table.
2862Machine Data Configuration 5There is a problem involving the third output control list for the data structure for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with. Note: The specific CA as well as any other information about it would be determinable from the NAME of the CA found by comparing the SA of the particular diagnostic message with the SAs and associated NAMEs from the set of Address Claim messages. For example if the SPN was for an on-board data logger (SA 251, Function 130), then the message would come from the SA of 251, which would be the data logger CA with the NAME Function '130' - identified within the Global NAME Table.
2863Front Operator Wiper SwitchState of operation selected by operator switch for the Wiper in front of the operator position. This parameter, 'Front Operator Wiper Switch' should be used for the control information if either of the other wiper switch parameters is 'Not Available' and the associated wiper still needs to be controlled.

0000 Off
0001 Low
0010 Medium
0011 High
0100 Delayed 1 (used for the first delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0101 Delayed 2 (used for the second delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0110 Mist (position where external sensor controls wiper rate)
0111 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not available (do not change)
2864Front Non-operator Wiper SwitchState of operation selected by operator switch for the front wiper not in front of the operator position. The parameter, 'Front Operator Washer Switch' should be used for the control information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the associated washer still needs to be controlled.

0000 Off
0001 Low
0010 Medium
0011 High
0100 Delayed 1 (used for the first delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0101 Delayed 2 (used for the second delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0110 Mist (position where external sensor controls wiper rate)
0111 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not available (do not change)
2865Rear Wiper SwitchState of operation selected by operator switch for the rear wiper. The parameter, 'Front Operator Washer Switch' should be used for the control information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the associated washer still needs to be controlled.

0000 Off
0001 Low
0010 Medium
0011 High
0100 Delayed 1 (used for the first delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0101 Delayed 2 (used for the second delay choice when the wiper switch position controls the delay)
0110 Mist (position where external sensor controls wiper rate)
0111 - 1110 Reserved
1111 Not available (do not change)
2866Front Operator Washer SwitchState of operation selected by operator switch for the washer in front of the operator position. This parameter, 'Front Operator Washer Switch’ should be used for the control information if either of the other washer switch parameters is 'Not Available' and the associated washer still needs to be controlled.

000 Off
001 Low
010 Medium
011 High
100 - 110 Reserved
111 Not available (do not change)
2867Front Non-operator Washer SwitchState of operation selected by operator switch for the front washer not in front of the operator position. The parameter, 'Front Operator Washer Switch’ should be used for the control information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the associated washer still needs to be controlled.

000 Off
001 Low
010 Medium
011 High
100 - 110 Reserved
111 Not available (do not change)
2868Rear Washer FunctionState of operation selected by operator switch for the rear washer. The parameter, 'Front Operator Washer Switch’ should be used for the control information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the associated washer still needs to be controlled.

000 Off
001 Low
010 Medium
011 High
100 - 110 Reserved
111 Not available (do not change)
2869Front Operator Wiper Delay ControlTime between cycles of the front operator side wiper (i.e. from end of cycle 'n' to start of cycle 'n+1') as selected by the operator control (switch, etc.) in percentage of position with maximum position corresponding to maximum delay selectable. This parameter, 'Front Operator Wiper Delay Control' should be used for the delay information if either of the other delay parameters is 'Not Available' and the function needs to be provided.
2870Front Non-operator Wiper Delay ControlTime between cycles of the front non-operator side wiper (i.e. from end of cycle 'n' to start of cycle 'n+1') as selected by the operator control (switch, etc.) in percentage of position with maximum position corresponding to maximum delay selectable. The parameter, 'Front Operator Wiper Delay Control' should be used for the delay information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the function needs to be provided.
2871Rear Wiper Delay ControlTime between cycles of the rear wiper (i.e. from end of cycle 'n' to start of cycle 'n+1') as selected by the operator control (switch, etc.) in percentage of position with maximum position corresponding to maximum delay selectable. The parameter, 'Front Operator Wiper Delay Control' should be used for the delay information if this parameter is 'Not Available' and the function needs to be provided.
2872Main Light SwitchA 4 bit parameter to indicate the selected position of the operator's main light switch.

0000 Off - The position by which the operator selects that none of the lamps are to be on.
0001 Park On - The position by which the operator selects that the park lamps are to be on.
0010 Headlight On - The position by which the operator selects that the headlamps are to be on.
0011 Headlight and Park On - The position by which the operator selects that Both the Headlamps and the Park lamps are to be on.
0100 - 0111 Reserved
1000 Delayed Off - The position by which the operator selects that a certain set of lamps are to come On and then are to be turned Off following a delay time (Operators Desired - Delayed Lamp Off Time).
1001 - 1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available (do not change)
2873Work Light SwitchA 4 bit parameter to indicate the selected position of the operator's work light switch. In Ag applications the work lights are often refereed to as field lights. In on-highway applications the work lights are often referred to as clearance lights and may or may not be operated by a switch separate from the main light switch.

0000 Off - The position by which the operator selects that none of the work lamps are to be on.
0001 Work Light Combination #1 On - The position by which the operator selects that the lamps in the combination defined as Work Light Combination #1 are to be on.
0010 Work Light Combination #2 On - The position by which the operator selects that the lamps in the combination defined as Work Light Combination #2 are to be on.
0011 Work Light Combination #3 On - The position by which the operator selects that the lamps in the combination defined as Work Light Combination #3 are to be on.
0100 Work Light Combination #4 On - The position by which the operator selects that the lamps in the combination defined as Work Light Combination #4 are to be on.
0101-1101 Reserved
1110 Error
1111 Not available (do not change)
2874High-Low Beam SwitchA 2 bit parameter to indicate the selected position of the operator's high/low beam select switch.

00 Low Beam Selected
01 High Beam Selected
10 Error
11 Not available (do not change)
2875Hazard Light SwitchA 2 bit parameter to indicate the selected position of the operator's hazard light switch.

00 Hazard Lamps to be Off
01 Hazard Lamps to be Flashing
10 Error
11 Not available (do not change)
2876Turn Signal SwitchA 4 bit parameter to indicate the selected position of the operator's turn signal switch.

0000 No Turn being signaled
0001 Left Turn to be Flashing
0010 Right turn to be Flashing
0011 - 1101 Reserved
1110 Error (to include both left and right selected simultaneously)
1111 Not available (do not change)
2877Operators Desired - Delayed Lamp Off TimeA 16 bit parameter to be associated with Delayed Off position (1000 binary) of the Main Light Switch. This parameter indicates the time the operator wishes to have elapse following the Main Light switch being placed in Delayed Off position before the defined lights turn back off. The Operator's definition as to which lamps are to turn On (and then Off of course) when the Main Light Switch is in the Delayed Off position. The specific lamps are not identified within this message, but are to be stored by whatever device (ecu) is planning to send the lamp command message for said lamps. Said device must also provide the means for the operator to enter and/or adjust said definition.
2878Operators Desired Back-lightA 8 bit parameter to indicate the level of back lighting the operator has selected for displays. This is to be differentiated from the Illumination Brightness Percent (SPN:1487 PGN:53248 Cab Illumination Message) which is sent to the displays to tell them what level to be at. This is the operator desired level (as sensed by operator controls) for those system where the operator controls are monitored by an ecu separate from the ecu sending the command to the displays. Note each display (if appropriate) will need to have its own balance function to compensate its nominal brightness to the same level of that of all other displays. This is especially important for systems with back-lights which may change noticeable with aging. In other words it will be necessary within a vehicle to scale all of the displays down to the same level as the dimmest display (since, obviously you can not make the dimmest brighter).
2879Engine Droop Accelerator 2 SelectIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to Accelerator 2.

0000 – Normal Droop Setting is selected
0001 thru 1101 – One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order) is selected
1110 – Error condition
1111 – Not available
2880Engine Operator Primary Intermediate Speed SelectAllows the operator to select one of 13 preprogrammed Intermediate Speed Control settings. If no speed setting is requested, the engine operates normally. The Intermediate Speed Control is widely used in the Industrial application to control the engine to an intermediate speed setting which can either replace the accelerator position control altogether, or limit the accelerator position control to a selectable speed point minimum or maximum.

0000 – indicates that the ISC functionality is not requested, engine operates normally
0001 thru 1101 – indicates that the ISC Setting 1 thru 13 (in sequential order) is selected
1110 – error condition
1111 – not available
2881Engine Droop Accelerator 1 SelectIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to Accelerator 1.

0000 – Normal Droop Setting is selected
0001 thru 1101 – One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order) is selected
1110 – Error condition
1111 – Not available
2882Engine Alternate Rating SelectIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple engine ratings available for selection by the operator. There is the default engine rating, which provides the maximum available power across the range of operation. There are additional engine ratings which the user can select that allow for alternate fueling across the operational range. Engine rating selection number 1 is the maximum rating. Selection number 2 is the next highest, selection 3 next highest, etc. The selection impacts the operating points in the Engine Configuration.

0 – indicates that Maximum Power Fueling is selected
1 – indicates that the Alternate Power Fueling 1 is selected
2 – indicates that the Alternate Power Fueling 2 is selected
3 – indicates that the Alternate Power Fueling 3 is selected
4 thru 253 - indicates that the Alternate Power Fueling 4 thru 253 (in sequential order) is selected.
254 – Error condition.
255 – Not available
2883Engine Alternate Low Idle SwitchOperator switch which selects between two low idle speeds, default and alternate.

The normal programmed low idle is the default low idle, and when the Alternate Low Idle switch is activated, a alternate preprogrammed low idle speed is selected. The accelerator position control operates as normal but is now bounded to a different low idle speed. This selection impacts Point 1 on the Engine Configuration.

00 Default low idle point is selected
01 Alternate low idle point is selected
10 Error
11 Not available or Unused
2884Engine Auxiliary Governor SwitchThis is the On/Off operation of the Auxiliary Governor feature switch. This feature is used to allow engine speed to be controlled by an auxiliary input such as pressure or tailshaft speed. This switch position indicates whether this feature is requested or not.

00 – Auxiliary Governor is disabled
01 – Auxiliary Governor is enabled
10 – Error condition
11 – Not available
2885Engine Droop Auxiliary Input SelectIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to the engine droop auxiliary input.

0000 – Normal Droop Setting is selected
0001 thru 1101 – One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order) is selected
1110 – Error condition
1111 – Not available
2886Engine Droop Remote Accelerator SelectIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to the remote accelerator.

0000 – Normal Droop Setting is selected
0001 thru 1101 – One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order) is selected
1110 – Error condition
1111 – Not available
2887Total Count of Configuration Changes MadeTotal number of times changes have been made to any of the configurable parameters.
2888Engine Alternate Rating Select StateThis parameter reflects the control state that has been achieved based on the input from the SPN 2882. In some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple engine ratings available for selection by the operator. There is the default engine rating, which provides the maximum available power across the range of operation. There are additional engine ratings which the engine controller may use that allow for alternate fueling across the operational range. Engine rating number 1 is the maximum rating. Rating number 2 is the next highest, rating 3 next highest, etc.

00 – Control state is Maximum Power Fueling
01 – Control state is Alternate Power Fueling 1
02 – Control state is Alternate Power Fueling 2
03 – Control state is Alternate Power Fueling 3
04 thru 253 - Control state is Alternate Power Fueling 4 thru 253 (in sequential order)
254 – SAE reserved
255 – Not available
2889Engine Droop Accelerator 1 Select StateIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections may apply to Accelerator 1. This parameter indicates which state has been selected by the controlling ECM.

0000 – Control state is Normal Droop Setting
0001 thru 1101 – Control state is one of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order)
1110 – SAE reserved
1111 – Not available
2890Engine Multi-Unit Sync StateThis feature is widely used in Industry to operate multiple engines from a single command source. A master engine will “synchronize” one or more slave engines to operate at the same speed. This feature is requested by an operator switch, this parameter indictes the state of the feature as determined by the controlling ECM.

00 Control State is Functionality disabled (off)
01 Control State is Functionality enabled (on)
10 SAE reserved
11 Not available
2891Engine Alternate Low Idle Select StateIn many applications, it is desirable that an alternate low idle speed setting be made available via switch input. The normal programmed low idle is the default low idle, and when the Alternate Low Idle feature is activated, an alternate preprogrammed low idle speed is selected. The accelerator position control operates as normal but is now bounded to a different low idle speed. This selection impacts Point 1 on the Engine Configuration.

00 – Normal idle state
01 – Alternate idle state
10 – SAE reserved
11 – not available
2892Engine Operator Primary Intermediate Speed Select State13 preprogrammed intermediate speed control settings are available for the controlling ECM to select. If no speed setting is requested, the engine operates normally. The Intermediate Speed Control is widely used in the Industrial application to control the engine to an intermediate speed setting which can either replace the accelerator position control altogether, or limit the accelerator position control to a selectable speed point minimum or maximum. This parameter indicates which state has been selected by the controlling ECM.

0000 – Control state is ISC functionality is not requested, engine operates normally
0001 thru 1101 – Control state is ISC Setting 1 thru 13 (in sequential order)
1110 – SAE reserved
1111 – not available
2893Engine Alternate Droop Accelerator 2 Select StateIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to Accelerator 2.

0000 – Control's state is Normal Droop Setting
0001 thru 1101 – Control's state is One of Alternate Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order)
1110 – SAE reserved
1111 – Not available
2894Engine Droop Remote Accelerator Select StateIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to Remote Accelerator.

0000 – Control state is Normal Droop Setting
0001 thru 1101 – Control state is One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order)
1110 – SAE reserved
1111 – Not available
2895Engine Droop Auxiliary Input Select StateIn some off-highway applications it may be desirable to have multiple droop settings available across the range of engine operation. For example, in an agricultural tractor application, this functionality allows a higher engine speed during low load so as to maximize vehicle speed driven between fields on the road. Another use of the alternate droop settings would be to provide functionality for maintaining an engine speed independent of the applied load on demand. There is a normal droop setting, and up to 13 additional preprogrammed droop settings which are user selectable by switching. The selections apply to Auxiliary Input.

0000 – Control state is Normal Droop Setting
0001 thru 1101 – Control state is One of Droop Setting 1 through 13 (in sequential order)
1110 – SAE reserved
1111 – Not available
2896Engine Auxiliary Governor StateThis is the Engine Auxiliary Governor feature. This feature is used to allow engine speed to be controlled by an auxiliary input such as pressure or tailshaft speed. This feature is requested by an operator switch, this parameter indicates the state of the feature as determined by the controlling ECM.

00 – Control State is Auxiliary Governor disabled
01 – Control State is Auxiliary Governor enabled
10 – SAE reserved
11 – Not available
2897Operator Engine PTO Governor Memory Select SwitchMeasured state of the operator’s engine PTO governor memory select switch. This switch selects which of the two available memory locations is to be used to store the dynamically assigned value. This speed will be set using the PTO governor set switch and modified using the PTO governor accelerate and coast/decelerate switches.

00 PTO set speed memory 1 selected
01 PTO set speed memory 2 selected
10 error
11 not available
2898Engine Start Enable Device 2 ConfigurationThe start enable device installed for start enable device 2.

0000 - no start enable device 2 installed
0001 - glow plugs installed
0010 - fuelled start installed
0011 - ether injection installed
0100 - electric intake air heater installed
0101 - 1110 - reserved
1111 - not available
2899Engine Start Enable Device 1 ConfigurationThe start enable device installed for start enable device 1.

0000 - no start enable device 1 installed
0001 - glow plugs installed
0010 - fuelled start installed
0011 - ether injection installed
0100 - electric intake air heater installed
0101 - 1110 - reserved
1111 - not available
2900Transmission Engine Crank EnableState signal from the transmission indicating if the transmission’s status is such that engine cranking is allowed (i.e. at a minimum, transmission is in neutral and the driveline is disengaged). As sender of this information, the transmission is responsible for correct indication immediately upon first broadcast of this parameter.

As with hard-wired neutral start implementations, those utilizing this parameter should consider the impact of the transmission or other controllers ‘resetting’ due to voltage drops during the engine start sequence.

The vehicle system design should also consider the impact of timing latency in the engine starting sequence. For example, the turn of an ignition key from ‘off’ to ‘start’ may happen more quickly than the transmission controller can boot up, determine its’ current state of being, and begin broadcasting information over the J1939 datalink.

00 - Cranking disabled; engine cranking is prohibited by the transmission
01 - Cranking enabled; engine cranking is allowed by the transmission
10 - Error
11 - Not available
2901ECU Part NumberThe part number of the physical ECU.
2902ECU Serial NumberThe serial number of the physical ECU.
2903ECU LocationThe location of the ECU within a network.
2904ECU TypeThe type of ECU. One example of a use of the ECU type could be for classifying ECU capabilities, such as I/O.
2905Transmission Range Clutch C7 Solenoid
2906Transmission Range Clutch C8 Solenoid
2907Transmission Axle Disconnect Clutch Valve Actuator
2908Transmission Boost Pressure Valve Actuator
2909Torque Converter Modulating Clutch Valve Actuator
2910Transmission PTO Clutch Valve Actuator
2911Halt brake switchSwitch signal which indicates the position of the halt brake switch.

00 Halt brake switch passive
01 Halt brake switch active
10 Error
11 Not available
2912Hill holder modeSignal which indicates the current mode of the hill holder function.

000 Inactive
001 Active
010 Active, but will change to inactive in a short time. (This mode may be used to warn the driver)
011 - 101 Reserved
110 Hill holder not functional
111 Not available
2913Halt brake modeSignal which indicates the current mode of the halt brake function.

000 Inactive
001 Active
010 Active, but not functioning properly. (This mode may be used to warn the driver)
011 - 101 Not defined
110 Halt brake not functional
111 Not available
2914XBR EBI ModeThe XBR EBI (Endurance Brake Integration) Mode is used as an input for the brake system to prescribe the use of endurance brakes like retarders or engine brakes.

00 - No Endurance Brake Integration allowed
The demanded acceleration must be realized by the brake system by using only the foundation brakes. During an active XBR request, the brake system must not actively demand brake torque from other braking devices like retarders or engine brakes.
01 - Only Endurance Brakes allowed
The demanded acceleration must be realized by the brake system by demanding brake torque from other brake devices like retarders or engine brakes. The foundation brake itself must not be used (e.g. to reduce brake lining wear).
10 - Endurance Brake Integration allowed
The demanded acceleration may be realized by the brake system by using the foundation brakes and/or by demanding brake torque from other brake devices like retarders or engine brakes.
11 - Not defined
2915XBR PriorityThe XBR Priority is used as an input to the brake system to manage the priority of overlapping external and internal requests.

00 - Highest priority – used for emergency situations, e.g. for future Collision Avoidance System. This mode overrides any brake protection measures of the brake system.
01 - High priority – not defined
10 - Medium priority – used for ACC-Systems. This mode does not override brake protection measures of the brake system.
11 - Low priority – used in ”override disabled” XBR Control Mode
2916XBR Control ModeThe XBR Control Mode is used as an input to the brake system and defines how the external acceleration demand has to be realized.

00 - Override disabled – Disable any existing control commanded by the source of this command.
01 - Acceleration control with addition mode - Add the XBR acceleration demand to the driver’s acceleration demand.
10 - Acceleration control with maximum mode - Execute the XBR acceleration demand if it is higher than the driver’s acceleration demand.
11 - Not defined
2917XBR System StateThis parameter indicates which external brake control is allowed.

00 - Any external brake demand will be accepted (brake system fully operational)
01 - Only external brake demand of highest XBR Priority (00) will be accepted (e.g. because the temperature limit of the brake system is exceeded)
10 - No external brake demand will be accepted (e.g. because of fault in brake system)
11 - not available
2918XBR Active Control ModeThis parameter indicates which XBR Control Mode is executed by the brake system.

0000 No brake demand being executed (default mode)
0001 Driver's brake demand being executed, no external brake demand
0010 Addition mode of XBR acceleration control being executed
0011 Maximum mode of XBR acceleration control being executed
0100 - 1110 Reserved for SAE assignment
1111 Not available
2919Foundation Brake UseThis parameter indicates if the brake system presently uses the foundation brakes.

00 Foundation brakes not in use
01 Foundation brakes in use
10 Reserved
11 Not available
2920External Acceleration DemandParameter provided to the brake system from external sources. This is the acceleration which the brake system is expected to realize. It is specified as an absolute acceleration in reference to the road. Positive values lead to increasing vehicle speed, negative values lead to decreasing vehicle speed. Note: Normally only the negative data range is used, but e.g. in case of downhill driving also positive values are possible.
2921XBR Acceleration LimitThe brake system may temporarily or generally limit the maximum brake performance available for external systems. A temporary limit may be nessary due to high brake temperature; a general limit may be defined by the vehicle manufacturer, e.g. a value of -2.5 m/s? due to liability reasons. The actual limit is communicated to the external systems that request braking. The limit is only effective in the XBR Priorities 01 to 11. It is specified as an absolute acceleration in reference to the road.
2922Steerable Lift Axle Lowering InhibitA signal which indicates if lowering of lifted axle is allowed or inhibited.

00 Lowering allowed
01 Lowering inhibited
10 Reserved
11 Not available
2923Status of Steering AxleA signal which indicates different states of the steering axle

0000 Axle steering not active (adhesion steering)
0001 Axle steering active
0010 Axle centered
0011 Axle centered, because of an error
0100 Axle not active because of an error (adhesion steering)
0101 Axle steering in special mode (diagnosis, calibration mode)
0110-1110 Reserved for SAE Assignment
1111 Not available
2924Steering TypeIndicates the different types of steering systems (ref. ECE Regulation 79 paragraph 2.5)

0000 Main steering system
0001 Auxiliary steering equipment
0010-1110 Reserved for Assignment by SAE
1111 Not Available

0000 Main steering system - The steering equipment of a vehicle which is mainly responsible for determining the direction of travel.

0001 Auxiliary steering equipment - A system in which the wheels on axle(s) of vehicles of categories M and N are steered in addition to the wheels of the main steering equipment in the same or opposite direction to those of the main steering equipment and/or the steering angle of the front and/or the rear wheels may be adjusted relative to vehicle behaviour.
2925Type of Steering ForcesType of Steering Forces (Ref. ECE Regulation 79 paragraph 2.5)

0000 Manual steering equipment
0001 Power assisted steering equipment
0010 Full power steering equipment
0011 Self tracking steering equipment
0100-1110 Reserved for SAE assignment
1111 Not Available

0000 Manual steering equipment - The steering forces result solely from the muscular effort of the driver.
0001 Power assisted steering equipment - The steering forces result from both the muscular effort of the driver and the energy supply or supplies.
0010 Full power steering equipment - The steering forces are provided solely by one or more energy supplies.
0011 Self tracking steering equipment - A system designed to create a change of steering angle on one or more wheels only when acted upon by forces and/or moments applied through the tire to road contact.
2926Type of Steering TransmissionType of Steering Transmission (Ref. ECE Regulation 79 paragraph 2.6)

0000 Purely mechanical steering transmission
0001 Purely hydraulic steering transmission
0010 Purely electric steering transmission
0011 Hybrid steering transmission
0100-1110 Reserved for SAE assignment
1111 Not available

0000 Purely mechanical steering transmission - A steering transmission in which the steering forces are transmitted entirely by mechanical means.
0001 Purely hydraulic steering transmission - A steering transmission in which the steering forces, somewhere in the transmission, are transmitted only by hydraulic means.
0010 Purely electric steering transmission - A steering transmission in which the steering forces, somewhere in the transmission, are transmitted only through electric means.
0011 Hybrid steering transmission - A steering transmission in which part of the steering forces is transmitted through one and the other part through another of the above mentioned means. However, in the case where any mechanical part of the transmission is designed only to give position feedback and is too weak to transmit the total sum of the steering forces, this system shall be considered to be purely hydraulic or purely electric steering transmission.
2927Actual Inner wheel steering angleSignal which indicates the actual inner wheel steering angle. The steering angle is the angle of wheel turn relative to the vehicle x-axis (yaw angle of inner wheel). See Figure SPN2927_A for explanation of positive and negative angles. This parameter is defined according to a Z-Down axis system and the sign of the value is in accordance to the right-hand rule, as specified in SAE J670. As specified in SAE J670, a Z-Down Axis System has positive X directed forward, positive Y to the right, and positive Z directed down.
2928Axle LocationTo identify to which of several similar devices (such as tires or fuel tanks) the information applies.

The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward).

The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle.

The value 0xFF indicates not available.

It is recommended that output devices add 1 to the position number (range 1 to 15, not 0 to 14) for use by drivers and service technicians.

Examples: Tire pressure for location 0x00 would be left front tire.

Tire pressure for location 0x23 would be right outside rear rear on a 3-axle tractor with dual axle per side (3rd axle, 4th tire).
2930Hydraulic Brake System Audible Warning CommandSignal which commands an audible warning by the hydraulic braking system.

00 Audible warning off
01 Audible warning on
10 Reserved
11 Don't care
2931Hydraulic Brake Fluid Level SwitchSignal which indicates whether the hydraulic fluid level in the reservoir(s) is sufficient.

00 Fluid level is not sufficient
01 Fluid level is sufficient
10 Error indicator
11 Not available
2932Valve StateThe measured state of the general purpose valve. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Blocked
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Floating
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2933Valve State CommandCommand for setting the general purpose valve state. With float enabled, hydraulic fluid may flow to or from the tractor as driven by the implement.

0000 Block
0001 Extend
0010 Retract
0011 Float
0100-1110 Reserved
1111 Don’t Care
2934Valve Fail Safe ModeCommand for setting the fail safe mode of a general purpose valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Reserved
11 Don’t Care
2935Valve Fail Safe Mode CommandThe measured state the fail safe mode of a general purpose valve.

00 Block
01 Float
10 Error
11 Not available
2936General Purpose Valve NumberA numeric identification of general hydraulic valve instance within a Device identified by a NAME
2937Extend Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2938Retract Port Measured FlowThe measured flow through the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2939Extend Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2940Retract Port Estimated FlowThe value reported by the controller of flow through the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2941Extend Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the extend port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2942Retract Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2943Return Port PressureThe measured nominal pressure at the return port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2944Port Flow CommandThe command to set the flow through the extend or retract port of an auxiliary valve of a tractor
2945Active Shift Console IndicatorSignal from transmission control unit indicating which shift console (primary or secondary) it currently considers as the active shift selector input.

00 Primary shift console is active
01 Secondary shift console is active
10 Reserved
11 Not available

Note: In some applications such as refuse trucks, the transmission can be operated from two positions in the vehicle. The transmission control unit will accept changes in transmission requested gear (SPN 525) from the operator only from the active shift console. The transmission control unit determines which shift console is active based on a switch input controlled by the operator and transmission system state criteria.
2946Engine Mixer Intake Relative HumidityThis is the measurement of the relative humidity of air after the aftercooler and before the mixer.
2947Engine Fuel Rack Position #2This is the position of the fuel rack #2. The method of measurement is not defined.
2948Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil PressureThe gage pressure of the oil in the hydraulic system that powers the engine intake valve actuation system
2949Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil Pressure Control Valve
2950Engine Intake Valve Actuator #1
2951Engine Intake Valve Actuator #2
2953Engine Intake Valve Actuator #4
2954Engine Intake Valve Actuator #5
2955Engine Intake Valve Actuator #6
2956Engine Intake Valve Actuator #7
2957Engine Intake Valve Actuator #8
2958Engine Intake Valve Actuator #9
2959Engine Intake Valve Actuator #10
2960Engine Intake Valve Actuator #11
2961Engine Intake Valve Actuator #12
2962Engine Intake Valve Actuator #13
2963Engine Intake Valve Actuator #14
2964Engine Intake Valve Actuator #15
2965Engine Intake Valve Actuator #16
2966Engine Intake Valve Actuator #17
2967Engine Intake Valve Actuator #18
2968Engine Intake Valve Actuator #19
2969Engine Intake Valve Actuator #20
2970Accelerator Pedal 2 Low Idle SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the state of the accelerator pedal 2 low idle switch. The low idle switch is defined in SAE J1843.

00 Accelerator pedal 2 not in low idle condition
01 Accelerator pedal 2 in low idle condition
10 Error
11 Not available

Note: Also refer to SPN 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch and SPN 2971 Accelerator Pedal 3 Low Idle Switch.
2971Accelerator Pedal 3 Low Idle SwitchSwitch signal which indicates the state of the accelerator pedal 3 low idle switch. The low idle switch is defined in SAE J1843.

00 Accelerator pedal 3 not in low idle condition
01 Accelerator pedal 3 in low idle condition
10 Error
11 Not available

Note: Also refer to SPN 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch and SPN 2970 Accelerator Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch.
2972Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Output 2
2973Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Output 3
2974Accelerator Pedal Position 2 Output 2
2975Accelerator Pedal Position 2 Output 3
2976Accelerator Pedal Position 3 Output 2
2977Accelerator Pedal Position 3 Output 3
2978Estimated Engine Parasitic Losses - Percent TorqueThe calculated torque that indicates the estimated amount of torque loss due to engine parasitics, such as cooling fan, air compressor, air conditioning, etc. It is expressed as a percent of Engine Reference Torque.

If there are multiple devices on a network that provide this parameter, then users of this data shall add each of these values to determine the total torque loss due to engine parasitics. Devices other than the engine that provide this parameter shall use the value of Engine Reference Torque transmitted by the engine during the current key cycle to determine the percent torque loss as seen by the engine.

When the data value of this parameter is equal to FB it means that all parasitic losses calculated by the engine are included in the Engine's Nominal Friction Percent Torque (SPN 514).

Note: Refer to section 5.2.1.
2979Vehicle Acceleration Rate Limit StatusStatus (active or not active) of the system used to limit maximum forward vehicle acceleration.

00 Limit not active
01 Limit active
10 Reserved
11 Not available

NOTE: The effects of emission control limits, such as engine exhaust smoke control, are specifically excluded; they are not considered to be part of a function to limit vehicle acceleration.
2980Engine Fuel Valve 1 Outlet Absolute PressureAbsolute Pressure of gas on outlet side of the first or only fuel system control valve. See SPN 3469 for the second fuel control valve.
2981Engine Secondary Coolant Circuit Coolant PressureThis is the pressure of the low temp (secondary circuit) coolant loop. This is in addition to the high temp tank (primary engine block circuit). A new parameter must be assigned to the secondary engine coolant loop for this 2 pump 2 loop system. See SPN 109 for the Engine Coolant Pressure of Loop 1.
2982Engine Secondary Coolant Circuit Coolant TemperatureThis is the temperature of the low temp (secondary circuit) coolant loop. This is in addition to the high temp tank (primary engine block circuit). A new parameter must be assigned to the secondary engine coolant loop for this 2 pump 2 loop system. See SPN 110 for Engine Coolant Temperature for engine coolant loop 1.
2983Clutch Life RemainingSignal which indicates the actual clutch life remaining in percent. One hundred percent means the clutch is brand new and zero percent means the clutch is at the end of its life.
2984Automatic traction help (load transfer)This signal enables the traction help (load transfer) in case of an active ASR function

00 Disable automatic traction help
01 Enable automatic traction help
10 Reserved
11 Don't care
2985Transmission Shift Selector Display Mode SwitchStatus of the operator’s switch used to ‘toggle’ through multiple display modes of a shift selector display.

When a shift selector display is capable of displaying more than just range information, this switch is toggled by the operator to move through the different display modes. If the selector has only two display modes, this switch may behave as a typical SPST switch. If the selector has more than two display modes, the switch may be momentary, where each activation indicates that the selector has scrolled through to the next subsequent display mode.

00 Off
01 On
10 Error
11 Not available
2986Engine Intake Valve Actuation System Oil TemperatureThe temperature of the oil in the hydraulic system that powers the intake valve actuation system.
2987Engine will not start, pre-lube system issueThe engine is not allowed to start due to pre-lube system issues.
2988Engine Coolant Diverter ValveA valve other than the engine coolant thermostat that changes the flow of coolant in an engine.
2989Combine separator speedSpeed of the Combine separator.
2991Tailings volumeTailings Elevator Volume measurement (as a percent of full). Zero percent represents empty.
2992Move reel forwardMove the platform reel toward the forward part of the machine.

00 Stop
01 Move
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2993Move reel aftMove the platform reel toward the back part of the machine.

00 Stop
01 Move
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2994Reel raiseRaise the platform reel.

00 Stop
01 Raise
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2995Reel lowerLower the platform reel.

00 Stop
01 Lower
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2996Header raise slowRaise the header (slow speed mode).

00 Stop
01 Raise
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2997Header lower slowLower the header (slow speed mode).

00 Stop
01 Lower
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2998Header raise fastRaise the header (fast speed mode).

00 Stop
01 Raise
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
2999Header lower fastLower the header (fast speed mode).

00 Stop
01 Lower
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3000Tilt header leftTilt the header down to the left.

00 Stop
01 Tilt
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3001Tilt header rightTilt the header down to the right.

00 Stop
01 Tilt
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3002Header foldFold the header in.

00 Stop
01 Fold
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3003Header unfoldUnfold the header.

00 Stop
01 Unfold
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3004Draper speed incrementIncrease speed of the draper.

00 Stop
01 Increase
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3005Draper speed decrementDecrease speed of the draper.

00 Stop
01 Decrease
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3006Reel speed incrementIncrease the platform reel speed.

00 Stop
01 Increase
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3007Reel speed decrementDecrease the platform reel speed.

00 Stop
01 Decrease
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3008Threshing clearance incrementIncrease threshing clearance.

00 Stop
01 Increase
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3009Threshing clearance decrementDecrease threshing clearance.

00 Stop
01 Decrease
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3010Threshing speed incrementIncrease threshing speed.

00 Stop
01 Increase
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3011Threshing speed decrementDecrease threshing speed.

00 Stop
01 Decrease
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3012Product fan speed incrementIncrease Product fan speed. The Product may be either the harvested crop material or the material being applied or handled.

00 Stop
01 Increase
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3013Product fan speed decrementDecrease Product fan speed. The Product may be either the harvested crop material or the material being applied or handled.

00 Stop
01 Decrease
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3015Implement fold downMove the implement down from travel to work position

00 Stop
01 Move
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3016Implement fold upMove the implement up from work to travel position.

00 Stop
01 Move
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3017RH header raiseRaise the right hand header of the system.

00 Stop
01 Raise
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3018LH header raiseRaise the left hand header of the system.

00 Stop
01 Raise
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3019Product fan engage modeEngage/disengage the (harvested or applied) Product fan. The Product may be either the harvested crop material or the material being applied or handled.

00 Disengage
01 Engage
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3020Augers engage modeEngage/disengage all the augers.

00 Disengage
01 Engage
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3021Product basket fill stateThe state of the capacity of the Product storage basket.

00 Not Full
01 Full
10 Error
11 Not Available
3022Augers enable modeEnable/disable all the augers.

00 Disable
01 Enable
10 Reserved
11 Don't care/take no action
3023Header height control modeHeader height controller engaged/disengaged.

00 Not Engaged
01 Engaged
10 Error
11 Not available
3024Header remote tether control modeTether control mode of the Product Handling system. Used for remote operator control of the headers.

00 Off
01 On
10 Error
11 Not available
3025Lubrication control modeLubrication control of the Product Handling system.

00 Off
01 On
10 Error
11 Not available
3026Transmission Oil Level 1 Measurement StatusMeasurement status for the first instance of a transmission oil level indicator. Indicates if conditions are acceptable to obtain a valid transmission oil level measurement as conveyed in SPN 124 Transmission Oil Level or SPN 3027 Transmission Oil Level 1 High / Low. If conditions are not acceptable, this parameter conveys to the operator what prevents conditions from being acceptable. Only one condition can be conveyed in this parameter at any given point in time. If multiple conditions exist, it is not important which condition is actually broadcast, as the driver must ‘correct’ each and every condition as it is presented before a valid oil level reading can be made. If multiple conditions exist that prevent a valid reading, the sender should broadcast one of those conditions until it is corrected; then the next condition can be conveyed to the operator, and so on.

0000 Conditions valid for transmission oil level measurement
0001 Conditions not valid – Settling timer still counting down
0010 Conditions not valid – Transmission in gear
0011 Conditions not valid – Transmission fluid temperature too low
0100 Conditions not valid – Transmission fluid temperature too high
0101 Conditions not valid – Vehicle moving; output shaft speed too high
0110 Conditions not valid – Vehicle not level
0111 Conditions not valid – Engine speed too low
1000 Conditions not valid – Engine speed too high
1001 Conditions not valid – No request for reading
1010 Not defined
1011 Not defined
1100 Not defined
1101 Conditions not valid - Other
1110 Error
1111 Not available
3027Transmission Oil Level 1 High / LowFirst instance of a transmission oil level indicator. Conveys the amount of current volume of transmission sump oil compared to recommended volume. Positive values indicate overfill. Zero means the transmission fluild is filled to the recommended level.

Parameter Specific Indicator:
A value of 0xFB indicates conditions are not acceptable for a valid fluid level measurement.
3028Transmission Oil Level 1 Countdown TimerCountdown timer for the first instance of a transmission oil level indicator. Once all vehicle conditions (such as vehicle stopped, etc) are met, some transmissions may require a ‘settling time’ to allow the fluid level to normalize. This parameter indicates how much of the required settling time remains. When time reaches 0, a valid oil level measurement value will be broadcast in SPN 3027 Transmission Oil Level 1 High / Low.

0000 less than 1 minute
0001 One minute
0010 Two minutes
0011 Three minutes
0100 Four minutes
0101 Five minutes
0110 Six minutes
0111 Seven minutes
1000 Eight minutes
1001 Nine minutes
1010 Ten minutes
1011 Eleven minutes
1100 Twelve minutes
1101 Thirteen minutes
1110 Error
1111 Not Available
3029Engine Start Inhibited, Pre-lube System IssueThe engine oil pre-lube system will not allow the engine to start.
3030Transmission Torque Converter RatioRatio of the transmissions torque converter output torque to torque converter input torque at current speed.

The ratio of 1.000 ( 03 E8 hex ) indicates torque converter lockup.
If the ratio is less than 1 and the ratio can not be properly determined it shall be set to a value of FB00 hex.
Ratios above 1 indicate torque converter multiplication.
3031Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank TemperatureTemperature of the diesel exhaust fluid in the storage tank.
3032Right Brake Pedal PositionRatio of the right brake pedal position to maximum right brake pedal position. 0% means no braking. The maximum of this (Right Brake Pedal Position) and SPN 3033 (Left Brake Pedal Position) should be transmitted as SPN 521 (Brake Pedal Position). For applications with only one brake pedal use SPN 521.
3033Left Brake Pedal PositionRatio of the left brake pedal position to maximum left brake pedal position. 0% means no braking. The maximum of this (Left Brake Pedal Position) and SPN 3032 (Right Brake Pedal Position) should be transmitted as SPN 521 (Brake Pedal Position). For applications with only one brake pedal use SPN 521.
3034DM22 Control Byte - Individual DTC Clear/Reset Control ByteDM22 Control byte is used to identify the function being performed by this message.

A numeric indication of the message function and content within the Individual DTC Clear message. The interpretation of these values are shown in the table below.

Control Byte Values Individual DTC Clear / Reset Control Byte
00 Reserved for SAE Assignment
01 Request to Clear/Reset a Specific Previously Active DTC
02 Positive Acknowledge of Clear/Reset of a Specific Previously Active DTC
03 Negative Acknowledge of Clear/Reset of a Specific Previously Active DTC
04 to 16 Reserved for SAE Assignment
17 Request to Clear/Reset a Specific Active DTC
18 Positive Acknowledge of Clear/Reset of a Specific Active DTC
19 Negative Acknowledge of Clear/Reset of a Specific Active DTC
20 to 254 Reserved for SAE Assignment
255 Not Available
3035DM22 - Control Byte Specific Indicator For Individual DTC ClearDM22 parameter which is the Negative Acknowledge Indicator For Individual DTC Clear.

A numeric value with interpretation that is specific to the Control Byte Value within the Individual DTC Clear message. For DM22 Control Byte Values 3 and 19 will have Negative Acknowledge Indicators defined as follows:

Value Negative Acknowledge Indication
00 General Negative Acknowledge
01 Access Denied (Security Denied Access)
02 Diagnostic Trouble Code unknown/does not exist
03 Diagnostic Trouble Code no longer Previously Active
04 Diagnostic Trouble Code no longer Active
05 to 254 Reserved for SAE Assignment
255 Not Available
3036DM22 - SPNDM22 the SPN of the DTC to Clear.
3037DM22 - FMIDM22 the FMI of the DTC to Clear.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator LampThis parameter provides the capability to flash the MIL

00 - Slow Flash (1 Hz, 50 % duty cycle)
01 - Fast Flash (2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle)
10 - Class C DTC
11 - Unavailable / Do Not Flash

Note: State 10 is for WWH OBD discriminatory display systems, not applicable for other OBD non-discriminatory display systems.
3038Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp